How will you Know If You Are God’s Chosen? First of all, there is no need for you to be holy for God to accept you in heaven. When God chooses you, He has already chosen you before birth. You were meant to be here for a reason or reasons.
And the reasons why God has chosen you. ‘It Is because he already knows you in a different past life, believe it or not. Remember that the flesh dies but the spirit lives forever.
That is because the spirit of life is God’s gift for us to live forever. The spirit never dies.
Most churches have been making up their own rules to manipulate and control us. For one, we still have racism to deal with in churches.
One time I walked into a church, and everyone ignored me, and some of them had their noses up in the air.
They did not even look at me, no good morning or welcome. It was dead as hell.
This was a very ignorant church and the last ignorant church I visited. And, what makes people not want to join churches?
Thus, it chases people away like that. ‘Because of favoritism and racial issues. God has no favoritism’ for any ‘kind of race that he prefers.
He accepts us all as we are.
We all have the same color of blood, and no one is perfect, and no one is better or higher than the other. We are all created equal. These types of churches are ‘traditionalized that way. Why?
In Revelation, it speaks about God’s warning to the seven churches. Some were lukewarm, some’ were cold, and between. I will have to go back to look for that passage.
So, I sat in the back alone, and all the preacher was preaching about was the church funding. I decided this was not for me I walked out. You already know what kind of people ignore you cause you don’t fit in; their race.
And that has got to stop. ‘Before the whole world exterminates itself with nuclear weapons. That is one of the reasons I stopped walking into a church for spiritual edification ‘Ha.
There is no spiritual edification no more. These churches nowadays are old-fashioned revised traditions. And need to get with God’s program.
There is no super race, only racial people. But let me say it like this. Prejudice goes way back to Adam and Eve because Cain was not Adam’s son.
He was Satan’s son. Remember the verse where it said that Eve’ spoke to Adam telling him God gave her a man-child. Well, this was not God, and that was not Eve speaking to Adam. It was his first wife ‘Lilith.
You will find out how this happened while you keep reading on. And why the bible scholars kept her a secret. Genesis 4:1 And Adam knew Eve ‘his wife, and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said, I have gotten a man child from the Lord.
But this is all re-rewritten wrong by the bible scholars that King James hired. To rewrite the scrolls of the scriptures. And put it in a book. That is now called the King James Version Bible. ‘As in the revised version.
They took out books and added words. God warned about doing such a thing in the bible. ‘By removing the scriptures and adding lies and their rules of how the church should be.
You know what? The alien invasion happened thousands of years ago. And people are wondering when they are coming back. For one, the alien has already invaded this planet and are still here.
They never left. This is their new beginning when they left the other dying planet. And they experimented with us mixing their DNA with ours. Let’s just say we are part alien and a subhuman species like Bigfoot who is the only ape that has a human face. Because I do not believe we came from monkeys. That is an insult to them and us.
They are in power in secret societies. The Illuminati is involved in all these changes in the world even now. ‘To keep their secret a secret. Back to Adam, Lilith, and Eve. GOD gave me she said. A Man-Child? What? Do you think God had sex with her lol? Not!. It was Satan who transformed himself to look like God.
So when Cain was; born, he grew fast for a baby to turn into a man. How long do you think it took for him to grow that fast? Within 24′ hours or, more. Cain probably became a man overnight getting taller by the minute.
But it was Lilith, Adam’s first wife was the one who told him that, according to the book of Enoch. If he had stayed a baby instead of growing so fast. Wouldn’t she be saying a baby instead?
Besides, King James wanted to hide the fact that Cain was Satan’s son. It was not Adam’s son, according to the book of Enoch. The book of Enoch was removed from the scriptures.
That is why you won’t find the Book of Enoch in the bible. Thus, it was not Eve it was Lilith who really said that. Yes, Lilith was Adams’s first wife ‘according to the book of Enoch, before she left him for Satan thinking’ he was God.
So, prejudice was in Cain’s heart already. ‘Because he was a hybrid and the first Nephilim. ‘This is why he killed his brother Able out of envy and jealousy.
Thus, she also said God gave her a man-child, not Adam. And that raises a red flag. They took two sentences and put them together from two different women. ‘To get Lilith out of the picture. Get it?
So ‘that we would not find out. That there are two kinds of breeds of people here on Earth. Just like there are different races in our world. There are different kinds of alien races too. But it started with The Annunaki and the Grigori who were the watchers.
And I am going to tell you why. The Illuminati worship her as the Goddess of the underworld. The statue is on top of the capital. Is the same Goddess of the underworld under a different name but the same Lilith with wings.
They worship her at the Bohemian Grove a VIP camp for the rich and powerful. Including the president, gov. officials, famous actors, and musicians. Doing what?
Performing human dummy sacrifices every year to celebrate what? These sacrifices have been going on for thousands of years. By the evil ones who are half-breed-human people, as I mentioned earlier.
And remember what I said about the Freemasons. Who used to be the Knights Templar, claim to be the descendants of Jesus Christ. Well, now you know it is not ‘true.
They belong to the half-human people. Descendants of Cain, not Jesus. They killed a lot of people for their gold. And discovered King Solomon’s secret seals and Keys to control demons and even the world. Do you’re’ research if you have your doubts. Google it.
