The Anunnaki Discovery Who are the Anunnaki? Who Is Lilith?

The Annunaki Discovery Who are the Annunaki? Who is Lilith?
The Annunaki Discovery Who are the Annunaki? Who is Lilith?


Anunnaki Discovery Who Are The Anunnaki?

The  annunaki discovery. Who Are The Anunnaki? Who is Lilith? According to the Sumerian tablets found in the 1920s. Which they kept secret from us for a long time.

Anunnaki were the Sumerian gods. That came from the sky. According to the banned book of Enoch from the bible. Lilith was Adam’s first wife. As I have said before, and I will say it again. The government has been keeping deep hard-core secrets from us for thousands of years.

In this article, you will find out why the government had to keep all this a secret. So that we would not turn against them. There are real mad scientists out there working for the government.

Thus, the Anunnaki are from Nibiru according to The Lost Book of Enki. Whom the Sumerians claim to be their Gods. Said to be from the planet “Nibiru. Also, according to The Book of Enoch from the bible.

Adam had two wives the first one was Lilith. Genesis 1:27 And God made both Male and Female. It was later that God pulled Eve out of Adam’s rib after Lilith left him for Satan. Why?

Remember that in the bible it says that Eve said the serpent beguiled me. However, that was not Eve, that was Lilith. Who had Cain and left Adam thinking he was God. She was the one that said she was beguiled by Satan at first.


Book Of Enoch



When King James had the Bible revised. Moreover, the bible scholars that King James hired to revise it, removed a lot of biblical scriptures. Including other biblical scriptures, they did not want us to know about.

The other was The Book of Tobit. That is in the Catholic bible now. Furthermore, as for the fallen angels, they are the aliens as we know them to look right now.

Since they lost their wings and angelic form. And they had a thousand years lifespan now or more. In fact they chose to live in outer space once they built their first flying machine or space ship, UFO.

To go back to planets they used to visit where they knew there were other resources to help them recreate what they lost. And as we all know. If you are living in space for hundreds of years you will soon start looking like them as well.

Because in space there is no gravity. Thus making you lose muscle mass and look like they look like now. Did that make sense? Sure. They used to look like us and living in space made them look weaker and smaller. But their knowledge is far beyond ours because they were angelic at one time.

And you know now that the Nephilim were part angelic. And that is what made them so much bigger and better than us. Men of renown with great strength, and stature, able to lift tons of rock. Guess who built the pyramids? They did.


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In addition, they were living an eternal life. But their sin against god cursed them too. As the snake had to crawl on its belly. So they were not able to transform themselves back into their angelic form.

Therefore, the watchers were no longer able to turn back into their angelic form. So, they became stuck in the flesh. That was after they mated with the women. And all kinds of animals on Earth. This is how the Giant lizard, T-Rex. Plus, all other dinosaurs.

They all became giants, besides the Nephilim. That is something I studied in a documentary. I researched the Project Blue Book as well. The Annunaki were the Sumerian gods that came from the sky.

Most live to be a thousand years old or more. They were the ones according to the Sumerian tablets were the ones who helped create us in God’s image.

On the other hand, the watchers were the 200 of Satan’s angels who also decided to intermingle with the daughters of men. Thus became cursed by God losing their angelic form.

In the book of Enoch, they are called the watchers because they were the ones who watched over us, to serve and protect. But became jealous also and joined Satan in his revolt against God.

They felt that since they were Angels, why would they be serving us? Instead, they want us to serve them and pray to them. But they can die if killed or by accident. like the dead, they found after the alien crash in 1947. That happened in Roswell New Mexico.


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I’ve seen the autopsy video. One of them getting their organs removed. It might have been fake or real. But it came out on YouTube around 2003. Some say it’s a hoax.

But it was a video that leaked out to the public as proof from a whistle-blower. These aliens have already invaded planet Earth thousands of years ago.

Why are people saying they are waiting for the Anunnaki to come back? Some are mistaking the Nephilim giants for the fallen ones. Correction, The fallen ones are the watchers according to The Book of Enoch.

The Nephilim are the sons of the watchers who according to Genesis 6:4. The watchers were the sons of God according to verse 4, not the Nephilim.


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The Nephilim giants were born from the Watchers.  But in the Lost Book of Enki. Humanity’ was created with clay and the blood of a slain God. The slain God was an alien of course.

And I truly believe it. Because it all makes sense why they could not find the missing link. This is saying we are part alien and human. But where did humans come from? As I have said before. They started experiments with animals, human, and their DNA.

Big Foot was one of them. What better missing link would be better than Big Foot? No other looks like a human in the face except Big Foot. I rest my case. We did not come from monkeys.

Big Foot is another one of their experiments from somewhere else. They brought Big Foot to Earth to protect their territory like soldiers would do for ours.


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Thus, this is why Big Foot is considered a God as well. Because he is part alien and human. The Sumerians considered all aliens as gods. But in the Psalms. It says in Psalms: 82:6. I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are the children of the most high.

That means we are gods in the flesh.  However, they said the Annunaki left the Earth and are waiting for their return. They never left!  They subsequently, made the Earth their home. Because it was impossible to back to their planet. After whatever destruction happened to it.


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and made them work hard labor helping to build the temple of God, carving stones.

These aliens were the ones from Mars. Now we are trying to create an atmosphere for Mars in the future. How about that? Sounds kind of fishy huh? As usual, the government is always making secret space mission plans that we have not even been told about yet.

But thanks to whistle-blowers like me slowly but surely it will all get exposed. According to the Zulu tribe’s history. The moon was placed here by the lizard people.  I have also seen hieroglyphics of lizard people shaking hands with the Mayan Indians as well.

Moreover, this to them was their snake, God. They treated aliens like Gods in those days. And formed their dynasty of cultural deities and some became Kings.

Therefore,  the Anunnaki were the ones who taught the Sumerians. How to farm and become a great civilization. Of course, these angels are the watchers according to the book of Enoch. And the reason they banned the book of Enoch from the bible scriptures.

Was because they did not want us to know the truth. The people worshiped them as gods for their incredible knowledge and technological advances.

There are still those who do not believe because they are spiritually blind. And those who do believe with an open mind. Those who do not believe they should keep their boring opinions to themselves.

The Bible speaks of the wicked. And how you will know them by the fruits of the spirit. Because everything that comes out of their mouth is negative and never positive. 

But that does not matter. Because someone has already blown the whistle on the gov. That they Have real live aliens underground sharing their technologies with us. Or should I say with the Gov. We have been left out in the cold? Without knowing, what else is going on?


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And the government has been creating these chemical attacks on America resulting in this pandemic. And now targeting children with the RVS flu.

Where did that come from? Hmmm. Will soon find out the truth and what else they are concocting for our civilization.

Thus pay attention to the news and the sky. Read between the lines sort of speak. Use your intuition and logic. We have the power to figure things out. The ability is there.

However, all we need to do is open our minds. To the understanding of things and comprehend what they are. But that is what God’s curse did to the fallen ones.

For seducing the women of earth against God’s word and his laws. He warned them not to mingle with mankind. It is like putting out a sign “not to step on the grass”.


The Anunnaki Discovery

Like curious children, they did it anyway, to see what it feels like. That is the case on many occasions with people as well. Henceforth transforming them by the curse into what they are now. Into little puny-looking ant people. But their offspring became giants. Called the Nephilim.

Also, they were no longer able to turn back into their angelic form. ‘Remember also that God told the serpent, From” now ‘on will crawl on its belly. ‘This means that the serpent used to have wings. ‘And flew from tree to tree. 

They became stuck in the flesh. And, this is why aliens are so advanced. Working with magnetic electro-magnetic propulsion. As in flying saucers. ‘This would give them the wings they needed to ‘continue from tree to tree.

Have you ever taken two magnets to let them snap together? ‘If you flip them the opposite way, they push against each other? It is what you call reverse polarity.

Now imagine how simple that sounds and it’s not that complicated. “Imagine a motorized magnetic field. Where there is an up and down switch, button. Or; throttle for velocity, speed, and reverse. 

When; they found the alien spacecraft. They reverse-engineered them. ‘Thus, creating their flying saucers. And when I say them, I mean the Government. Now they have done reverse engineering and figured out how to build flying saucers.

‘But, not quite the same. We, do not have a cloaking device, and ours has sound to it. ‘I have seen a video of one already. They have the jet sound to them. But the real alien spacecraft are silent, with no sound. And have the cloak of invisibility.

Then why not build a self-excite magnetic field flying saucer? ‘Of course, the generators would need a little jump start like a battery. Remember how they used to jump-start cars in the 20s? ‘With a tool cranking device, you turned to make the motor jump start.

Even now, to ‘start’ a ‘moto, you need a battery. ‘If you remove the terminal connections from the battery. The car will still keep on running. Would be like pulling the rope on a lawnmower to start it.

Because the alternator generates electricity by itself once started. Even airplanes got jumped started as well.


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By swinging the wings to turn them fast enough to self-start. ‘It will continue to run, like a car ‘running’ without the terminals connected to the battery.

The Annunaki Discovery Who Are The Annunaki? Who Is Lilith? The Annunaki were the Sumerian gods that came from the sky. Thus, It keeps running because of the generator until you run out of gas or turn it off.  However, some of us do not know that you can also run free energy with a car generator and DC motor to self-excite.

All you need is a rope to wrap around the rod and pull to turn the rod fast. And Walla. ‘That is what reverse magnetic propulsion is. ‘Imagine, the Earth is already one big giant magnet.

Another giant magnet on the bottom of a spacecraft would keep it floating. ‘Using the reverse side of its polarity. ‘They’ even invented the flying car in 2006 at a Paris car show. Until they ‘were all finally discontinued. Because of a few accidents. Subsequently, It was not ‘perfected yet. ‘But I bet It cost a pretty penny.


The bottom of the car was one giant magnet platform bed from front to back. ‘With supercharged rocket propulsion. That’s why it sounded like a jet engine when it took off. ‘But at a slow speed because the demonstration was in a showroom.

This is at a fast speed. ‘And’ I will ‘say’ this again. Why? is our government keeping so many secrets from us? This is why. They are all involved in the Illuminati’s secret society to control conquer and confuse like the pyramid on the back of the dollar bill.

It is a talisman that is in the book of King Solomon’s magical seals. As for the Annunaki. They were the angelic army of Satan and because of God’s curse upon them, they were no longer able to return to their angelic form with wings.

This is why they created spaceships. And now you why they look the way they do. Have an open mind before you knock on what I am revealing here. ‘Read on and you will soon get the truth ‘out of it all.


The Book Of Enoch & Giants
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They call them Annunaki. In addition, the aliens were also called the watchers. Described in the Book of Enoch. That was also banned from the bible.

The watchers were the ones who were the sons of God who took human form to mate with men’s daughters. Genesis 6:4. There were giants on the earth in those days. And also, afterward when the sons of God came into the daughters of men.

And bare children to them. Those were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown. Who became pregnant and their children became giants. Called the Nephilim. Someone said that the sons of Anak were from the Nephilim.

Numbers 13:33 There we saw the huge giants (the descendants of Anak that came from the giants), and we were like grasshoppers in our sight, and so we were in their sight.”. The King James version of the bible is that it is a revised version of the original scriptures. And misinterpreted in some parts.

So the descendants of Anak were the Nephilim, not the other way around. Anak is short for Anunnaki. Some people take the bible literary. And cannot see the spiritual interpretation of it.

And the Nephilim were their offspring. So he got it twisted and turned it around. Anak did not come from Nephilim. Anak is short for Annunaki. They misinterpreted the bible because they have no spiritual edification. In other words, they are spiritually blind.

They were the Annunaki. The first Nephilim was from Satan himself. His name was Cain. Abel’s brother. Remember that it says in the bible that Eve said to Adam that God gave her a man-child.

But once again according to the book of Enoch. The one who got pregnant by Satan was Adam’s first wife Lilith. Abel was Eve’s son.


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If Lilith only had a baby, why not say God gave me a baby instead of a man-child? Genesis 1:27 So, God created man in his image. In the image of God created he him male and female created he them.

This means the baby was born and grew at an accelerated rate. And by a few hours or so he became a grown man. The reason why is because he was part angelic and human. He was the first Nephilim. Afterwards in

Genesis 6:1-2 And it came to pass, when the men began to multiply on the face of the Earth, and daughters of were born unto them. That the sons of God saw the daughters of men, that they were fair: and they took them wives of all which they chose.

Genesis 6:4 There were giants in the Earth in those days; and also after that. When the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men. And they bare children to them. The same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.

That is the only explanation for God giving me a man-child. use your logic it’s simple to recognize the difference and know between a baby to a man.

Here is a story I love to read over and over again. That was also banned from the bible. And it is because it contains magical instructions. From the book of Tobit found in the Catholic Bible. The gull of the fish he pulled out of the water that grabbed his leg was to cure his father’s blindness.

And the liver burned as incense to drive the demon out of the bride’s chamber. For Raphael, the archangel to capture the demon and imprison him. The Annunaki Discovery Who Are The Annunaki? Who Is Lilith? The Annunaki were the Sumerian gods that came from the sky.

Here is proof. That we were taught wrong. When they said that magic is evil. But they lied to keep us under control with magic. No, it is the person who gives it a bad name that makes it evil. The same as the love of money is the root of all evil. Not the money itself.