And they are in power now. Read between the lines if you can, and you will figure it out too. Ask God for a revelation of the truth to open your eyes to the truth.
They used to throw their infants in the fire for Lilith. When she committed the first sin. God’s curse turned her into a flying baby snatching cannibal.
Actually, the curse was automatic. Because God had already told them they would die if they ate of that particular tree. Let me tell you what that tree was.
It was Satan’s tree and his drug. What kind of tree drug would that be? Ah the name Cain strikes a chord with me. Why did the scholars rename him, Cain?
That was not his name. Remember that the Knights Templar was involved with the church. At that time, biblical scholars helped to revise the biblical strictures in a geometrical way.
And they also hooked up with Leonardo da Vinci. To erase the picture of Mary Magdalene. Who was next to Jesus, grabbing his arm. She was his wife, not his mother.
And the statue of her carrying the baby Jesus is not Jesus. It is Jesus’ son and his wife. And they claim to be the offspring of Jesus. And they claim to be his descendants, which is the other way around. They are Cain’s descendants, and that is one of their secrets.
And about the real tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Of course, they felt shame when they did it lol. They disobeyed God. Because in the book of Enoch, it mentions Cain. Went out and came back, with a tree branch.
And gave it Lilith. Who told him to give that to Lilith? He met up with his father, that is who. It was her favorite. It was Co-Cain. But of course, the only drug plant that you can eat. Cocaine leaves are also called coco leaves. That explains how Lilith was seduced by Satan.
They say Cocaine is Satan’s drug because it makes one hallucinate. This explains why she thought she was having sex with God. Cocaine is not only addicting.
But works as an aphrodisiac influence and will kill you, slowly but surely, or all at once if you overdose. That is what God meant that they would surely die from. There you have the plain truth ‘folks it is not hard to figure it out if you ‘do your research.
There are two kinds of bloodline people in the world. The ones from the Annunaki and the ones from Cain’s side of the Nephilim. You would not know ‘that there is still a Nephilim bloodline in this world. Because they are hybrid humans from alien DNA.
These were called the Nephilim in the Standard version bible. It says The Nephilim[b] were on the earth in those days. And ‘also afterward when the sons of God came into the daughters of man, and they ‘bore children to them.
These were the mighty men who were of old, the men who were renowned for their awesome strength and power. And that is where racism was born. And the bloodline still exists in high places. ‘The leaders of this world, my friends.
Some of them are not ‘completely human. In fact, this was the reason for the flood. Because they were cannibalizing humans. Eating them up; till God put a ‘stop to that with a worldwide flood.
There is an answer to why we are having all these wars. Envy and jealousy are mainly the roots of the whole problem.
Again every country wants to be a super powerful race. Competing by having the most nuclear weapons and armory. Spending our tax dollars to create war is unnecessary? In fact, war is not necessary at all. It is a ridiculous’ dangerous war game for gain and power over other countries.
If there was peace in this world. We would not have a problem with the ‘homeless or the uneducated. And of course, the economy would be booming for us.
Instead, all our tax dollars go across seas to fight a war for other countries. And the unnecessary spending they are doing. This July 2023 was our last chance to get the debt paid. Or America and we all go bankrupt.
Every country wants to be the Super and powerful race of this world. Yes, and to get everybody else out of the way. That is the work of envy and jealousy? And greed as well?
The only Super-powerful people I know are someone like you and me. The Super powerful of God’s chosen. With true knowledge and wisdom. Believe me when I say, wisdom is the ultimate power.
We don’t need bombs to prove that. Because faith the size of a mustard seed will move mountains. And God’s chosen are the only ones that are super powerful. As I said before. That we have the spirit of God within us.
And God speaks to us through our spirit and our thoughts. When you are one with God. His thoughts become your thoughts. And this is how God speaks to us. We can sometimes hear ourselves thinking up an idea in our minds.
But it is ‘God thinking up those ideas for us to follow through with it. Have you heard we are on borrowed time? His thoughts are in our thoughts. My mind is constantly thinking ‘all day long about having a new learning experience. To grow in the spirit is to be rich in Wisdom.
‘For instance. I’ll let you in on my little secret. As to how I know when God is speaking to me. First of all, when a real good innovative idea comes into your head, where did you think it came from?
It came from God. Most people who were prophets and alchemists had the same gift of God in their spirit. They were chosen by God to do his work.
Some people have the gift of healing. And some can pray in their minds and heal someone from demon possession. Like it happened to a friend of mine’s mother. But let me start from the beginning before I tell you that one.
I remember when I was around 7 years old. There was a terrible hurricane hitting our city by the bay. I remember it like it was yesterday. The high winds were blowing off roofs and flying by us. The windows looked like balloons ready to burst.
My mother was crying and made all the other kids lose it. I immediately went to my back room and got on my knees to pray. This about me praying at such a young age goes back further. I will explain as I go along.
Like I said. I was praying, and my little sister came to look for me and found me on my knees. And an idea came into my head all of a sudden. My father was not there at the time. And I thought about the car park in the back of an old Cadillac. ‘The ones that had those long arrow-looking taillights.
But the shed was lying on top of it already. First, I had to crawl out of the back window to prevent my little body from blowing away. And crawled my way to it.