Now you have to remember that around that time the bible was being re-written. it was the time when they were burning witches at the stake. Healers, philosophers, and inventors to them were witches in those days. Subsequently, that is why these scriptures were witchcraft to them. 

Since it was a magical potion. Created for an evil demon. So, he could get caught by the archangel Raphael. Posing as a guide to lead Tobit to his destiny.

The book of Tobit is only in the Catholic bible. Thought I would share that little bit of info with you. About the book of Tobit in the Catholic bible. Okay, let me tell you at least part of the story of Tobit. As I can remember. In those days they would marry within families like cousins and so on.


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And Tobit had a female cousin who had a demon that was possessive over here. And would not let any man have sex with her after marriage. They would fall dead once they entered the bridal chamber.

This was happening to a few other men in her life as well. So, God sent Raphael to protect Tobit from this demon. ‘Because his father sent him to his uncle’s house to marry the damsel in distress. Raphael makes the trip to Media with Tobit.

When Tobit dangled his feet over the river bank. He got attacked by a large fish. Raphael orders him to seize it and remove its gall, heart, and liver. The liver was to be burned as incense. And the gall for his father to receive his eyesight.

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the veiled truths about our ancient history, fallen angels, and Nephilim

Thus, Tobit marries Sarah and uses the fish’s gall to rub into his father’s eyes. To cure his blindness. And the heart and liver to drive Asmodeus out of the bridal chamber. Returning to Nineveh with his wife and his father’s money,

Tobit rubs the fish’s gall into his father’s eyes and cures him. Finally, Raphael reveals his true identity and returns to heaven. Tobit then utters his beautiful hymn of praise.

But, let me let you in on a little secret. I figured out what that fish was that grabbed Tobit by the feet. His legs were dangling in the water by the banks.

When this giant fish grabbed his leg and tried to pull him down. Now if you think about what kind of large fish live around the bottom of the side banks of a river.

It would be a large catfish protecting her eggs of course. They grab children and drown them. There you have it. I speak of the demon Asmodeus in one of my other posts. King Solomon’s Testament. You can read about all 72 demons from the book.


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Thus, I have read the Bible’ almost twice. The second time I stopped on the last book of the Old Testament “Malachi. In the last chapter: ‘4:1. It says. 1. The day of judgment is certain to come.

And it will be like a red-hot furnace, with flames that burn up proud and sinful people as though they were straw. Not a branch or root will be left. I, the lord’ have spoken.

This to me, sounds like a nuclear war. Or getting hit by a comet or asteroid. However, it says in Mathew: That’ all Jesus’s followers came to him and ask when is this going to come to pass. But for those who are ‘God’s’ precious chosen. It will not affect us. ‘We will be ‘protected by God. 

Moreover, Jesus quoted that as it were in the days of Noah. So, will it be before his second coming? The Sumerians tell their story of Noah. Here is one of my videos on YouTube of The First Tablets.

Thus, In the beginning, there was a watery mist in the air that’ was ‘blocking the sun’s rays. There was no summer or winter at that time. Because the Earth had no moon at the time.

And without the moon, we would not have the 4 seasons we have now. It was all a steady cool climate all year round, which I would not mind myself. And there were no animals or humans yet until life began after the moon was placed.

They called it the ‘Earth’s upper atmosphere, the firmament of the sky. Genesis: 1:2. And God said, “Let there be a vault between the waters to separate the water from water. Afterward, the moon was placed in a perfect orbit. To give the night light. Genesis: 1:9.


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The ultraviolet rays from the ‘sun’ in those days would make everything grow bigger. That is why Adam was a very big man around 16 feet tall.

Because the heavy clouds were blocking the sun’s radioactive rays. When everything was created.

They even mingled with the animals and created giant lizards, birds, and reptiles known as dinosaurs, including creatures from the ocean. All these creatures were created by the watchers. Humans were here first. Don’t let them tell you that lie that we came from monkeys either.

Don’t believe that story that dinosaurs were here first then humans. It all happened all at once. After Adam’s creation with Cain being Satan’s son instead of Eve’s. According to the book of Enoch Adam two wives the first one named Lilith.

Lilith was the one who said to Adam. That God gave her a man-child. Why would she say a man-child? Because he grew at an exhilarated speed he grew into a man within hours.

Now you know who created those dinosaurs. The aliens are also known as the watchers. The Grigori angels of Satan. And they were the 200 fallen angels. They joined and revolted against God. And his creation. To replace them with Satan’s race of giants. They were, called the Nephilim.


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It says it in the standard version bible. Genesis: 4:6. The watchers are the sons of God. We are, ‘God’s creation as the sons and daughters of men. The sons of God came down unto the daughters of men. And they seduced the daughters of men.

To take wives for themselves. And God said, “Let the water under the sky will I gathered to one place, and let the dry ground appear. And so it was. God called the dry ground “land”. And the gathered waters seas.

And God saw that it was good. ‘This’ means before the moon and sun were ‘created. The Earth; was void of light. It makes sense. If there is no moon, or if there was a moon at first, there would not be a reflection of the sun.

Since the earth at the time was void of light. Do you know what crossed my mind? What if the moon was not put in place with the Earth at the same time?

It seems that the moon got p; placed at the right spot where the moon cast a perfect eclipse in front of the Sun. I spoke about this in one of my other posts. The moon is hollow. Nasa kept it a secret from us for a long time. 

This is how they found out. They let shuttles of space debris crash into the moon. And they heard a giant bell sound like a giant bong for hours. Thus, declaring it an unnatural satellite, not natural and not solid.

Thus, it would not have rung’ like a bell. And, anything is possible for those who try connecting with the universe as well. There is a thing called being one in all. And all in one. We are capable; of doing that because we are the magi of this Earth.


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We too have gifts and special powers that we do not know of yet. But I do. We ‘are conditioned to not believe in the supernatural. But we also have an inner third eye, that people do not know about it yet.

We have also been told that magic is evil. I have news for you. King Solomon was a great magical wizard of God. You see it is not magic that is evil. It’s the same as the love of money. Magic belongs to God.

All the power we and Satan have belongs to God. So it is the way you use magic. This is why they hid the book of Tobit from you as well. It is in the galactic bible. Not magic itself. I hope you understand what I am talking about.

Just to let you know. In the book of Tobit the archangel Raphael told him to burn the liver of a fish. For Raphael to catch the demon and imprison him. The gallbladder is used to heal his father’s blindness.

Now that is magic most positively. For fighting fire with fire and healing. Read the book of Tobit and you will see that magic was used in the bible as well.

And I will clarify it differently. Let’s say this. If you are a wicked person, you will use it for your gain and destruction because of jealousy and greed.

And this is exactly the reason why King Solomon told his son Roboam, to hide his secrets in his tomb when he passes. Unless you are a good person you would use it for healing purposes and your protection. Ahh. that’s it.

They do not want us to know how to protect ourselves. Because they want to be the only ones using King Solomon’s magical seals. To overpower and control us.

The way they are controlling us is through their geometrical symbols. That they created on the back of the dollar bill. Again I said this in one of my other posts.

The pyramid is a representation of one of King Solomon’s magical seals to confuse and control according to the book of King Solomon’s Key and Magical Seals.

How I know this is because I had the book already for over 40 years. It is a precious piece of writing from King Solomon who gave specific orders to his son Roboam. To hide, his secret key and seals with him when he passes away.


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You see God gave us the power to protect ourselves. But we don’t know about it because all we were taught was math and English. And a bunch of malarkey lies about our history. There is a verse that says God helps those who help themselves.

Arm yourself with the whole armor of God. You have to fight fire with fire when people do these psychic attacks upon you. It is out there,  witches truly exist in the worst way.

There are many wicked people out there using magic for their evil desires. We have to learn how to protect ourselves with prayer and fire. We have to know how to do the good and the bad to protect ourselves. Not to do destruction.

The Bible says to light your candle. That one I will take literally because that is what it meant. They changed the meaning to confuse us. Light a white candle and pray. Nothing wrong with that.

Those who are wicked never live a long life though.  Another verse says give and you shall receive. Take and it shall be taken from you 7 times greater. Wow. It’s like Karma you know. Whatever you do will come back to you. Whether good or evil.

Tell me where do dreams come from? Were we reborn into this world from another past life we had? Given another chance to prove ourselves worthy of God’s acceptance?

You see I know we can’t make it to heaven if we don’t prove ourselves to God. The next level would be the Godhead level. That is something I believe is possible.

There is a verse in the bible that says. In Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ which strengthened me. And Matthew 5:48 Be thou perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect. Only through him can you be perfect. But back to the moon.


The Annunaki Discovery 

It is not a natural satellite, it is an artificial satellite. There are still those that say it is part of the earth. But they found alloy material and minerals there that do not grow on Earth.

So this could not be part of the Earth. This was NASA explaining the minerals and metals and moon dust that they collected.

It is also said that the moon got steered in place by some intelligence. Then there was light at night beside the seasonal climate. It is an artificially made or alien-made structure?

I also heard in a documentary that the moon was placed in perfect orbit between us and the sun. To create the perfect eclipse.

The Zulu people’s history says that they were guided here by the reptilian people. However, I am still studying that topic deeper to gather more information on it.

That’s right I said it. The moon is an artificial satellite. It does not say that in the bible. But later on, discovered by NASA’s second-stage rocket that they let fall onto the surface of the moon.

During the Apollo 12 and 13 mission. And they said it sounded like a large king-size bong or bell. That kept ringing, reverberating for hours. Scientists concluded that the moon is hollow. And the astronauts brought back samples of metal and iron scrapings. From the ground.

The moon dust on their suits had a sulfur smell like gunpowder they said. to them. And was deteriorating the boots like a sandblaster. And their boots were wearing out slowly but surely. They also claimed to have seen UFOs parked nearby. And some flying around before they landed.



In one of my other posts, I did say I wanted to talk about bigfoot and I decided to squeeze it in here somewhere. Here is my point about the missing link. Well, they have been talking about the missing link for years now.

Whoever thought that Bigfoot would be the missing link? Only I would think that. But there might be some out there who think like me.

Let me tell you how I know that Bigfoot is the missing link. I have been searching around for that kind of information. For years trying to learn about the life of bigfoot and where they came from. The females have hair all over their faces, but the males do not have hairy faces. As far as I have seen with my own eyes.

The one I saw in a documentary had a jet-black face, with a certain innocent curious look in his eyes. This is why some people did not shoot at him. Because his face looked so much like a human face, not an ape face.

To me, he looked like an incredible hawk with a majestic look on his entire face. Like looking at some kind of alien angel. But it is part angelic that I am sure of. How else would he disappear out of sight in a blink of an eye? There are some cryptids out there that do the same.

My theory is that there is no other ape that looks more human from the face than Bigfoot”. This is how I know. I saw a documentary video called Discovering Bigfoot.

And it is on YouTube right now if you want to watch it. Let me tell you something. I had never seen his face till I saw the video of him in a close-up shot.

He was like 30 yards from him with a 35 mm. camera zooming right into his face behind the bushes. He was very hard to spot because he was jet-black.

But you can see him through some branches blinking his eyes with curiosity. Thus, the cameraman was laying down camouflage well. Bigfoot was trying to figure out who or what he was while peaking at him through the bushes.

His face was majestic looking. I swear I was looking at a face that looked like “the incredible hawk”.  Even his face was jet black I could see his features and eyes blinking and the large eyebrow and lips. All human-like features.


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To say that we came from chimps or gorillas is an insult to us and them. Bigfoot is a whole lot smarter than Gorillas and has incredible strength and powers. And can vanish without a trace fast. Let me tell you why.

They are alien DNA hybrids. Like Nephilim but with five fingers, not six. This is why we have been blessed with a spiritual awakening. Along with clairvoyant readers, philosophers, prophets, healers esp., etc. Need I say more?

Here is another secret I figured out on my own. Bigfoots were’ placed here by aliens. As guards to protect their territory from intruders. This is why they are so strong.

So I would not doubt it one bit that bigfoot DNA with us resulted in how we look now. Not hairy but partially’ hairy. This was way back at the beginning of the creation when bigfoot existed before humans did.

We must be part alien and bigfoot. Sounds chaotic but to me, that is the only explanation of who the real missing link is.

Adam & Lilith

Back to our story about the beginning. After the creation of man and woman. There is something else we were not told about Adam and his first wife Lilith. Oh, yes, I went there. I have to. It is the truth. 

Also in Genesis: 1:27. So God created man in his image. In the image of God, he created them both: male and female he created them.

He did not yet say. He pulled Eve out of Adam’s rib. That was his second wife. Because Lilith was the one deceived by Satan at first.


Adam’s first  Wife Lilith

To my knowledge. And according to how the bible has been rewritten. The apple sort of thing about the tree of the knowledge of good and evil is false. It was not an apple tree.

Lilith had to have ‘been’ drugged to seduce her. Because it may have been the only way to get her to believe that Satan was God. Because he transformed himself to look like God.

But the drug most likely made him look more beautiful. So that is why she mistook Satan for God. But later it was too late because she became his and like him, evil.

She got infected by God’s curse and became a cannibalistic child eater. Have you ever seen the movie Jeepers Creepers 2? Well, imagine that being her. Snatching kids and people from the ground.