When I got there, this is what happened. The wind started blowing harder then I got another idea. I felt like God was telling me in my thoughts. ‘To lift up that shed up over your head.
And when I did, I did not know where the strength came from. God’ helped me with the wind, and the shed flew off the car like 20 feet into the air.
The shed fell about 40 away from me. It was like a 10 by 12 shed. I mean it flew off. I am feeling God’s presence as I am writing right now. Like he is confirming, that He was there to protect me, and my family.
You see when God comes to you it is a different feeling. Like he is sad for you and happy at the same time. The sadness was because God knows what is’ going’ to happen to you in the future.
So, he knows the future. ‘Because he has chosen you to do his wonderful’ works of healing or whatever talent he gives you. And tears will run down your eyes for no reason, but it is because you feel what he is feeling’ for you. It’s the love he has for you that is so strong it’s overwhelming.
This is what being one in the spirit means. ‘And when you are one in the ‘spirit you are invisible because no evil demon or entity can harm you. Because you are under his wings of protection.
Remember that the Bible also says that we fight not against flesh and blood. ‘But against evil spirits and the principalities of this world. Because the feeling is overwhelming, so real.
That; is God in your presence ‘watching over you. This was a wonderful experience; that I had with God at the beginning of my childhood. Now let me tell you how all this started between me and God. I was 4 years old and knew nothing about Jesus at the time.
When I was 4 years old my mother used to go to a catholic church and take me with her to pray. Would show me how to dip my fingers into the bowl of so-called holy water. And do the sign of the cross.
Now, this is what happened to me. And I figured this out later in life why I had hay fever and almost died from it. I remember an old lady living next door to our house. Who would visit my mother and always look at me like she hated me.
Like she did not like kids. I knew it so I stuck my tongue out at her. My spirit recognizes evil. And I reacted to her mean looks. She did one of those crooked grinding teeth looks at me lol.
I learned all that from cartoons I believe lol. But I knew somehow she did not like me one bit. Oh, this was in front of my mother of course and she went off and got mad about it. The next day.
She brought a fruit cake for me to eat. I ate it and got sick. I was getting worse day by day. In those days they had doctor calls coming to your house. I remember him shaking his head saying I had a 103 and if she did not get me to a hospital I was going to die.
I did not want to eat and was getting weaker by the day after 2 weeks of not eating much. Had to be forced to eat. Then it still got worse, and I started to see myself going into some kind of tunnel.
My vision was going back and forth like when you focus binoculars. And Then I started going away from the room. The room kept getting smaller and smaller. And when I told my mother that I saw her go to the bedroom to pray.
And I said this to God. God if you are there and are real, please make me well again and I will serve you for the rest of my life. And that is all I remember I like going off into deep sleep.
Get this! The next morning, I woke up so refreshed and hungry that I got up and told my mother I was hungry. God answered my prayers without saying in the name of Jesus because at the time I had not met Jesus yet. Now let me tell you this.
You don’t have to know Jesus to be saved by God. They are one in spirit. What God looks for in you is sincerity and he looks at the intentions of your heart whether good or bad.
After that happened. I started having nightmares of seeing skeletons laughing at me in front of me. And when I woke up it was still in front of my very eyes and I covered my face with the blanket.
There was another time I woke up hearing little footsteps running towards me. And I covered my head out of fear of seeing it too. I did not want to see another skeleton coming toward me.
This kept going on. Another time I heard giant wings flapping on top of the roof of my room where I was sleeping. I ran to my parents’ room hiding next to the foot of their bed. Telling them there was a giant bird flapping its wings over me.
It was directly over me on the roof trying to get me. They said that it was probably too tress. My reply was that there were no trees over the roof of our house. So, my dad loaded up his gun and went outside to look.
And ran back inside because he told my mom that the hairs on the back of his head stood up. He felt fear that it made him run back inside the house.
And later, as an adult. I figured this old lady was a wicked old witch who was trying to poison and kill me. And had me bury something in my yard which meant she was using me to cast a curse on myself.
This is when things started going bad for me the rest of my life for a very long time. I was always getting into trouble with the teacher. Who always sent me to the principal’s office to get spanked with a paddle that had holes in it. And It hurt like hell.
They did this out of rejection and hatred towards me for no reason at all. It must have been a racial thing. She really had no reason to hate me. I did nothing to her nor said anything to her wrong.
It was clearly an act of hate and abuse towards me. The teacher was very strict with me and never let me go to the bathroom when I needed to. As a result, I ended up with a cyst in my kidney and had an operation to remove it before it burst and killed me.
But I know why this was happening to me and I needed spiritual help and Spiritual healing. Thus, at that time, I knew nothing about it because I was too young to learn about that yet.
One day my cousin was driving with my mother and their kids accepted me. I stayed home. My cousin was going around 50 miles an hour when she hit a car that rolled in front of her while it was at the red light.
When someone took me to the emergency room to see what happened. I could hear my little second cousins crying. Then I saw someone I knew walk in the door. It was the wicked old teacher lol. And I said hi Mrs. Thelman. That was her name what a corny name. What are you doing here I said.
When she looked at me, she said to herself oh Noooooo! I should have said oh yes lol. And learned that the car rolled in front of my cousin.
Because the teacher’s father had a heart attack and passed away and her son was with her.
I am sure her son got badly hurt too. Oh I’m sorry did God just get through spanking your son too for no reason at all Mrs. Thelman? It may sound gruesome.
But God says he has no respect for the wicked. So, there you have it. Ugly people do not belong to God. Abusive people do not belong to God. They belong to Satan.
Until they change their wicked ways. Guess what? I never saw her come back to work at school again. That was the last I saw of her.
Ding dong the witch gone the witch is gone. Lol. That child abuser! In those days you could report child abuse. They got away with a lot of S. Excuse my French.
You see how God works folks. All that hate and punishment for no reason at all towards me backfired on her. That is why she was saying oh no.
God doesn’t like ugly. See how she hated me so much and abused me. And see how the tables can turn on your enemy when God is with you.
I had another operation at the age of 15 when my appendix almost burst.
I will tell you later. more about what else had been happening to me later in my life after this post, because this post is rather long. But I did suffer many changes and was getting hurt all the time.
Accidents on the job, you name it. I met a man one day and he said someone had put the devil on me. So, he taught me a few backfiring fighting spiritual skills. To combat evil, including the devil himself.
I prayed about it before I went through with it. In fact, every little bit of information I can learn will help at any cost of my life being in jeopardy.
I always kept bumping into spiritual people and possessed women.
That’s wild, isn’t it? But it was a spiritual battle and journey I will never forget in my life. I will tell you about that one in a later post as well.
Back to my misfortune in my early life. But guess what, it was an experience I had learned from to find a way and make a comeback.
All I wanted was a peaceful life. But I began to see that people are not nice anymore. And I was getting worse as time went by. But nothing could take me down anymore. Because God had already embedded his spirit in me that gave me the power over death.
Believe it or not, I have already died 5 times and come back from the dead. Because had a plan for me and I needed to know what he wanted me to do for him. And now I know. And that is to do his will.
There is prejudice everywhere now. That has gotten worse. It goes back 100 years. I mean prehistoric okay. What happened? Well, for one this pandemic happened. I’ll tell you what happened. We are being attacked. Our government is doing this behind closed doors in secret too.
When God has a plan for you this is what happens. He protects you from everything including death. And give you the power over death. He also gives you the power to heal, preach, prophesy, and exercise demons like Jesus did.
And I have many talents that God gave me. And has given you talents, but you need to figure out how to use them.
He will turn you into a beautiful person as well. And of great strength and power. If you only follow his rules and turn away from negativity and things that will hurt you that can ruin your life. You don’t have to be holy to make it to heaven.
You don’t have to stop smoking to make it to heaven. It does not matter if you are addicted to drugs, or whatever you are addicted.
God is mostly concerned about where your heart is. And not what you are taking or drinking.
But your body is the temple of the holy spirit once you accept him in your life. So, take care of it as much as possible. And don’t eat or drink too much of anything that can hurt you or give you cancer.
Cause you are breaking one of the Ten Commandments that says thou shall not kill. You are killing yourself slowly by doing too much that will hurt you.
There is a verse in the Bible that also says. God will help those who help themselves. I had to learn how to fight fire with fire because of the forces that have been working against me all my life since I was 4.
There was a reason why that happened to me. Satan was trying to get rid of me so as to intercept the plan that God had for me in the future. To do his will. In fact, I plan to shake up the world.
With God’s message, for everyone to wake up and smell the coffee sort of speak. It is time for the world to come out of confusion.
Because all belongs to God. So, why are our countries fighting each other for land and power? It all belongs to God and all of us are on borrowed time. He created everything.
God is magical and he will make you magical if he so desires you to be or need to be for your own protection to make evil backfire with incredible force when you are being attacked spiritually.
When people plot your death, they will die first. This is what I mean about God protecting you from sudden death. It is God who destroys your enemies for you my friend when you trust in him and keep practicing your faith in him.
It is up to us to reach godly perfection. You might be saying what? How can we reach that? It’s in the Bible folks. Just read the bible through like I did. In Psalms, it says he has made us Gods in the flesh.
The only people who will not be able to return to a body will be the Nephilim who because they were born part angelic and human were not allowed to come back into a body.
And the only way for them to try to come back. Would be through another person’s body. To possess them and take over. We are like gods in the flesh. Everything is back there in our subconscious mind we meditate on God’s word to become better each day.
Psalms 82:6 I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most high. So, if you are one of his chosen you will understand what I am talking about. For those who keep telling me to be more specific.
They need to pray and ask for a spiritual understanding. And how everything works in the spirit. You need to ask for his guidance and he will give it to you. And you must do a continual everyday prayer not just once.
This is what you call practicing your faith in God. If you don’t forget God in your life, God won’t forget about you. It’s as simple as that. And that’s a fact, Jack. Because I am a witness to that.
We must keep in contact with God. When you speak to God in your mind, he hears you. It doesn’t matter whether you go to church or not.
Because the church is not going to save you from hell. It is just a building for fellowship as far as I am concerned.
Because what all preachers preach about anyway is the same thing over and over again that Jesus saves. Yes, we already know Jesus saves. Tell me something I need to know besides that like prophecies.
If they were to teach instead of all this huh huh preaching singing so on with whatever preaching tradition, they think they have going on is not good enough for me.