And this is why she told Adam that God gave her a man-child. So it seems like Satan told her he was God. Impersonating God.

When Cain left that morning after he was born he went straight to get the plant she ate. And brought it back to her. With the cocaine leaves on it of course.

So they named him Cain. Again this is my theory but it makes more sense and is more convincing’ to me’ than the apple, story. That means only Satan could have told him about the plant.

Thus, he would be the one to tell him to take it to her as a gift. Now all this is about Lilith being’ written In the Book Of Enoch if you want to read it for yourselves.


The Book Of Enoch

Now you know why Cain killed his brother. Because of Satan’s influence as his father. And of course, Evil was already in his blood. Jealousy, envy, and hate are all part of that evil. The plan to kill off God’s chosen started right there.

However, they revised the bible remember to make it seem like it was Eve. To hide the truth from the people. So remember when it said that Adam was alone? That was after Lilith left him for Satan.

Satan must have had a powerful love spell on her or he gave her the right kind of stuff she kept craving for more. Cocaine! Let me prove why I figured it was cocaine. 

Let’s start at the beginning of the bible about why God told them they would surely die if they ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

Now let’s do some research as to what drug plant can kill you if you eat it. My research goes back a few years to the 70s. When I saw a documentary of the gov. experimenting with monkeys and cocaine.

They put a plate of food on one side of his cage and a plate of cocaine on the other plate. And guess which one he kept going to till he died? Cocaine of course that is the answer I said.

Cocaine will kill you if you do not eat. You would be starving to death without knowing it because it would numb your hunger pains get it? And it being a controlled substance, it is a powerful addictive drug a lot of people have died from already. Need I say more?

Lilith left him to join Satan as her husband. This was her first love and Satan had a powerful spell on her already.

Since that was the first child she had from him. Later she had more I am sure. And of course, he had that kind of power over her at the time before God took his angelic form away from him as well.

Why would she call a baby a man-child and not a baby? Use your logic. It’s simple. The baby was born and grew at such an accelerated speed that by morning he was already a full-grown man.

And came back home with the branch to give to Lilith. Thus this makes him the first Nephilim born from Satan. This is why the rest of the 200 of his fallen angels wanted to do the same thing. Genesis: 6:4. But why was he named Cain?

Think why they named him Caine. Since that is how the bible ‘was revised and translated. Why not cocaine? Use your mind. She had to have eaten from the cocaine plant.


The Annunaki Discovery 

The leaves can ‘be eaten. And will give you the same feelings of irresistible sexual pleasure. I did my research on it of course. So why could not that be the tree of good and evil? Cocaine does kill. Sounds more convincing to me than the freaking apple.

I mean what can an apple do for you besides keeping the doctor away by eating an apple a day? Who made up that one lol. But that is my theory. You do not have to believe it. God works in mysterious ways.

The Knights Templar went underground to defeat their enemies and they succeeded. Not only did they get Leonardo Da Vinci to make up secret geometrical paintings.

Of them being the offspring of Jesus. But also helped in revising the bible for King James. They were the ones who discovered King Solomon’s secret Key and Seals. Including his treasure.

Thus, the Masons used to be the knight Templar. And the Knights Templar claimed to be Jesus’ descendants. Jesus said in Mathew: 24:23-27. Then if any man will say unto you, Lo here is Christ, or there: believe it not.

For there will arise false Christ and false prophets. And will show great signs and wonders. Insomuch that, if it were possible, they would deceive the very elect. 

Behold, I have told you before. Wherefore if they will say unto you. Behold he is in the desert: go not forth: behold, he is in secret chambers: believe it not. For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shinned even unto the west: So, will the coming of the son of man be.

There are two kinds of people everywhere no matter what race they are. Good and evil. The evil is Cain’s descendants. The good is from Abel’s descendants.

That means we are part Anunnaki and Cain’s descendants are part Grigori, the watchers. As for Christ’s descendants that I spoke about, that is another story. Which I am going to get into in the new future in another post.

However, that ‘being said. We must keep an open spiritual eye for things to come and signs of the end. Open your third eye sort of speak. Be not closed-minded. But open-minded to clarify your mind and the false things that we have ‘been taught about history.


The Anunnaki

Moreover in Genesis: 4:1-4. And it came to pass when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them. 2. That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair.

They took them for wives of all which they chose. Verse 4. There were giants on the earth in those days: “Cain’s descendants”. And also, after that. When the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bore children to them.

The same became mighty men who were of old, men of renown. Thus, these are the people who were born with elongated skulls. These giants grew up to 300 cubits. If you check your cubic record. It means that they were around 150 tall.

In addition, these giants ‘were worshiped as Gods and became kings. People also learned their angelic skills to create and build masonic buildings.

The pyramids and so on. Now you know who carried those 90-ton square bricks miles apart from their mountains. They carved those stones. Built magnificent caves and ecosystems. Etc.

The Anunnaki are today’s aliens. , their wings ‘were taken away. Or be able to turn anymore into their angelic form. They ‘are trapped in sin like we are now.

They decided that they would revolt and create their race to get rid of God’s population. And they were also eating people. They had a thirst for human blood. I remember the storybook of Jack and the beans stock. Fee-Fi-Fo-Fum, I smell the blood of an English man.

So that much is true I see. Seems like the myths and so-called stories of the Titans are true. There were also giant Cyclops skeletons found in India.

Moreover, my whole point in this is to wake up spiritually blind people. Get them out of confusion and into the reality of the truth.

They cannot keep this a secret any longer.

The truth will leak out eventually. And, will be getting exposed. The truth will be revealed saith the lord. And in due time his chosen will receive spiritual dreams and visions and revelations to come. In turn, God will make them prophets as well.

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Exposing The Biggest Government Secrets

Exposing The Biggest Government Secrets
Exposing The Biggest Government Secrets



Exposing The Biggest Government Secrets

I am exposing the biggest secrets that the gov. has been keeping from us for thousands of years.

For instance, let’s talk about the dollar bill. The pyramid that’s on the back of the dollar bill, as some of us already know.

Has an eye above it. Thus, also known as the all-seeing eye. ‘With Latin words written around the top and bottom of the pyramid, Novus Ordo Seclorum. ‘The interpretation is The New World Order.

Moreover, the all-seeing eye means that they are the watchers of this Earth. In addition, all the satellites in space, are seeing and watching everything that is going on.

Therefore, they have cameras that record 24-7 every day and night on the streets watching us. In stores, shopping centers, malls, etc…


Exposing The New World Order


Nevertheless, If you draw a perfect upside-down triangle on top of that pyramid, it will look like the star of David. Each point of the ‘star points to a letter. And it spells Masons.

The pyramid has thirteen steps, which are the 13 steps to reach the top of Mason’s priesthood. To be able to learn what the revelation of the truth about them is all about and who they represent.

However, no one can know the truth about their deepest secrets unless they reach the third-degree masonic priesthood. Thus, on the right-hand top corner of the back of the dollar bill.

If you get a magnifying glass, you will see an owl sitting on  left top corner of the number 1. Let me explain what I found out. The owl is the symbol of a goddess. Her name is Lilith.

She has many names. And you need a magnifying glass to see it on the right side of the top corner of the bill.


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Again, believe it or not. In addition, I found out that the Statue that is on top of the capital building is her indeed instead of the virgin Mary like it was supposed to be at first.

It is also called the Goddess of the underworld of war and wisdom by the Romans interpretation.

All these symbols have a geometrical meaning. The Illuminati and the Masons make it a must to hide their secrets in a plain site through their geometric symbols.

Thus, the goddess on top of the capital building. Again it’s supposed to represent the Virgin Mary. And the goddess of freedom. Also the goddess of liberty.

But she has a true name behind those other names they gave her which is Lilith the Goddess of the underworld that the Illuminati worships at the Bohemian Grove every year performing human dummy sacrifices.

Furthermore, It also represents a Roman deity called Minerva the goddess of wisdom and war. But the Illuminati worships this goddess as Lilith Adam’s first wife.

Who became a creature with wings after having sex with Satan. And turned cannibalistic, flying down to snatch children and babies. This is why in the ancient days, the Illuminati would throw their babies into the fire.

And even kidnap them for sacrificial purposes to Lilith. And they are still doing this at the Bohemian Grove.

Well, not for real. They are the President, famous, musicians, gov. officials, and actors. They go to a private VIP camp at the Bohemian Grove every year to worship her as the thirty-foot owl.

Why does the owl represent her? She also grew talents for feet like an owl’s talent. Her real image of her in a statue is with her wings and two owls beside her one on each side. Need I say more?


Furthermore, the statue with the candles lit’ beside her is a sign that someone is worshiping Lilith. Who do you suppose is doing this? A member of the Illuminati?

Sure it is. I am telling you, that these secrets are leaking out. And exposing them while I do my research. Lilith turned into a flying creature with the talents of an owl according to the book of Enoch.

Because she mated with Satan and became pregnant. Also to giving birth to Cain. Therefore, Cain is not Eve’s son nor Adam’s son.

He is  Lilith and Satan’s son. Unfortunately, this is why he killed his brother Abel. Or should I say his stepbrother?

Out of jealousy. The one thing Satan had with God. Because he thought he could be a better and greater God and take command. But God struck him down and bound him to earth without his wings and angelic form.


The Anunnaki Discovery

Consequently, the one thing we all need to get rid of in society, is jealousy, including racism. It’s total pettiness and ignorance. That is old, ‘We all need an update on today’s society. And get with the program.  You will find ‘the story of Lilith; and Adam in “the book of Enoch.


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Exposing The War On Drugs
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Getting back to the dollar bill and explaining how I know these things. The two owls, for instance, are beside Lilith’s image of her, and a statue.

The owls represent the owl that sees in the darkness and is wise the all-knowing. This is why they call her the goddess of war and wisdom.

Because the owls can see day and at night time. This is the symbol of the Illuminati, the all-seeing eye that is on top of the pyramid of the dollar bill. The book of Enoch speaks about Lilith Adam’s first wife.

In addition, the owl is the all-knowing and all-seeing at-night creature. and Lilith has the talents of an owl in the hieroglyphics.

That being said. Lilith had turned into a flying creature after her adultery with Satan. Subsequently, because of her sexual relationship with Satan. Moreover, this was part of God’s curse upon her.

When they disobeyed God’s command not to eat of the forbidden fruit of the knowledge of the tree of good and evil.

Cursed, never again to be beautiful. The same happened to the 200 watchers. They lost their angelic form and wings, and now look like the puny little ugly gray aliens we know today.

But their technology is more advanced. Because they still had their knowledge. They made their choice to become human and stayed in that form forever.

However, Lilith was the one who said that God gave her a man-child. Because it was Satan who impersonated God. By converting himself into his image to fool her into soiling his seed with her. You can imagine what kind of creature she turned into.

like in the movie “Jeepers Creepers 2”. She did about the same thing, snatching children and babies. Hollywood knew about Lilith. And created a fantastic movie called Jeepers Creepers a flying demon snatching kids.

However, these Nephilim creatures did exist. So, all these titans who they say were myths were true stories. Especially the giants that were their Gods in the flesh. Made Kings and became cannibalistic. Eating human flesh.

Genesis 4:6 And the sons of God came unto the daughter of men to take for wives. When they bore their children.  And the children became giants. Who were also called the Nephilim.


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That is why God had to get rid of the giants. Before they got rid of us. Because they ran out of meat and cattle. And started eating people including cannibalizing themselves.

Not all died in the flood. I have a little video clip of a circus, somewhere in China. With a giant and his people parading together down the streets.

I mean this was a friendly giant working for his keep okay. He looked around 50 feet tall compared to the people I saw him walk with. He had huge gigantic neck muscles to his shoulders. And looks to be like 20 feet in width. He looked like a God in the flesh of course.

This was somewhere in early 1895 when filming first started. Ever since the beginning of time, people have had parades with no giant balloons. Only the real giants. And the tradition carried on now with floating giant balloons. But no one told us this idea came from real giant parading people. Like a circus.

Guess what? I know there is a verse in Psalms 82:6 It says. I have said, ye are gods, and all you are children of the High. So that makes us gods in the flesh as well.

And this is the main reason that they worshiped them. Because of their angelic and animal appearances. They were considered sacred. Because they were part angelic and human. And had the advantage of incredible strength and power over humans.

They were the ones who became renowned heroes of old and became their Kings. They were the ones who built the pyramids. There is your answer. No machine can lift 90 tons.

But a giant 150-tall can. And of course, there was more than one helping to build these pyramids. In addition, I also speak of the president in one of my other posts. That gov. officials, famous musicians, senators, and actors.


Bohemian Grove Is Involved With The Illuminati


Go to a VIP camp in California. At the Bohemian Grove every year to perform human dummy sacrifices. Are you beginning to see the whole picture now?

The pyramid has 13 steps. The Eagle holds 13 leaves on one claw and 13 arrows on the other. 13 stars above the Eagle’s head. And 13 strips below the Eagle.


Exposing The Biggest Government Secrets


Geometrically all mean something. ‘The thirteen steps on the pyramid. These are the thirteen steps it would take to become a 3rd-degree master freemason as ‘the highest rank.

And they are considered priests. But they are not what you call priests of Jesus Christ, even though they claim to be the descendants of Jesus Christ.