I am not going to church to jump up and down like a fool pretending I am full of the holy spirit. God is seriously angry about this sort of tradition in the church. I am going to church to learn to be taught something new about the scriptures because that is what it is about.
Standing around in a crowd singing, dancing hoping around hallelujah here and there. And coming out of my pocket to pay for something that is not helping is not getting it, is it?
Because I would still go back home with the same problem, I went in there to get rid of it. Give me some spiritual edification. Anyways. How can you be a Godly Superman? All you need to do is believe in him and that he can and will do all these things for you.
Guess what bullets don’t bounce off of me, but they do miss me. I spoke about an incident in another post when I was in my teens messing around with the wrong crowd.
We were in the car, and he was stubborn to go to the wrong side of town. On the south side, a car rolled slowly by us and shot at us. It was like two shots at the same time. One for my friend who hit him in the throat.
And the other for me who missed me by an inch away from my heart and hit the door next to me. God is truly miraculous. And protects his own.
And bless you with the power to conquer Satan himself as Jesus did.
Mathew: 17:20 If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed. Ye shall say unto this mountain, remove hence to yonder place, and it shall remove. And nothing shall be impossible unto you.
All is possible through Christ who strengthens me. It is because of his blood on the cross that I have all these Godly gifts and talents. And when God blesses us with spiritual gifts. It is for us to use them every day of our lives. To help each other grow in spirit.
Not everyone has the same talents you have. We all have different talents, and we need to stick together. Because the hand is one with five fingers.
Those five fingers help the others grab objects and help each other work faster. But they are all for different purposes. It is like that with people. Everyone has their purpose and destiny.
And God has a plan for them. It is up to us to figure out the plan. I have figured mine out already. It’s here with you guys, blogging about it.
And I am here to help you figure out yours with my spiritual experiences. Again. I have been involved in demon exorcism for quite some time now. And this was not my choice.
I had to because I kept coming across, possessed women. Yes, I was meeting possessed women who came to me for help. You don’t have to be a priest to pray for someone who is possessed. That is another part of the story of my life that I would like to tell you about in another post.
Just remind me. I am telling you I had one adventure after another in my lifetime. And never could find the right female friend for me to enjoy life with. Was tired of looking in all the wrong places. And decided if it was meant for me to have someone God would send her to me.
God will make a way no matter what happens to you. That is why I would rather be alone. Maybe someday God will bless me with someone. I am not worried about it. Guess what? Good things come to those who wait.
And it does not matter how long I wait. Because it makes no difference at this time. What makes a difference is getting moving forward toward the next journey he has for me.
And get with the program. It is never too late for anyone to fix their mistakes when we make them. We all make mistakes, no one is perfect. But we learn from them too. And no one is better than the other. God made all of us equal.
That is why we should be competing with each other over who is the better person or the best in anything else. We all have a purpose in God’s list. And not all of us are the same nor have the same talents. That is why it is important to find your destiny for your sake and God.
I am only human and so are you. But guess what? There is another verse in the Bible that says, I can be perfect in Christ who strengthens me. So, that means you can be perfect in his ways, his thoughts, his love. And everything that goes with what he is and represents, Godly perfection. Is it possible? Yes, everything is possible for God.
God created us, didn’t he? And the body is a very complex machine of art. He can do anything you want and need if you only ask. And believe that he is listening and granting it for you.
Just don’t ask for a million dollars my friend, because that is not going to happen. Cause I already tried, just joking lol. It’s not like Jennie’s magic, okay? But he will bless you in so many ways that are worth a lot more than riches. In fact, wisdom is the richest wealth you could ever have.
But people go to church for fellowship. Okay, that’s fine but you still have these haters around you who are wolves in sheep’s clothing in the church. And if they don’t like you well you will be on their gossip list.
The females are always showing their true colors when coming out of the church. But not all of them do that. They will come out of church already complaining about someone having a hat that was outdated last year.
And still have the nerve to say it like this after walking out the church doors. “Oh, look at that “B”. Ha, I had that hat last year, it’s outdated.
So, why is it that people think going to church will save them from hell? Jesus says you cannot come in through the window.
Women are being treated with special privileges of wearing those big wide-pimp-looking hats in church, but they will ask a man to take off his why?
If they say it’s disrespecting God when a man wears his hat in the church. What about the women? They would be disrespecting God too in that case. Because we are all created equal.
So, women please leave your pimp hats at home if it is disrespecting God to wear them in church. Remember why they call females Wo-man too. Get it lol. Women are part of the man.
So, they had to add a Wo to distinguish them from one another. I hope you get my point but if not pray that you may understand my friend.
Let me stress the point a little further. The church rules rank okay. They need to change those stupid little rules to a more realistic one.
What looks good and equal in God’s eyes for both? No one, no race, no country is better than the other. Why compete to see who is the best? Ah, competition is the devil’s tool as well my friends.
Are they given special privileges because they are women lol? OMG. Everything is messed up in church, isn’t it? I think so. Again, we are all created equal here. God does not have special privileges for women over men just because they are the weaker sex.
like they say they are, period. We are all created equal. I don’t know why they called the woman weaker sex. When we are all equal. Get it now?
It is the same as putting themselves on a pedestal just because they are the male gender.
So, be on the alert, because there are some preachers out there that are fake enough to try to get into your wife’s panties. The rules anywhere should be equal like the bible says we are. I don’t agree with that kind of stupid church rule. If I can’t wear my hat too,
I rather not go ha. That is why they think they are the stuff when they wear their big wide pimp hats in church. Like I said before, the wrong kind of pride belongs to the devil.
God wants you to come to him humble not in full pride of yourself as to how good you look in clothes or hats with the nose up in the air like you don’t care lol.
You see when God’s spirit is in you. You will see all those things that don’t look right in his eyes. Again, I will repeat the verse. You shall know them by the fruits of their spirit.
If you say hello to someone and they don’t respond and walk away it is time for you to walk away from that church too. God’s spirit is not in there.
I mean if the whole congregation is prejudiced the bible says you will know them by the spirit of their fruits. Being proud and stiff neck to people in the church is not Christ-like.
Their way of thinking and feeling that they are better than the world. Because they do not go to church. On the contrary. We are the church. Those types of Christians are not Christ-like.
They don’t even know what spiritual edification means. Telling people they are going to hell for smoking or whatever they do. Condemns them for their weaknesses which does not bring them to God.
Do not get them saved and they won’t come back. Since you already excluded them from being God’s child.
And that is not the way you lead anyone to God. In fact, you are chasing them away and that is what the devil wants you to do. Chase them away from God is his specialty.
Didn’t I say in another post that when you spoil a child, they become worse when they grow up? And later, can’t take no for an answer. Well, it is the same way with spoiling anyone else. They get so used to taking from you that it becomes a habit.
I don’t hate women on the contrary I love a very respectful kind of woman. But some have foolish pride and that makes them ignorant. Because some do think the world evolves around them.
And some men act the same way. All this needs to be fixed. We all need each other. There should be no competition between anyone at all as a Godly rule, not a church rule.
What about the Gold diggers? Oh well, that needs to be fixed too. Everyone needs direction and they are all looking in the wrong places for it.
Everything is about money and God is displeased by the greed that some people have.
The pride that everyone should have been for God’s purpose not our own. Like proud to be a child of God for one doing his wonderful works. Not telling people oh you are going to hell.
Jesus says that you cannot enter heaven through a window. You must come in through me, I am the door, I am the way to life.
And no matter how much you see them jump and fall on their faces claiming the holy spirit in them. Nothing changed because they still came out the same way as they went in.
Hallelujah yeah right. Actions speak louder than words I say. And talk is cheap unless you make sense and mean what you say and not be a two-faced hypocrite.
That my friend is called self-righteous when people boast about themselves in church. And is also called self-glorification when they condemn.
That is the very same thing that needs to be taught in the church. It is self-righteousness.
And they condemn others to place themselves on a pedestal. It still makes them look bad in God’s eyes and in mine as well.
Here is another verse, “Judge not that ye be judged”. In the same manner. Give and you shall receive seven times greater. But if you take it shall be taken from you seven times greater.
And you don’t have to be holy to feel God. He sanctifies you because he knows you are already his chosen.
He knew you before you were born and set you up for your future journey when you were born. And it is up to you what you choose in life. Whether good or bad.
You were there before in another lifetime and reincarnated into this life to give you another chance.
We have a chance to make a better lifestyle than the ones we had in several past lives. The spirit never dies. Your spirit is not yours.
It is God’s spirit of life that belongs to him who gave to you to live. And bestow spiritual gifts upon you.
How do I know this? Since then, I have been having visions and visions in my sleep. I dreamed once that I had horns on top of my head like a bull.
And I was walking to a great pyramid with someone in my arms and it was a female and that was it. I woke up amazed and a little confused as to why I had these long-curved horns like a bull. But my face was not like a bull.
Oh, I remember in the dream that some demons were behind me, and they had red glowing eyes. As soon as I turned around to look at them, they feared me and backed off. What a dream huh?
That was telling me I may have been a spiritual leader of some kind, maybe I was a Nephilim myself. And it was also telling me I was a man of great power in those days. But that again remains to be seen in this life.
Not all Nephilim were evil. Remember how the Bible states that some were re-known? And some good that helped build the pyramids. They were 150 tall. And became kings of this world to rule over the people.
I remember another dream I had of the plane hitting the World Trade Center 6 months before it happened. Believe it or not, I saw the future in my dream. There were a few other dreams I had about several tornados that came along and hit the mid-west countryside too.
Okay back to what God has done for me besides visions. When I was 16 again, I went off the subject at first. We lived in the projects just me, my sister, and my brothers.
I was visiting a friend of mine and upon arriving at his door I heard his mother yelling inside like she was going mad or something. So, I told him I would come back some other time.
Then he grabbed me by the risk as I was turning away and said no come in, please, and upon looking there was his mother on the couch going crazy like she was possessed.
And was being tormented. I think he knew I would help, and I believe God told him to pull me in. So, I kneeled at the head of the couch while she was crying and screaming in torment. I said this in my mind. Oh God please help her and get it out of her whatever it is.
I didn’t know how to pray well but that did it. Just get it out of her. Then, I became aware that God had embedded in me the power over death.
And his power to heal by prayer when I was 4 years old. It was automatic when I asked him to save me from death. His saving me gave me that power when I went into that deep sleep I came back from the dead the next morning.