Also, if you draw an upside-down pyramid on top of the one on the back of the dollar bill. You will see that it looks like the star of David. And all the points of the star point to letters that spell Masons.

In addition, if you pull out your magnifying glass and look at the tip of the number one on the dollar bill. You will see a little tiny owl, that represents Lilith, the goddess of the underworld.

To this day the Illuminati worships her by still performing human sacrifices behind closed doors sort of speak. Who knows it might be out in the deepest of woods, but they are still doing this sort of ancient traditional sacrifice to reduce an overpopulated world.

I know that some of you at least know how to read between the lines. Do you know that the statue that is on top of the capital building was supposed to be the Virgin Mary?

Instead, the statue represents the goddess of the underworld, Lilith. Who the Romans call the Goddess of war and wisdom. They were the ones who dedicated that statue to the United States.


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You see this is why they banned the book of Enoch from the bible. Because it speaks of Lilith who was Adam’s first wife. Later after she sinned against God, turned into a flying creature with talents for feet to snatch children and infants, to cannibalize them.

This history goes back, way back in history, starting with the building of Babylon. The gov. has been keeping these secrets from us for thousands of years. Because they do not want us to know the truth about their real secret origin.

Nimrod was of Nephilim bloodline. He was at least 16 feet tall or more. When they carved that stone with him holding a kitty in his arms. But if you look closer. That is no kitty, It is a full-grown lion.

Think’ my friends and use your sense, logic, and intuition. And open your minds to a new understanding waiting for you to grasp and embrace it.

Understand it and follow through, try to read between the lines at all costs. If you understand where I am coming from, ‘then’ we are from the same universal mind.

We grow and keep growing and nothing can stop us from figuring out what we need to figure out. Knowing what is unknowing can be achieved. Through hard work and searching’ constantly’ for answers.

Yes, it can be a little shocking for those ‘who are just now finding this out through this page. But if you check and do your research. You will see that I am right about this.

The Illuminati never got eliminated. They have been working ‘underground’ all these years. Now before anyone calls this hype or ‘whatever they want to name it. Keep reading on, and you will learn the truth. ‘For those closed-minded people who are ignorant.

They are never going to learn the truth. Because they think the church taught them everything, they know now. Nope. ‘Remember that the bible is a revision of the original scrolls.

The reason they call it the King James revised version. Is because words were taken out, and replaced with their words. To be a bible scholar you have to know how to read it spiritually. Otherwise you would take it literally.

What was added takes a real scholar to find it. I have a problem with the word fornication. Every church I went to taught me that having sex with someone was fornication. Not, wrong.

The word fornication according to the dictionary, is for people who are not married that have more than one sex partner. Not people who have one partner. Because they are not married, it can not be adultery. So, instead of calling it adultery for singles, they call it fornication.

It’s called fornication because, like adulterers, they had several sex partners. Now tell your preacher, I said to deposit that in the bank. I didn’t mean that for you but if the shoe fits lace that up, and wear it. It’s one of my ways of speaking in general.

If you keep on reading,” you will find out why. I ought to know. I ‘used to be a singing evangelist. And no one ever speaks about what I teach. They teach Jesus saves, and everybody already knows that. People want to hear something new. Exposing the truth is new,’ and real” enough for me and I love it. see?


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The statue ‘that’ was built to be put on the top of the capital in Washington. Was” supposed to be the ‘Virgin Mary. Instead, they changed it to the Goddess of the underworld ‘Persephone. ‘Who they say she is?

They say the statue represents freedom, which is a bunch of malarkey to me. ‘The first Goddess’ of the underworld is Lilith. All the others are different representations of her.

Lilith is the ‘main Goddess’ of the underworld. ‘Do you get my drift now? The Gov. is known to hide the truth with a lie to manipulate us. The Illuminati used to sacrifice their babies.

By throwing them in the fire for the Goddess of the underworld ‘Lilith. She was known to swoop down and snatch babies to feed ‘on. This is why the Illuminati were throwing babies into the fire for her.

They worship her for power and all kinds of favors. Most of these are meant to confuse, control, and war to ravage other countries. Now you know why they refuse to add these scriptures to the revised King James bible. See in those days they had many Gods to worship. But these were not Gods as in spiritual Gods.

There were the Nephilim ‘who were part Grigori angels and part human. They ‘were worshiped as Gods. And kings. Which is why they were giants and grew up to 150 feet tall. And some were even taller.

They were ‘the ones ‘who ‘were ‘helping to build the tower of ‘babel’ and the pyramids. Why? There is no way anyone could have built a machine that would lift thousands of tons. They were renowned for their ‘great strength, power, and magical attributes.

That giant pyramid had to have been a very magnificent structure. And even today ‘you can find out about ‘giant structures’ that still survived the flood. There are even giant caves still around like the one in Vietnam. Not everything went underwater.

If you use your imagination. The ‘reason the tower of Babel was not ‘finished. ‘Was because they could no longer communicate. Because God confused their language.

As far; as how it fell. It ‘either’ could have been because they made a mistake and kept building, and gravity pulled it down. It must have been too tall and not wide enough to keep it stable.

And fell, or they stopped building because of a lack of communication. They must have kept trying to continue. But ‘they were not able to communicate to make it happen.

‘That is why their language was confused. ‘So they would not ‘communicate’ and complete their ideas. Let’s get back on the conversation about the owl on the dollar bill now.

The owl has something to do with Lilith. And she is worshiped by the Illuminati sacrificing, their babies for her. To prove my point about our Gov. keeping secrets from us. Here is what has been going on for thousands of years since the beginning of creation.

‘The President, Gov. officials, senators, actors, and famous musicians. Go to a VIP camp in ‘California. To ‘worship’ a thirty-foot owl. ‘And are ‘performing human dummy sacrifices’.

That is my point. Did you get it? The owl. The; Illuminati’s secret name was changed” to the Knights Templar. Now it is the Masons.


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Well, for those who did not get it. Let me give you another hint. Every President that was elected ‘was elected under the order. And had nothing to do with ‘voters’.

That is the ‘way’ it is set up for you to believe that it was our vote that made it happen. Why? Because they were all Freemasons starting with ‘George Washington, our first President.

That ‘being said. As I have said before, the Illuminati went underground. To cover their tracks for killing babies. But it is leaking out again, as you can see now. It is happening again. People are being ‘killed’ in a secret way.

By chemical warfare. And they are saying that it is not true. Because they are known to lie and blame ‘something ‘else, someone else. Or blame another country. That is their excuse to cover up the truth.

Now, who is to know whether they are still doing this in secret every year elsewhere in the woods? I mean sacrificing people or virgins for that matter. Thus, you know what the biggest secret is. We are like their livestock.

Anytime they feel like taking our lives for their greed, gain, and power over the world. We are sitting ducks. But why are children now? See what I mean?

Where did this RVS killing flu for children come from? The air ‘my friends, the air we breathe. It is not safe to go outside to play as we used to anymore. There is always something out there that can harm you. Whether it is the flu or a pandemic.

I have another post on another page. Where I said, what is next now? Another pandemic for kids? And that soon., we will find out. And it happened.

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There it is, RVS. It’s not over till the fat lady sings I say. What I mean is, that more is coming. Ask yourself this question. Why were they making us wear masks when this pandemic started happening?

All this was released in the air as chemical warfare on their people and their nations. To ‘reduce the world’s population. This was my point about the pandemic. Did you think this was natural? No, let me tell you another reason why.

There are about 7 billion people in the world today. ‘The Georgia Guide stones stones’ have a message on 6′ slabs that are 19 feet. ‘In Elberton Ga. were written in several languages for people to read how we are supposed to keep the world in balance.

It is almost like telling all of us we should kill each other off to ‘keep’ the world in balance. You see this is why many great civilizations have fallen. 

One was that we should keep the world balanced with only 500,000,000 people ‘in the world. And I was right about the aliens having to do something with this idea. There was a documentary about crop circles. And they mentioned that the crop circles ‘have ‘been deciphered.

And that was one of the messages in one of those crop circles. They ‘are having secret chemical warfare on the whole world. To reduce the population from 7 billion to 500 million. I predict on one of my other pages that ‘there ‘is another pandemic coming soon ‘Well, here it is ‘folks.

“A great civilization does not destroy itself from ‘without. ‘Unless they destroy themselves from within. ‘Killing their people. A pandemic for kids called RVS. Yes, the flu is killing our children.

This is the Illuminati’s way of killing now. Should I include our government to make it final under the orders of the Illuminati? ‘There is more than one secret society out there.

The lateral commission is one of them. Bilderberger is another secret society established in 1954. ‘To ‘foster’ the ‘dialog. ‘Between ‘Europe and America.

My point is they are all in this New World Order together. That is what I have been trying to make folks understand all this time. This is a secret they kept from us over thousands of years way back before the Egyptian days.

In those times, people were being sacrificed at the very top of a pyramid. Like the Mayans did with their people. Into the beginning of creation. After Cain ‘was divided from his family, he started his own in another land.

These were also giants from his bloodline from Lucifer. Cain was a Nephilim himself. Before they named them ‘Nephilim’s‘.


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This is why there are two kinds of people here on Earth. The good and the bad. And I might as well say the ugly. Because people can be ugly from the inside. And we ‘don’t’ have to be ugly to act ugly.

So, there you have it. Beauty is not always about the outside look but the inside as well. But beauty can fool you as it did Adam and his wives. ‘True beauty comes from within. No, matter how you look. 

The New World Order is to reduce “mankind” to a minimum of five hundred million. So now they are attacking our ‘kids too ‘with this RVS virus.

As I said before. I love to expose the ‘biggest secrets I can find and am always on it. There is yet much more to learn about what is going on. And other secrets to uncover and expose out there in the world. The Illuminati have control of everything.

Television is one. What do kids watch on TV? Cartoons. What do cartoons teach kids? The violence and curse words are on cable TV now.

This is where it all started. This a subliminal suggestion that tells kids they need to fight and get even when ‘they are ‘bullied’. But with bats, weapons.

This is another way to train us from childhood to go to war when we all grow up. To what? To kill! I once defended myself from a dog attack I reacted quickly before the dog bit me.

It was either him or me. When a dog bites he won’t let go till he tears some flesh. When I was a child I rode my bicycle in the streets. A dog chased after me and took a big bite out of my foot while paddling away from it.

I don’t remember how many stitches but it was bad enough. This way I was not about to let that happen again no time soon or later in life. I stabbed it with the knife in fear for my life. He ran away.

But the feeling that I got from it was not good at all. I was overwhelmed with regret doing that. Why? Because I have a conscious. Thus, anyone without a conscious would not feel any remorse. Or repentance of any kind if it felt wrong or uncomfortable it is not you to be that way. But we all learn from our mistakes, don’t we?

Nobody’s perfect. And there is no one better than the other in this world.  We are all created equal. We have been conditioned to fight and that is not our fault. But we can recondition ourselves to adapt to the right level of understanding of life in general.

If King Solomon could do it why can’t we? “The” bible says we can be perfect In Jesus why not believe that?  Because it was not me to stab any animal much less a human for that matter.

This was an automatic reaction to defend “myself” from getting killed by a vicious dog. Or fight back with whatever I had. Now you know we all have this kind of instinct in us to protect ourselves. Or else we are in deep trouble.


Do mermaids exist? Your guess is as good as mine
But why not; everything else is getting discovered from its hidden past.


But is it fun? No.  It is only instincts do protect at all means. ‘This is one of the reasons I do not walk the streets to go to the store anymore. I drive now. That is what the army teaches.

To Kill or be killed. We have no choice but to kill to survive ‘right? Wrong. We do not have to go to war if we refuse to go. I am not the type to fight other people’s wars, are you? Sacrifice my life for my country right? Hell no. It’s like the government playing with our lives for their greed and gain.

And we are the ones put on the front lines to get killed for it. Like King Solomon said in the Scriptures. Vanity of vanities. Nothing is good in this world no more like it used to be.

Furthermore, there is a verse in the bible that says. I can do all things through Jesus Christ who strengthens me. And I can be perfect in the Lord. If you believe and practice your faith it will happen.

Faith is a mustard seed. The smallest seed you can ever find. Yet it becomes the biggest tree of them all when it grows. And can move mountains.

Upon my research, this New World Order is not for unity, freedom, and peace. It is the opposite. The gov. and its secrets will cease to exist if we do not vote for anyone. Which President is the best one? None. They are all members of the Illuminati. It is all the same rules, a setup.

That is why Trump is ‘always complaining about the ‘votes, ‘being ‘rigged up. He knows, but he ‘won’t tell otherwise, he would be in deep trouble. ‘Everything, ‘including votes, has been rigged up by the Illuminati”. “The New World Order”

He has been giving us hints. They rigged it up no matter how many votes one gets. And only choose, for their benefit, not ours. They are cheating us out of our votes.

So why vote if our votes mean nothing to them? Think! ‘This has been all propaganda from the beginning. ‘We are being played by the mighty dollar bill talisman!


The New World Order

Moreover, TV is a bad influence on us all, including your children too. ‘If we like watching violence, blood, murder movies, suicides. ‘etc. But it started when we were children. Ah, yes, that’s right. I learned that watching violence as a kid was fun, right? Wrong.

It; is all wrong. Looks funny in cartoons but not funny in real life. While someone thinks it’s ‘funny’ they can end up hurting or killing someone by accident.

All that they watch is about violence and criminals. ‘When it comes to murder movies, war movies, etc. If your kid ever says I want to kill that person or someone. ‘Put them in line with the quickness.

And please do not spoil them by letting them have all their way all the time. Furthermore, this is ‘what’ creates temper tantrums because they can’t; have or do what they want.

I just wanted to make another point. We are ‘headed for destruction. If our country does not control this behavior, that is unacceptable to God. About 90% of television consists of violence, murder stories, and wars. In addition, Rated R movies and so on. 

And this is why we keep seeing murder on the news in real life. ‘It’s all a ‘trend, don’t you get it? It’s all set up for us just right to manipulate us, and our children.

little kids do not know that hitting a person with a bat can kill them. They think cartoons are funny till someone gets hurt. Or what if they would practice on the baby brother? Kids don’t know any better. They mimic everything they see ‘including’ their parents.

Later on, when they grow up, they want to join the army to kill. As in defending our country. Do you know why they all like ‘to war now? Because war is money in their pockets. Yes, the love of money is the root of all evil. ‘Not money itself. ‘It’s the love of money that makes the person evil.


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Thus, the pyramid symbol on the back of the dollar bill is in the book of King Solomon’s magical secret key and seals. It means to control, conquer, and confuse.

Carrying the dollar bill in our pockets is a ‘secret talisman’ that gains control over us. How? It can make you greedy. ‘To control you. Yes, the dollar bill is a talisman of magical purposes for the Illuminati.

To tell you the truth. I am a walking encyclopedia, and I do have the answers. If I don’t I will let you know. I don’t know. Therefore, if I do know, you will find out the truth. Here is a quote from me. If one listens they will keep growing.

He who searches finds what they are searching for. He who loves will be loved the same. Therefore, treat people like you want to ‘be treated with respect. No friend should disrespect another ‘friend or they are not your friend. 

Thus, remember what God said in that last book of the Old Testament. Malachi: 1:9 And if you offer the blind for sacrifice, is it not evil? And if you offer the lame and sick, is it not evil? ‘Malachi 4:1 For behold, the day cometh.

That will burn as an oven and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly. Will be stubble: And the day that cometh that will burn them up, saith the Lord of hosts.

‘That it shall leave them neither root nor branch. ‘Malachi 4:5-6 Behold I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord. 6. And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children.

And the ‘heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the ‘Earth with a curse. Revelation also speaks of the 2 witnesses and most believe that it will be either Moses or Enoch. Others think it would be Elijah and Enoch. Because in revelation they will have the power to breathe out fire. Elijah was known to bring fire from heaven upon his enemies. But, then again. It might be me raining fire on exposing the biggest secrets the government has been keeping from us for thousands of years.

No one knows how this is going to happen. But I hope I get to see it happen if it’s a real fire or not. I think it speaks from a spiritual point of view. Like a passage in the bible that speaks of how the tongue can spread gossip like fire. I try using logic it’s just that simple.


Become A Super Affiliate Blogger

If you want to be a super affiliate. ‘This is the best way. Take advantage of the 7-day free video lessons on how to build your website. If you feel this is for you.

Furthermore, you will get a $200 discount from the yearly premium package. But if you cannot afford the ‘yearly. We have monthly payment plans as well. But if you do not join, you can still keep the website you built. Good luck.


For The Haters

People who are judging your content and do not even know how to write or make sense of what they say most of the time. It was a waste of their time and your reading time. No one wants to be judged.

Mathew 7:2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.

Therefore, try not to pay attention to what anyone says about your way of writing. Or your content for that matter. Because they are only jealous and hating. However, it will only bring you more attention when they complain to others about you.

Thus, making you famous anyway. Because people want to come and see what you are talking about creating more traffic for you. So see, it all works out for you anyway by their ignorance you get more attention lol.

And more followers who see it differently than the haters and disagree with them. People who love your content will protect you from slander as well. So I always laugh at the haters because they help make you famous once they start running their hating mouths to others about you. 



Be careful with websites that try to send you a download to look at their content. Their goal is to steal as much information about you as they can and anyone else who clicks on their downloads. Fishing, spamming, and viruses are on that website. Using your business name and work email address is how they get indexed when they are copying content. And using your website and content sort of linking to you to make your name on that website. And to even give you a bad name. So if you have a work email address be careful not to give it to people who ask you for it on LinkedIn or any social media platform. That being said again below you will see a list of websites to report copyright if you are a victim too.


Owner: Tony
Websites: Why are the gov. and the president worshiping a thirty-foot owl at the Bohemian grove? exposing-the-biggest-governments-secrets & Free Affiliate Programs Can you get pay-per-click from Google Adsense with one post? eBay Affordable Products and Bids are as low as 1 dollar on expensive watches, jewelry, and motorcycles.


Benefits Of Water Filtration

Benefits Of Water Filtration
Benefits Of Water Filtration



Reverse Osmosis Water Purification

Benefits of water filtration systems’. Reverse osmosis has sand and carbon filters that will remove all contaminants, and produce alkaline water.

Purity System gives you good informational news, if not the best information for you to know more about the truth.

So, get ready for the absolute truth in health and wellness progress as well as my other blogs about the Government’s deepest secrets.

And the lies that the government has been telling us. That I have got to reveal that will practically blow your mind. In most cases, Thus, I look for more information, by searching online.

Oh by the way Columbus never discovered America. The Egyptians had already colonized believe it or not. They have discovered several hieroglyphics inside caves at the Grand Canyon.

Moreover, I have answers that will help with health-related issues. And I am also a philosopher in spiritual matters that will expose the truth about the world. and its secrets.


Do You Believe In Ghosts, Demons, and Spirits?


I love mystery, and discovering the plain truth is my specialty. That is the only way I like to enjoy my reading. I am a seeker of the truth in all matters of life.

Knowledge and wisdom come from God and no other. I always have the zeal to learn and share with others what I know and my experiences. This is my way of reaching out to all the people and the world.

Letting others know the secrets that have been kept from us by the gov. Guest what? We are never too old to learn more each day of our lives. Close-minded people who think they know it all because they went to college.

Will never know reality as it is most of the time because they only learn from books. And believe me, experience is the best teacher.


Are You God’s Chosen?

Find out if God has chosen you even before birth.


Having a doctorate or master’s degree does not know the philosophies about life and experience that I learned throughout my life experience now. Experience is the best teacher about life in itself.

And college books don’t teach you about life and the secrets of life in itself. I did research about our history that has been hidden from us. To say it bluntly, I love exposing the truth about it all. I love exposing the government’s secrets.


New E-Coli Update

The flood in Baltimore Caused E. coli contamination throughout the city’s water supply. (9/13/22). Thus, I have mentioned this before.

The city water treatment and sewage treatment centers fail to realize this. That E. coli comes from animal and human waste.

Furthermore, all water treatment centers recycle sewage water. For us to drink? That is why it is always wise to use a reverse osmosis system. Regardless of floods or none. To purify your water from E. coli contamination, amongst other contaminants.

And remember what I said about bottled water. It is no longer safer than tap water. ‘Because I did a chemical test on practically all bottled water. And it turns yellow.

An indication that it is acidic. ‘All bottled water is acidic, and acidic cells are housing for cancer cells to grow and get larger.

How? The BPA is supposed to be heat resistant. And again’ studies proved it to melt right into your water. Once, it overheats at high temperatures.

Thus, giving you cancer. Let me show you a picture I took of hundreds of cases. ‘Stocked outside on the hot pavement in the hot summer sun. It was a bit of a shock to me too.

Those bottles of water have gotten contaminated with BPA now. ‘And this is why I am saying that you do not know for how long they have been in a hot storage area or the hot sun, for that matter.

SNAP! How does one know if it is safe to drink bottled water anymore? Or how do we know if it had not been in a hot storage area waiting for months or weeks to leave the factory?

How long does it take, to deliver bottled water? Without air conditioning in those tractor-trailer trucks? No one knows whether bottled water is safe to drink or not anymore. 

Lettuce Recall. A Recent Update On E-Coli Found In Wendy’s Restaurant Lettuce in 4 Northern States (8/21/22).

I did mention on this page that most restaurants and processing companies do not use reverse osmosis systems that produce alkaline water.

They only use tap water. Tap water has E. coli because it comes from recycled sewage water. For those who are skeptics. Put it to the test do some research, and see for yourself.


Exposing The Biggest secrets that our gov. Are we a product of the Illuminati?

Exposing The Biggest Secrets
Exposing The Biggest Secrets


I also want to send out a message to those who keep wasting their time sending me negative messages about my content. Your little small-minded boring opinions are not being seen by anyone but me. So, stop wasting your time sending me your hateful messages. Because I delete them all the time.

You’re wasting your time thinking you can bust my bubble. But over 3000 great comments prove you are wrong about my content you internet troll lol.

And your indirect nice nasty insults do not affect me. I’ve been there and done that.

And what you say does not move me. There is nothing wrong with my title and I am not about to let some idiot like you who does not make any sense of what they are saying.

To listen to them or make any changes to your website, just because they think, you are gullible enough to pay attention to nonsense and stupidity. 

People I am stressing a point to let you know, you can’t listen to people who think they know what they are talking about.

Don’t listen to someone who thinks they are professional and expert trying to give stupid advice. They do that to me, all because they are jealous of me.

And because people love my content. And those who thought I would not make it and underestimated me.

Because any professional or expert like me would never tell you to change your website’s title because of what they feel it should be.

My website began as a water purification website and it will stay that way no matter what anyone thinks or says.

For a person to tell you to change the title of your site. Indicates that they are not an expert because anyone should know that changing your site title to your website.

Would automatically take you off the index, and you would have to re-direct your website’s title all over again, and would take a month or so.


The Annunaki Discovery. Who were the Annunaki? And who was Lilith?


That being said. Don’t listen to idiots who think they know what kind of advice to give you. And it’s all so that you mess yourself up. Beware of haters who insult you indirectly or make nice nasty sort of speak comments.

I detest those kinds of people that they have nothing better to do. That to try and mess with someone else’s mind.

Perhaps that was the way they were treated when they were kids. So, as they say, kids always mimic their parents and they are fully responsible for their kid’s actions.

So, if a kid ends up being a narcissist, it’s because they got treated that way themselves when they were young. This is why the world keeps repeating itself over and over and over again.

You would think that there would be no more prejudice left but there is. It has gotten worse since this after the pandemic happened.

Great peace has they which keep thy commandments and nothing shall offend them. So, whenever they bully you around they waste their time trying to bust your bubble.

They are just making a fool out of themselves in front of everybody. And for those who leave negative comments on my page I  have  to approve them for others to read. Again, they are wasting their time.

So that was a waste of time. No one saw what you wrote see? Is that how you have been wasting your time all your life? I am talking to the narccissit now lol.

Because you must not know what precious time is. But you are wasting my preciouses time. So, there you have it lol.

You might want to throw up because I am getting well-known by hundreds of subscribers and readers but that’s the way the ball bounces.

Are You the type of guy who still believes he can fool someone by thinking the hand is quicker than the eye when you stick your fingers in a lion’s mouth.


Exposing The Gov.’s National Park’s Deepest Secrets
Do you think it’s safe to go camping in the deep woods? Or even hike the Appalachian trail?

Like some dude, I saw in a video clapping his hands at a lion sticking his fingers through the fence playing with and touching the lion’s teeth. While the lion was roaring warning him to watch out I am gonna get you to watch. And caught his middle finger ouch when it came off.

He thought he was a lion tamer I guess. But that’s what happens to kids or grownups when they show off in front of 2 girls who were filming the whole thing.

And it was graphic when I heard the fingers getting broken. Then the lion pulled a couple of fingers off. Ouch!

The lion was opening his mouth roaring and trying to warn him but to no avail, the lion caught his finger and pulled till it tore it completely off. It was graphic.

So that got debunked! What is learned from this fact? Is that the hand is not quicker than the eye after all? Not for a lion in this case. 

Try being happy instead of being miserable. Only narcissists are miserable all the time, are you a narcissist? Only narcissists waste their time trying to spoil everybody else’s fun because they do not know how to have fun.

Sorry folks, I had to add this to my post to make something clear to those who think they can play with my mind and yours with small-minded insults. Bullies need to be taught a lesson in wits. Since they think they know it all.

But that’s what internet trolls do. They are not happy and they want to take those who are happy down with them. Internet bully trolls are not welcome on my website.

So, for those who keep insulting my website or my content, take your little Crusty-hating behind elsewhere. And learn how to spell. Homey don’t play that! Where’s my sock and iron ball? Meanwhile back at the ranch!

Why is groundwater contaminated?

Groundwater gets contaminated through environmental waste. And industrial waste plants. I know because I used to work a chemical waste plant in my younger days.

A while back, they were burying chemical waste in barrels. And now they are burning it.

They are using a technological system with hazardous waste incinerators. And guess what? That’s even worse. Now they are polluting the air, releasing all these toxic gases in our atmosphere.

No wonder; Now we know how acid rain developed. So, will we turn into the Night of the Living Dead?

I am joking; of course not. But the pandemic is already doing an excellent job on the down-low. What’s next? They might still be burying waste in some places.