And I was refreshed like a computer that went back to its factory settings, but with extra dexterities. See my friends you have a hidden talent in you too that you may need to yet to discover as well.
She amazingly stops that quickly after the little conversation I had with God in my mind. She was tired of huffing and puffing and was saying who was praying, who was praying?
I thought they were the ones praying for her. But she kept asking and I replied it was me how did you know? She said I heard you praying for me, wow I didn’t know I had it in me.
To make such a miraculous recovery for her by prayer in my mind. God is truly wonderful she was able to hear my thoughts and was healed completely.
So that told me I had the gift of healing by prayer, and I didn’t have to touch her. She grabbed my hand and was so grateful saying thank you thank you thank you. She explained to me what happened to her.
Someone had slipped something into her drink so that she would go crazy every time she drank a beer. This is why the bible tells us to pray in the closet of our mind. Why? So that the enemy may not hear your prayer and try to intercept you.
That means that the devil cannot hear your prayer to plot against it. Because he will try to bust your happy little bubble if he can. Especially if you are one of God’s chosen. His mission is to stop you from telling the truth.
So, he does everything in his power to overwhelm you with confusion and lies. So, pray in the closet of your minds people. Don’t pray out loud like the Pharisees did to make a beautiful impression on others to see how well you can pray. Again, that is called self-glorification.
You don’t have to be a Christian to pray. Remember I did it when I was 4 years old. And all I said was heal me God and I will serve you for the rest of my life and he did.
Oh, by the way, I found out that woman was a witch who poisoned me. She later was the one who died. God is wonderful and will make everything backfire on the wicked if you just keep praying every day.
Thus, you don’t need to make any long prayers. Just think about God every your life. You will know and feel the presence of God in your daily life. For those of you who think you are not good enough. Don’t pity yourself, that is one of the devil’s tools to make you weak-minded.
Never feel sorry for yourself and never regret what you do just fix it. Get with God’s program and you will see a tremendous, big difference in your way of life for the better.
The difference between God’s spirit and happy Demon spirits. I call them happy demon spirits. Because that is what they do when they possess anyone in the church. Including them running around baffling out of control, and falling on the floor.
On top of that, I have seen them fall to the ground hard enough to break their teeth. What kind of a spirit of God does that to someone?
That is why you see others trying to prevent them from harming themselves.
I’ll answer that question easily. It is not the spirit of God. It is a demon-like possession.
That makes you feel good to deceive you into believing you are possessed by the spirit of God. When God does not work like that. Only Satan and demons work that way.
God. Because God is a God of love, and he would not delight in having you hurt yourself if he was to possess you. God does not do possessions. Only the devil does that to control.
Remember that God gave us free will to choose what way we want to go and not to control us or make us fear him in any way to submit to him. He gives us a choice.
For instance, I remember when I gave my heart to Christ, I was overwhelmed with sadness from him for me which brought tears to my eyes.
He was feeling for me in other words and filling me with his spirit. It was because he knows the future.
And what was going to happen to me Which later did happen to me. But I survived it all.
This is my point, when God touches you and he enters into your life it is because you chose him too and need him in your life to help you through your troubles and turmoil.
I visited a church, and it was one of those carnival tent churches. Everyone was running around praising the lord getting possessed and speaking in tongues.
Something that someone was supposed to interpret like the bible says should happen but that did not happen there.
The female pastor or whomever she was came to me after touching several people and making them get possessed.
And touched me and was saying a bunch of stuff about what the Lord had in store for me. And I felt some pressure on my chest lol.
I said what the hell. Well, I didn’t say that actually, that was my impression. And it kept trying to enter into my chest again and again till it gave up lol.
I said Well I wonder what that was trying to possess me lol. You know why it could not possess me. Because the spirit of the Lord was already living in there and he could not come in lol. I laugh because it is so funny now. This has been happening in churches all over the world. I have done my research.
And found out that catholic churches started in the days of the Knights Templar and Catholic religions. Well, guess what, The Masons have their secret church everywhere.
What they do is bury the secret talisman they found in the secret scrolls of King Solomon’s tomb. That is why he told his son to hide it from those who would abuse this power for their greed. I have that book of King Solomon’s Key and secret magical seals.
What they are burying in the backyard of a church once they build it is a control talisman. To make people feel their spirit of happiness once they get possessed.
So that they can also come out of their pockets. It’s all about propaganda and control. Why? Because God does not want your money. He does want your tithe. Because money comes from trees, and he created trees.
It’s his money anyway. Aha. Now, if they had said help us build this church into a more beautiful environment for us all to worship in. That would be different. I don’t mind giving just don’t lie to me why you need it.
But tithes are out of the question, I’ll tell you why. God created the universe and all that is in it. Why would he want your money lol? that.
God is not out to get your money because he was the one who created the trees.
The money was already his. This tithe thing was the very same thing that Jesus did not like going on in the church. That is why he turned the tables and was angry.
Besides selling in the church. And the exact reason why Jesus did not like what they were doing. The same traditions of Cain. To offer fruits, and food sacrifices to God. Which was offensive to God because God does not eat food. He is not mortal and does not get hungry.
But the blood sacrifice that Able gave to God was from one of his favorite and pure whitest sheep. In other words, he gave the best of his flock.
And that is why God favored his offering to accept the fruits and vegetables Cain was offering.