You’ll never know till someone blows the whistle. Thus, not only is the groundwater contaminated. The crops are also contaminated by herbicides and pesticides.

and Pesticides to kill bugs and weeds. But when it comes to E-coli it is a deadly disease found in tap water as well.

E. coli is animal and human waste and it stays in the water even though the city sewage water treatment centers say they cleaned it with chlorine and fluoride.

Well, that does not kill disease. It can only be removed by reversed osmosis water filtration systems.

This is the reason that leads me to believe why there have been so many deaths from E. coli. Hard water, also known as tap water, has over a hundred contaminants. Groundwater is also contaminated by pesticides and herbicides. From farming agriculture.

Alkaline water purification systems will also remove harmful metals and chemicals. Chlorine, alum, and fluoride are some of them. Springwater was safe to drink back a few decades ago. But now, the water needs testing because of chemical contamination.

Thus, this is the reason why underground water is not drinkable until it gets tested. Suppose you live out of the country.

You’ll find suitable groundwater, but testing your water is better to be safe than sorry. You can try it with a chemical test.


Exposing The New World Order!

The secrets that our gov. has been keeping from us for thousands of years.


Toxic waste buried in the ground turns into methane gas. Pesticides pollute the air and discharge these gases.

Nitrous, carbon dioxide, and methane. Everyone should know this because it’s a piece of vital information.

I have learned so much essential information that could make you stick around for more input.

Soon I will make another update on a blog about Bigfoot and alien technology. But back to what is dangerous to our health.

Let’s talk about carbon dioxide. I have read that some medications that come in the plastic pill form “are made” with carbon dioxide.

You can google any ‘kind of medication that comes in a plastic coating. And find out the ingredients it contains.

You will see the information about the plastic coating ‘made with carbon dioxide. What made me laugh, was that people were complaining about pet food.

That contained carbon dioxide. But they are selling it to us as well on the down-low. Our processed foods have it too. Before taking any medication, food, drinks, etc., you should look up information.

I also looked up magnesium stearate which is in a medication called tramadol. And most medication contains magnesium stearate. Including antihistamines. I stopped taking those too. That was what was messing me up.

Here is what I read about it. “And there is concern that magnesium stearate. Will stop the body from absorbing the nutrients it should.

Another study found that tablets with magnesium stearate take longer to dissolve. And processing food companies, also add it to their processed foods.

Foods that contain carbon dioxide. Are beef, pork, chicken, shrimp, chocolate, farmed shrimp. Palm oil, cheese, and any other drinks that are processed.

They all contain magnesium stearate and carbon dioxide. Also, known as footprint foods. Why they call it that I don’t know. We can also blame climate change and greenhouse gases including methane gas, for most of the climate pollution.




It’s used for cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals are adding magnesium stearate to their products. Here is a mind-blower. Magnesium stearate is also added to vitamin supplements and as well. Soda, chocolate, ice cream, candy, syrup, mayo, milk, cheese, and poultry.

These are some of them that contain magnesium stearate. The magnesium stearate I am talking about is not the natural magnesium in foods. It is a chemical they add to it which is a different magnesium stearate and not the natural healthy kind.

Magnesium stearate is in just about everything, and that is a shame that they know about it and won’t ban it because it is not safe to take too much of it. A friend of mine said oh but not donuts. One donut ingredient that she is overlooking. None fat milk. All milk has magnesium stearate added to it. 

And how would one know how much to take to be on the safe side? If you must take something to help you sleep drink lemon balm. And Cat’s Claw is something I ran into by accident. And it does have many major healing properties in it. It also heals cancer and viral infections.

(Like herpes, human papillomavirus, and HIV. Alzheimer’s disease. Arthritis, diverticulitis, colitis, gastritis, peptic ulcers parasites hemorrhoids, and leaky bowel syndrome.


How To Cure Foodborne Illness. Home Remedy

Known as Food Poisoning

It takes 6 weeks to see the results. No need for me to go to the doctor for no more colonoscopies.

One more thing, “SUGAR” can and will damage your liver as alcohol can, even if you are not overweight. Not only will sugar cause damage it is a substance that cancer cells thrive on the most. Where they can live and grow.

Is Magnesium Stearate Safe? 

Not, they say that magnesium stearate is generally safe to consume. But too much of it can give you diarrhea and irritate and eat away at the mucus lining of your stomach and intestines. And this might give you constipation as it did me.

And it was more painful to push while doing the toilet thing. Tramadol will also give you significant munchies. Eating meat at night makes constipation worse. I also ate like a horse. I was always hungry.

And finally figured it out. This was the cause of it all along. And I am glad I looked that up because now I have gotten rid of those pills.


Besides, this is why my medication gave me bleeding peptic ulcers. It was because of the carbon dioxide, plus the magnesium stearate made with the pill.

Let’s hope that BPA is not one of those ingredients too. My theory of what is happening in the world today.

Are we being targeted‘ as an overpopulated world? How did this pandemic happen? All over the world all at once?

So, now we have monkey-pox. How ironic that this next pandemic happened. This time they did not wait another 10 years.

They want to give us the double whammy. Did you know that this sort of plot has been going on for thousands of years with the Illuminati?

Could this be one of Mason’s secrets that have been discovered? That they are involved with the Illuminati. And another secret they thought

they could keep, of them claiming to be the offspring of Jesus Christ? And getting Leonardo Da Vinci himself to make geometrical paintings for them.

But it won’t be on my list to take the monkey pox vaccine to get my DNA transformed into what they want it to be.

I am not going to allow myself to fall into that trap. Too many people died from the first vaccine from Johnson & Johnson remember that one? I think I mentioned this on my other website.

But a professor placed a video about what the vaccine is going to do to us if we take it. He said that it would take 35% of your life away from you.

I went back the next day and before you knew it his video was taken down by YouTube. I am glad I caught that before they took it down.


King Solomon had Power over 72 Demons

And put them to work to help build the temple of God carving stones.

Yes, I am inclined to believe all this is planned. The coronavirus must have done the work they had expected it to do.

They want to bring the world’s population down more because they are not satisfied. As far as they are concerned the world is still overpopulated.

I would not be surprised if they released another one real soon. It’s all in the air the atmosphere.

This is one of the reasons I keep at home a lot more with an Air Purifier on. I value my life so there is no need to be cheap on myself I buy nothing but the best for my health reasons.

You only live once. Live it up the best way you can. I always say treat yourself before you trick yourself out of your good health.

A thought just crossed my mind and this might sound hilarious to you. But it’s a notion and why I thought about that. It must be because I saw this movie a long time ago. About the body-snatcher aliens. Remember that movie?

They’re coming They’re here” lol. Well, just crossed my mind that maybe that has already happened and the aliens are in control of the government and their officials.

Making them experiment with human DNA again. Using us as Ginny pigs on the down low. All these pandemics have happened.

Were for a reason and one is for you to take their vaccines. And it will shorten your life span. Everybody who wants to take the monkeypox vaccine raises their hands.

As For me “Hell to the No”. This is their plot. I just cracked their code. It doesn’t take me long to figure things out. The way things are falling into place, it’s logical enough to raise a red flag.


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Now I have heard Elon Musk tell Russia on Twitter, that if he continues. He would send his smart drones to drop a deadly virus on his country. That confirms what I said before when this pandemic happened.

This is coming from the air above us. Use your logic. Why did we have to wear masks? So that we would not breathe in that virus that is airborne.

Some people tell on themselves, don’t they? They are so smart that they are stupid smart. Let the cat out of the bag. But back to the medication. 

I am an example of my experience with this medication. So, if I needed to take any medication, it would no longer be in plastic form.

I have back problems, and medication is the last thing I want to take unless I have severe pain.

Instead, I decided to keep exercising. And eat the right foods and fruits to give my body the boost and nutrients it needs. That is so far working for me.

I sit all day monetizing and creating content daily. So getting up, doing the walkabout, and exercising is essential.

It’s almost like bottled water. You don’t know which one’s contaminated. ‘Because bottled water has been everywhere in a truck or hot storage areas.

Not all factories have air conditioning. And not all groceries have those huge walk-in ice boxes to keep their food merchandise cold and fresh.


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I will no longer buy hot sodas either, especially those in plastic containers. Also, food that is on open cooler shelves is not my favorite store to go to. And in most cases, the food can still go wrong for so many days in the open shelf cooler without a glass door.

And it is not my kind of place to shop for groceries. It takes 2 hours for food to spoil. Meats will go bad fast if it is above 40 F. So we do not know what is good or bad till we find out after we eat it.

But no one wants to find out by getting a foodborne illness. That’s why so many thousands have died from foodborne illnesses, because of this kind of error.

Now we have to worry about how and where viruses can rub off on, us because of the corona. The first thing I do after bringing home groceries.

I, wash all plastic food packages to ensure I do not catch anything. And the meat has to be washed before cooking?

Don’t wash it with soap, okay? Pure alkaline water will do. Because if you wash it with soap, you will contaminate the meat. And get sick to your stomach.

I have a food handlers certificate and a license to sell tobacco and Alcohol. That helps to know the proper way of doing your job right. Because it is vital to our health to ensure that we eat the right foods


What About Sugar?

This is to my experience and research about sugar. It is to me the no. one killer because, like a drug, it is addicting. I found out that sugar retains water like 13 pounds of it in your body. It also retains fat cells. So, if you burn any calories you will only be burning the sugar fat cells, not your, body fat. Thus, increase your weight by eating sugar every day til you get obese.

I used to weigh 200 pounds. And since I quit eating table sugar and carbohydrates, I lost 50 pounds in 6 weeks. But you have to cut eating sugar cold turkey. I know it is hard because I was a sugar-soda-drinking freak myself. Donuts, ice cream, and chocolate were my favorite. Anything sweet like candy cookies and so on that was processed foods.

I slowed down and then proceeded to quit cold turkey. Now and then I get tempted I might pop a mambo in my mouth to feel the sugar high lol. But that is what you call regulating as in don’t overdo it. But you don’t need to get on a diet. Just stop eating table sugar. Sugar can also attract cancer cells and will grow.

That is how you do it. Because it is hard to stop eating sweets once you are so used to them all these years since a kid.

Tell you what I did to replace sugar since I had to have something sweet. I used honey. which is a natural sugar not processed.

In the face, it also has healing properties that work as an antibiotic.  Do me a favor, please stay away from table sugar and use honey instead. Good luck.


What does too much soda do to you?

This is what happened to me when I drank too much soda. I went to the doctor like 3 times already with kidney stones. And my friend that is so painful. It will make you bow down and cramp up all the way to the hospital.

I did not know at the time that sugar will also cause you to have bleeding ulcers. And will also cause kidney failure and stop working.

And you can die if you don’t get it taken care of. I still have not stopped drinking it every once in a while but it sure did make me stop drinking it every day.

I learned to regulate it because of the sugar addiction that I went through. But finally stopped after a while of going cold turkey. I’ll just stick to cranberry juice and apple juice and if I drink tea it will be with honey.

When I drink coffee I use honey now. One spoon will do it. But I do not drink coffee every day either. Remember what I said in my other posts. That too much of anything can and will hurt you.


How Good Is Bottled Water?

Chemical tests will show bottled water to turn yellow because they are acidic. And everyone should know by now that acidic cells are housing for cancer cells to grow. But, alkaline water will turn blue and sometimes purple.

When you drink alkaline water, it is not only good and nutritious for you. But will also help flush out your entire system. You can count on getting better health results, as I have.

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This website is copyright protected. Any infringement of the content of this website will result and a takedown by Google and a lawsuit. 

Website Owner: Anthony
My Other Websites: King Solomons 72 Demons & eBay Products & Free Affiliate Programs

King Solomon’s Testament

King Solomon's Testament
King Solomon’s Testament


What Is Telling The Truth?

King Solomon’s testament. As far as I know, the Gospel is telling the truth. Whoever thought that King Solomon had the power to imprison 72 demons. Then put them to work to help build the temple of God.

I will explain in further detail while you read. I have dedicated myself to spreading the gospel in my way. God works in mysterious ways.

And I love exposing the truth about so many things and mysteries that are happening in this world today. And about how the government has been lying to us about our past history. Especially about experimenting with human, animal, and alien DNA. 

I have found so much info about creatures of different species which I will explain later in my post. And how and why all this happened in the true history of our ancient ancestors.

What Is The New World Order?

#youtube video

We are part of alien DNA in us according to some lost books of the bible like The Book of Enoch. These are the reasons some of us have Extrasensory perception. Also known as ESP.

We have been lied to about our past history. Because Columbus never really discovered America. The Indians were already here.

Not to mention they have already discovered Egyptian artifacts and hieroglyphics in the Grand Canyon.

So, the Egyptians seemed to have discovered America first. Not too many know that Russia was connected to Alaska before the world flood.  



You can skip the introduction if you can’t wait to read about the Testament of Solomon.

I can say that I have developed the art of preaching the gospel without preaching. As Bruce Lee used to say, the art of fighting without fighting.

Some people don’t care to hear a sermon but instead want to know the truth and prophecy foretold.  People should be going to church to learn what is happening in the world today.

We all know that Jesus saves. But when pastors and other denominations keep stuffing that same old routine.

It gets boring. People want to learn the truth. Like prophecies foretold, and answers to questions still hidden from the ultimate truth. Including the awareness in the spirit, how can one be aware in the spirit?

You will be able to tell what in the spirit means. When God blesses you. You will feel the chills of an angel visiting you. like you are receiving another special jewel on your spiritual crown.

In other words, it feels like a reward and a great feeling of relief from stress as well. Most of us already know what I am talking about. If you don’t do not feel left out.

You have to earn God’s blessings, to feel them and you will once you do what he likes. Or what he expects of you. If you care what he wants for you.

Message to Roboam, King Solomon’s Son

God has a special blessing for everybody. Sending his blessings to bless you. And when you receive it you will have a revelation and act upon it.

For instance, teaching others what I know is a blessing for me. He blesses me every day when I share my experiences and thoughts with others.

So they can know the truth and what is going on in the world today. It pleases me and God for people to work together even when they are not together. We can still be together in the spirit.

Are you able to feel the blessing of God’s spirit? Being Christ-like is the real meaning of Christianity. It’s not hard at all to be Christ-like. Ask yourself self would Jesus do such a thing if it is wrong.

And what you are about to say? Or what would Christ think of you while you are doing or saying something that is not right in God’s eyes and ears? Everything you say is being recorded till the judgment day comes.

Thinking Christlike is the key to being a Christian. He says entering through the window is not going to get it.

You got to choose the door through him. Let not wondering thoughts hinder your thinking and concentration.

Some people are born with a natural consciousness. And there are the wicked who do not know what a conscious is. There are 2 kinds of people in the world. The good and the evil.

To be able to think like Christ you have to say to yourself, would Christ do this or say that? Or would Christ think of doing things that are wrong in God’s eyes?

When you see within yourself as to how would Christ handle everything? Only then you will become a master of your emotions.


Exposing The New World Order

Thus, this brings me to the attention. That there is an Able and a Cain in every one of us.

An idol mind is the devil’s workshop. How many of you have heard of that one? So make sure you stay busy and not idol.

Because the devil is astute enough to throw negative darts in your mind. In other words negative thoughts.

And possibly evil thoughts when you get angry. Thus, when that happens just catch yourself and calm down before you raise your blood pressure and hurt yourself.

When a person remains angry all the time they tend to be miserable their whole entire life till they learn not to be angry all the time. You must not let life get to you. You need to get to life and handle it.

Ask God for strength to handle all your problems whether financial or emotional.

After you have mastered your emotions, you will be able to see through that spiritual veil that was over your face all this time to stop you from knowing and figuring out the truth of it all.

This is my way of spreading the truth and spreading the truth is spreading the gospel. As we all know, God wants us to preach his gospel. Well, let me say this. 

Many people think that preaching the Gospel is about getting on the pulpit. I have done that already. I have been on the pulpit preaching the word of God.

But to me, that was not good enough. I wanted the world to know what I discovered. So this is the best way to spread the good news.

And that is through the Internet. In this case, the whole world will be your pulpit. Worldwide news is the best way.


The Annunaki Discovery. Who are The Annunaki? Who Is Lilith?

I used to be a singing evangelist until I began to see that people in the church are not as Christ-like as they claim to be. It’s all show, a front. In other words, they think because they go to church they will go to heaven.

And still, end up coming outside after church hating on each other hats that went out of date. Gosoping and cursing as usual.

Oh, look at that B….. I had that hat last year” Petty jealousy like that does not make it into the kingdom of heaven. As I said before.

The church is you, us. The building is not going to save you from God’s curse or condemnation if you have that coming.

It is your ways that God looks at. The intent of the heart. Not what church is the best one to go to? Or what church is the true church of God? We are the true church of God.

So I back off from getting involved with hypocritical people. All religions contradict themselves. Saying they are the true church of God.

No building can be the true church of God. It is your body, spirit, and soul that is the true church of God.

You are the temple of the holy spirit. It is us that is the true church of God. Yes, you are the temple of the holy spirit as the good book says. But guess what?


The Book Of Enoch & Giants
The Books Of Enoch Deluxe Collection: 1 Enoch, 2 Enoch, 3 Enoch &
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The good book is not complete yet; because not only did they remove King Solomon’s secret key and magical seals.  They also removed other books like the Book of Enoch and the Book of Tobit that are in the catholic bible.

These seals of King Solomon were created to control demons and the world if need be. Instead, the Knights Templar found these magical seals and keys, and they are using them against us.

To control us and the world. I mean they are using King Solomon’s secret magical seals. And this is why he told his son to bury those secrets with him so that they would not fall into the hands of the wicked.

But it’s too late. The pyramid that is on the back of the dollar bill is one of those seals.

According to the book of King Solomon magical seals. That pyramid is used to confuse and control. I know this because I had the book for over 40 years now.

The Knights Templar were the ones who found Solomon’s treasure and the Key and secret seals. You will, later on, see what I am talking about.

If we were not a God-fearing country, I believe the gov. would be in big trouble. People will soon find out through the rest of the web pages.


Noah Primeval and The Book of Enoch/Lost Book #2Chronicles of the Nephilim Series Books 1-2: Enoch

For example here is more info on the pyramid that is on the back of our dollar bill. If you draw another pyramid on top of the all-seeing eye on the back of the dollar bill. You will discover that the points are pointing to letters. That spells masons.

Our dollar bill is full of geometric symbols. If you get a magnifying glass look at the top right-hand corner of the number one.

You will see a little tiny owl sitting on the tip of the one. That is the owl that they are worshiping at the Bohemian Grove in Cal. At the Bohemian Grove, a private VIP camp. Performing human dummy sacrifices.

And who are the private members of this inhuman club? The president, senators, the governor, officials, famous musicians, and actors.

And I also know that they are involved with the Illuminati. That is where this human sacrificial stuff is coming from. 


 Are You God’s Chosen?

Although God is the power behind what I am about to talk about. A true Christian knows that the temple of the holy spirit is not a building where you go fellowship.

That is all that the building is for; fellowship. You do not have to belong to a church building to be accepted into heaven. Even if one did not know that God exists.

As long as their heart is in the right place they have a chance to make it when judgment day comes. Because their heart had good intentions not evil.

Or more like a peaceful person with and kind heart to help their fellow man in need.

People who do good deeds from their hearts, not mouths. Words are cheap, but actions speak louder than words.

I am an old soul. Not into crowds and more so now because of the pandemic. It does not bother me to be alone.

That is the best time for you to communicate and contemplate in the spirit with God. He in turn will teach you in the spirit.

But you have to be sincere with yourself to be sincere with God. Let go of animosities and evil thoughts or hurting others etc.

Do the right things in the eyes of God, so that he can bless you with some extra power and understanding.

And how to empower you for future challenges in life itself. Books and college do not teach you about life only mathematics, language, or traits. And when one preaches.

He or she is not supposed to say that if you do not believe in Jesus you will go to hell. Or do not smoke or you’ll go to hell.

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Do not commit fornication or you’ll go to hell. Fornication is a word derived from adultery.

For people who are not married and have several sex partners. There is nothing wrong with having one sex partner if you are not married. Yeah, right I can see God bringing in the documents.

To Adam and Eve telling them they need a marriage license. And to sign on the dotted line to pronounce you are now married.

And have permission to have sex. Hogwash!. Mind-bending manipulation to control and take your money.

Fornication is another word for adultery. It’s in the dictionary. But having one partner does not make you a fornicator.

That is a bunch of malarkey coming from the worst of interpreters. Because they are spiritually blind.

And want the men and women under their control to pay them funds for preaching. Did Jesus ask you to pay him for healing you? Or to hear his words? Did he say God needs your thighs?

Exposing The Biggest Secrets that our Gov. has been keeping from us for thousands of years.

God does not want your money lol. He has it all. We are the ones who are on borrowed time nothing belongs to us.

It’s all God’s creation it’s already his. Whatever you do or say. Use your logic that you are right about something before you do or say anything.

It pleases God that your mind and your heart are in the right place. You do not have to prove to anyone you are good.

People will see that already because it is in your aura. Doing the right thing is all that matters to God.

Being that your heart is in the right place in his eyes. Not hate jealousy, greed, or slander. But pure clean thoughts.

Erase the dark side of us. We have a good and dark side that we are born with. That’s why God gave us the power to make our own decisions.

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And choose the right way following the path of righteousness. And not self-glorification. Good or bad. God puts us to the test and corrects us because he loves us.

You do not have to be anyone special to anyone. God already sees you as special when you do the right thing.

And He will protect you as well. Here is my point again. The Bible says that when we do too much of anything it will hurt us and that’s a sin.

That is when it becomes a sin. Meaning if you smoke too much, you can hurt yourself by getting cancer.

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Too much eating as in gluttony, and too much doing anything else that can hurt you is a sin.

There is no sin bigger than the other; except blaspheming the name of God. Now, are you going to hell because you overate, and now your tummy hurting? lol.

We were born in sin but that is why we do not have to die by it or go to hell for it. Because God gave us that power to conquer sin already.


And you do not have to preach on a pulpit, to tell the truth elsewhere. Like I am doing here. I am not going to preach about God.

Everyone knows that God exists and all the basics about believing in Jesus. But there is a more profound truth to what I have discovered.

I have found to talk about now because I had a great fall that devastated me, long ago, but I bounced right back up.

And since then I have changed a great deal with an open mind. People who think they know it all.

Because they went to college are a bunch who want to know it all but lack the wisdom for their knowledge. And how to use your knowledge is exactly what wisdom is about.

Magic Seal of Protection King Solomon’s Ring 925 Sterling Silver Size 6-15

The experience I had turned my life around because I did not know why that was happening to me at the time.

But later in life figured out why. I was saying to myself like some of you have already said when troubled. Why was this happening to me, and why did that happen to me?

I came across a few stumbling blocks in my time because I was hurt at one point in my life.

It also left a heavy blow to my spirit and inward peace. But will save that story of my life for a later post for now.

But think of sin as these evil demons. I am about to introduce to you theirs and what archangel are they under command by.

Because temptation is a way to make you sin. That is their purpose to tempt you.

 Exposing The War On Drugs A Racist Policy

Exposing The War On Drugs
 Exposing The War On Drugs

Right now, I want to speak of some stories that were considered myths. But, it turned out to be true. Take, for instance. The story in the bible of the Giants is Genesis: 6:4. Some of these Giants were Titans like Medusa and Cyclops.

As for King Solomon’s 72 demons. Whoever thought that King Solomon had 72 demons imprisoned, and put to work. In helping to build carving stones for the temple of God at his command?

Here is the story of King Solomon’s Testament. A lost or hidden book that was also banned from the bible.

My way of spreading the truth is through my website now. You do not have to be a preacher.

Or singing evangelist to spread the truth. Because spreading the truth is spreading the gospel.

My website’s posts and my content. Are about exposing the truth that is out there, to the world.

Better than in one little church building. Let’s get this program going then, folks. I want to say thanks to all who have supported me. And my website for the simple cause of exposing the absolute truth.

Truth is the Gospel, and you don’t have to preach, to tell the truth. And spreading the truth is the gospel. What better way to tell the truth than through content on a website?

This is another lost book of the scriptures of the Testament of King Solomon. That was left out of the bible.

This story is about his power to control demons he locked up and enslaved. And some were put to work to build the temple of God.

On one of my other web pages, I speak about how Solomon’s secret Key and seals got discovered.

Later you will learn why and how these demons he had locked up escaped, almost like the story of Pandora’s box.

But this is the true history of Solomon’s activities as a high priest of God. He was a wizard in his time.

The Testament of King Solomon

This is another lost book of the scriptures of the Testament of King Solomon. That was left out of the bible. This story is about his power to control demons he locked up and enslaved. And some were put to work to build the temple of God.

On one of my other web pages, I speak about how Solomon’s secret Key and seals got discovered. Later you will learn why and how these demons he had locked up escaped, almost like the story of Pandora’s box. But this is the true history of Solomon’s activities as a high priest of God. He was a wizard in his time.

The Testament Of King Solomon And The Demon Ornias.

Demon Ornias

While all the King’s men were at work, there came a demon among them named Ornias. He decided to torment one young man. Ornias would come by night to suck on the boy’s life from his thumb till he grew thin and thinner every day. And took half of his pay, half of his food, plus half of his life.

King Solomon called for the boy to come to him. When the boy arrived. Solomon told him.

Do I not love thee more than the rest and pay you double wages? Do I not give you double portions of food? Then how do you grow thinner every day, hour by hour?

The boy told him that a demon was coming to him every night to take half his pay, half his food, and sucking the boy’s thumb to suck away half his life.

King Solomon prayed to God to help him help this boy and deliver the demon into his hands.

So, the Lord sent the archangel Michael to Solomon. And the angel gave him a gold ring with a special seal of God. To control all demons.

It would look something like this with a pentagram engraved on it. With specific names of angles in control around the outer edge of it.

Seal of Solomon Ring, Silver Solomon
Seal Protection Ring, King Solomon Ring, 925k Sterling Handmade Silver Ring

So, King Solomon called the boy and gave him a ring. And told him to throw this ring at the demon’s chest when he sees him again.

And say to the demon, King Solomon summons you. The demon pleaded with the boy to take the ring off of him.

And he would give him all the gold he wanted. To take the ring back to Solomon. I could imagine that the boy might of said Ahah! Not this time, you big bully!

Wait a minute? Where’s my bat? I can’t stand you pestering me for my goods anymore. Follow me to King Solomon.

Sorry, I was expressing the boy’s demeanor after he knew he got him tied down. But he did say that he could not stand for his torture any more and to follow him to Solomon.

I would have told him to give back all the money and food he took. And the gold. Dodo. Right now! Then I would have taken him to King Solomon.

I may even charge him interest for pain and suffering. All jokes aside, though. I never knew about this incredible story until I did more research.

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Back to the story

When the boy arrived with the demon, Solomon asked the demon, who are you? The demon explained his purpose upon men’s kind.

To turn into female form to fool the men and then take their souls in their sleep. I am the offspring of the archangel Oriel, the power of God, says the demon.

Thus, when Solomon heard the name of the archangel. Solomon glorified God and sealed the demon. And put him to work as a stone cutter. To build the temple of God.

But the demon is still in fear of the ring. And said to Solomon. I pray to you, King Solomon. Let me go free, and I will bring you all the demons because he did not want to be under Solomon’s control.

Furthermore, what makes anyone think he is telling the boy the truth? When ‘he said he would give him all the gold of the land if he left him to go free? I remember the verse in the Bible.

The devil is the father of all lies, so when the demon told the boy, that he would give him all the gold of the land would have been all lies to escape. And come back another day again to finish the job.

Find out why the president, gov. officials, famous musicians and actors. Go to a private VIP camp to perform human dummy sacrifices in front of a thirty-foot owl. Representing Lilith Adams first wife.

But he could not lie to King Solomon, to tell the truth, because he was under the ring’s power. Including his name and his purpose. And by what angle they are ordered under and controlled.

I read another book about King Solomon that changed my opinion and understanding of life.

And what of the people who found King Solomon’s treasure is up to when they found these special secrets of Solomon?

And they let out all the wicked demons upon the Earth again. They perverted it! Turn it into a weapon.

And now we are on the verge of nuclear war because of what they did and are doing.

The secret key and seals of Solomon were not meant for that kind of control. They’re meant to control demons to bring peace to the world.

I mean they just messed everything up, when they opened Pandora’s box huh?  But in this case, it’s real. Anyways, back to what Solomon prayed for.

So, Solomon prayed to the archangel Ouriel for succor and saw the archangel Uriel coming down from the heavens. The angel bade the monsters of the sea out of the abyss.

In the book of Ezra, male sea monsters were named Behemoth, and female, Leviathan, also known as dragons.

The archangel casts his destiny to the ground, making the demon subject him. And he commanded the demon Ornias to cut stones for the temple.

And to bring to completion the construction of the temple. Solomon glorified God, called forth Ornias, and gave him the seal, saying.

Away with thee and bring me the prince of all the demons. So Ornias took the ring and went off to Beelzebub, who has kingship over the demons.

And the demon said to Beelzebub, come; Solomon summons you. But Beelzebub said to him. Tell me, who is this Solomon of whom you speak?

Then Ornias threw the ring at the chest of Beelzebub, saying to him. Solomon the King summons you.

Because of the ring’s power, Beelzebub cried out loudly with a mighty voice. And shot out a great flame of fire.

And arose to follow Ornias and arrived at Solomon’s court, where Ornias was at first. Then Solomon questioned Beelzebub, Who are thou?

Exposing The Gov. National Park’s Deepest Secrets

They all have to answer King Solomon truthfully because they are under the power of the ring. So he replied and said I am Beelzebub, the ruler of all demons.

Solomon then demanded the chief of the demons sit close to him. And explain the manifestation of the demons. And Beelzebub, sitting next to Solomon, promised to bring all the spirits under his rule.

My webpage can only take so much content and would not take all of the great information about the rest of the demons. And Solomon asked if there were any female demons among them.

And when he replied yes. Solomon demanded to see them. So Beelzebub set off quickly and brought him a female demon called Onoskelis. She had a very pretty shape and her skin was so fair.

But her legs were that of a mule. And she tossed her head from time to time. Her name means she has the legs of an ass. And Solomon said to her who are you?

She said I am called Onoskelis a spirit made into a body. And I lurk upon the Earth. There is a golden cave where I lie.

But my dwelling places are precipices, caves, and ravines. I have many-sided characters and pervert men from their true nature.

It would do me great pleasure to continue as much content about the 72 demons of King Solomon.

But the book is available. It would be too much content for me to write here. But if you do get the book.


Find out if any one of these demons might be responsible for your mishaps. Thus knowing his name is enough to pray against it. And rebuke it out of your life.

And it won’t hurt to try because God already gave us the power to do so. But most of us do not know how to use it.

I am here to guide you through it.  Look for the inner peace within yourself if you are constantly upset and meditate. Contemplate, relax, and let go of any animosity you may have toward the past.

Here is a verse that just came to my mind. Psalms: 119-165…Great peace has they which love thy law and keeps thy commandments and nothing shall offend them. All these demons were created for one purpose.

And that was to torment and destroy humanity. Because they could not stand humans whom God made greater and above them.

Jealousy, greed, and murder among the other negative things of the world are their ways and what they represent under the order of other archangels. Only hate no love for humanity. They would love to torment you.

This is why King Solomon told his son to bury the secret key and magical seals that controlled these demons with him when he passed.

Unless it falls into the hands of the wicked. Thus releasing all of those demons out into the world again by opening the real Pandora’s box. Good luck everybody.

I am going to clarify my point from the beginning of my post again. Columbus never really discovered America. Because it was already occupied by the Indians.

Furthermore, if you want to get technical. The Egyptians were the ones who discovered America according the the findings in the Grand Canyon.

They have found several Egyptian hieroglyphics in deep caves already. Not too many people know that before the Great World flood.

Alaska was connected to Russia. And people from that continent crossed over to Alaska to seek a new beginning. Need I say more?



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This website is protected by copyright law and any infringement of the content of this website will result and a takedown by Google and a lawsuit. If you are a victim of copyright infringement. Report it to the DMCA and The web host to stop their slogs from using your content and website to promote their ads and Google Adsense account from making money at your expense. And to remove content from Google period.


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Will also help with constipation. Alkaline water will ‘flush your systems out very well. Bottled water does not even compare or compete with alkaline water. Because a chemical test will turn yellow indicating that it is acidic. And acidic water attracts cancer cells that will grow inside the acidic cells.


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Many types of foods with meat and poultry can and will give you constipation. Believe it or not medication does the same if not worse. I’ll tell you why. Magnesium stearate is a chemical they add to all medications. And it will cause bleeding ulcers. And will result in turning into cancer if not treated.

I am not talking about Magnesium the supplement silly. I am talking about the chemical magnesium stearate that goes in practically every medication. It also added to processed foods. Eating or taking to much medication will result in bleeding ulcers. And will turn into cancer if not treated in time.


Exposing The Gov. National Parks Deepest Secrets

Moreover, magnesium stearate is also in, beverages, and some vitamins supplements. I used to have bleeding ulcers. Till I did my researched of the medication that I was taking for my back pain. They were called Tramadol.

Google it and you will see for yourself. It contains magnesium stearate. And ever since I stopped taking them. My problem was solved.

If you take too much it will eat away the lining of your stomach and intestines.  Thus resulting in bleeding ulcers. Best Choice Water Purifier

Thus, little did I know at the time that taking too much of anything can do to you; period. This is what happens when you take too much medication and eat too much-processed food every day. You get a bad tummy ache with it too.


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Thus, the magnesium stearate is dangerous to our system. Again it will start to eat away at the inside lining of your stomach and intestines. Before long you will develop ulcers and afterward cancer if you do not get treated by a doctor.

And believe me, it will constipate you enough to give you pain. It did that to me. I was constantly going to the doctor for a colonoscopy almost every year.

But now since I stopped taking medication and started looking after my diet. I no longer have bleeding ulcers that were, probably already giving me cancer, but I got to it in time.

Best Choice water purifier.

There was a trick I started a long time ago before it came out on the internet. I used a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to a cup of water. Drank it and add 1 tablespoon of baking soda to another cup of water.

Walla instant and instant flow with water behind it to clean the walls of those filthy intestines. That has made your farts stink like bigfoot’s butt. Well never smelled his butt personally. But I bet it ranks if he bends over in front of you lol. Id be saying Dude go take a serious bath. Here use this lime soap for the arm pits and crutch cause you rank my friend.

I never knew what it was that was giving me so much pain. Till I stopped taking that medication and stopped eating processed foods. Ice cream and candy were part of it also. Thus, I found out that too much sugar will give you cancer as well.

Not to mention white sugar will retain around 13 pounds of water in your body. And when you burn fat only the sugar fat cells get burned. And your regular fat cells remain in your body getting fatter.


Who were the Annunaki? And who was Lilith?

According to the book of Enoch Adam had 2 wives.

Thus, you’ll gain more weight each day and never lose that weight, not even on a weight-program diet. Stop eating white sugar and substitute it with honey.

I am healthier now than I was back in my younger days. One more thing, after I stopped eating sugar. In 6 weeks I lost 50 pounds.

You can do that too. As far as candy is concerned. It too has magnesium stearate. A lubricant binder to make it go smoother. Besides sugar with syrup containing glucose.

City Water Treatment Centers

Tap water comes from sewage treatment centers. And they recycle sewage water. To me, that is not drinkable water. A reverse osmosis installed would be much safer. You would be drinking good quality alkaline water.


Best Choice Water Purification

It is also called hard water because it holds over one hundred contaminants. ‘To name a few. Copper, Aluminum, Magnesium, and Calcium. These are some ‘of the contaminants.

E. coli that comes from animal and human waste. Gastrointestinal disease. Helicobacter Pylori, and Hepatitis C, are a few viruses and other Diseases.


Exposing The New World Order Conspiracy Theory

E.coli is a ‘major factor in this topic because it is a deadly disease. And is known to have killed thousands already. Thus, it has already been ‘found in processed foods. Why? Because they use tap water to process their food.

I’ll tell you somewhere else where they use tap water and would make you change your mind to ask for water.

In restaurants, because I worked in restaurants most of my life as a cook. They use tap water to cook, wash dishes, and drink water on tap water ice.

So, think twice before you drink any kind of tap water from restaurants.

Best Choice Water Purifier

But. Instead, they would rather whiten it with chlorine and other chemicals. The chemicals remain in the water for you to drink. They cannot afford a reverse osmosis filtration system. Because it is too expensive to buy and maintain. 

Alkaline water is pure and nutritious. And thus, it will help flush out your system of acidic cells. And acidic cells are vessels for cancer cells to live and grow. 


Waterdrop D6 Reverse Osmosis System


BPA is what makes plastic firmer. But, if you leave your bottled water in a hot car, the BPA will leach into your water. Thus, giving you cancer if you drink it. Furthermore, studies show that it will also lower a man’s libido.

Thus, it would be better to install a water purification system underneath your sink. When I bought my first reverse osmosis system. I could tell how different the taste was in the water because of its sweetness.

Best Choice Water Purification

It’s also suitable for irrigation purposes too. Alkaline water is about as pure as you can get water to be. Moreover, it helps your digestive tract and flushes out your entire system. Plus, will also remove all acidic cells from your body. That is housing for cancer cells to grow.



Alkaline Water Systems

Drinking premium alkaline water is good for you and nourishing for your body. ‘By getting a water purification system. You can save hundreds of dollars every month or year on bottled water. You will no longer need bottled water. Besides, why would you if it’s acidic?

Cooking with alkaline water will make all your meals taste great as well. It will make a big difference in the taste because it’s purified. And the highest alkaline level. Alkaline water is not acidic. Only bottled water is acidic.


Whoever thought that King Solomon had power over 72 demons.
Imprisoned them and put them to work to help build the temple of God.

A chemical ‘called BPA  is ‘made with plastic for the inside protective layer. But if you drink from a bottle of water left in a hot car or under overheated conditions. The BPA will leak into the water. Research has proven it to give you cancer if you drink it. Moreover, it reduces your life span for sure.

If you have ever used a faucet filter, you will be; able to see those metals on it like rust when you remove it. ‘But it is only the rust that the filter catches, but not all rust.

No contaminants or chemicals will be ‘removed either. You would still be drinking straight-up hard water. Thus, buying cheap screw-on filters is also a waste of your money and time.

So, is it not better to have your water purification system? And with easy-to-install instructions? We also have the all-in-one 5-stage reverse osmosis system screw-on faucet attachment. The productivity of water purification systems is growing each year.


Exposing The Biggest Secrets

Exposing The Biggest Secrets
Exposing The Biggest Secrets


Reverse Osmosis Purifiers

When you get a reverse osmosis purifier, it has carbon and sand filters. That will remove all inorganic minerals.

And sediments from tap water besides all metals and chemicals. It would be best to invest in a water purification system.

Because as you already know, even bottled water is not safe to drink because it’s acidic. Acidic cells are an excellent place for cancer cells to grow.

The best choice you will ever make is to own a reverse osmosis system. For you and your family and business as well.

Are You God’s Chosen?

Find out why the president, Gov. officials, actors, and famous musicians. Go to a private VIP camp at the Bohemian Grove to worship a thirty-foot owl. Performing human dummy sacrifices. What kind of religion is this? Humans sacrifice religion. Thus I have to confirm a lot of secrets are leaking out.

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