This has a spiritual meaning. The blood of the lamb. Jesus was the blood of the lamb as well. Give to God your best and he will favor you over your enemies who hate you without a cause.
So, that is why I do not believe in tithes. Because it is an added scripture to the bible by King James scholars. Rewriting the bible scriptures by 40 different so-called bible scholars.
And what they did was take out some books and add some of their own words and rules to control people. In those days and times, the world was a little barbaric.
Thus, the same rules are in the church today. If you smoke, you go to hell. If you drink you go to hell, and so on. And that you will go to hell if you do not believe in God. Which is a bunch of malarkey. All that is to control the people of the church.
The Bible is one big contradictory mess. But it is up to us to figure the right scriptures out. Never doubt what God can turn you into. Like I said before, all you need to do is ask.
And dedicate yourself to him. Because he is the one who loves you the most. You are his child of course he loves you more than anything else.
But if you are a bible scholar you can figure that out as I have. The only way to figure it out. Is to read the whole bible as I did.
I read it again till I reached the end of the Old Testament. Because I already knew the New Testament.
And I am going to tell you my friends, not only did God give me knowledge but power as well. To know figure out God’s secrets for you to figure out. He will speak to you and share his thoughts with you when you list expect it.
Great ideas will pop up in your brain and you wonder where that came from and you never thought you had it like that. You will be so good, that you’ll even astound yourself.
God will indeed make you a great somebody even if you are nobody important to the world. It is your destiny he will make happen for you if you only listen to his thoughts in you. follow the rules, that is all. What are the rules?
Simply don’t be jealous of anyone. Clear your thoughts of negativity, and don’t be greedy for money. Don’t lust over your neighbor’s wife. And do not hurt yourself too much by overeating, drinking, or anything that can hurt you too much.
Because you would be breaking one of God’s ten commandments. Thou shalt not kill by killing yourself. What you take too much can hurt you and what can hurt you too much can and will kill you.
I am inspired by ‘God To write this to you because he has a message waiting there for you too. This is how God uses us to wake up everybody’s mind. To open up your third eye and see, realizing the truth of it all.
There should be no secrets in the world. It must and will all get exposed soon enough in ‘due time, you’ will see. And already happening. Well, all I can say is.
You wanted me to keep writing my content. It was you all who inspired me to continue my writing. Otherwise, I would stop for a while till something came up again.
I have so much knowledge to share with you that it would be impossible to put it all on one page. I will soon do the continuation of King James scholars in another post. Well, shoot’ let me go ahead and tell you about it. You are going to have to bear with me and keep reading on.
Because this is interesting too. There was one bible scholar they all feared because of his interpretations of the bible. And how he read the scriptures.
And when he died, They buried him. They decided that they did not want his spirit to come back from the dead again into another body.
And dug his body up and burned it to ashes to get rid of his spirit. What they do not know is that the ‘spirit belongs to God. The spirit never dies. ‘Thus, I have a feeling his spirit has reincarnated in me. So that means, “Hello.” I am back.
Guess what we all have past lives, and if you concentrate on God, he will show you many wonders in the spirit. God works in mysterious ways. ‘And all you need is an open mind that acknowledges wisdom.
A closed mind has no sense or meaning of worth. ‘Because they are followers and not leaders. They need guidance but are looking for answers in the wrong places.
When God teaches you in the spirit. It would be the best experience you could ever have. ‘And, knowing that you are God chosen is a ‘wonderful’ experience.
The best spiritual experience you could ever have. If you have been through hell and back like I have. You are God’s chosen. If you suffered many tragedies as I have, then you are God’s chosen. Wonder why everything went wrong in your past life.
It is because the enemy knows your destiny and wants to stop you at all costs from fulfilling it. like he ‘tried to stop the coming of Jesus. ‘Because you belong to God. God has a plan for you too.
We all need to wake up that third spiritual eye you have deep within us. To see reality as it is and come out of confusion my friends. Well, that is it, for now, my friends. I ‘enjoyed ‘writing this new article. That God inspired me to do for you.
To present the ‘truth of what it means to be God’s chosen. Now you know what you have to do to reach your destiny too Let’s grow together and not compete with one another. For a house divided will fall apart. We need to stick together in the spirit and pray for one another.
Prayer does not have to be special. Just imagine that you are talking to your best friend, it’s as simple as that. One more thing. I put together some quotes and revised them all to show you what revised is about. You use your own words inspired by God in your mind.
My Inspirational quotes
These quotes that I have created and revised are some of King Solomon’s quotes and my own, or you can say re-created them to my original content.
And all of them are my original content. If you find a copy from somewhere else, please let me know. Because I hate plagiarism, it might be just that good to write someone else’s content without copying.
So, there you have it. This is the way to write people. Be creative and never throw someone else’s exact words in there. Create your own originality.
Because that is what Google likes to see. Remember that when you see yourself indexed at the top of the Google, Bing, and Yahoo pages. Which will give you the most traffic when people see your website right there in front of their eyes.
To grow in the spirit is to be rich in wisdom
You always learn a lot more when you lose than when you win.
Beautiful things will never last long.
Knowledge brings wisdom. And wisdom is intelligence.
To be lost is to learn how to find your way.
A person does not lose their beauty within, due to a lack of admiration from without.
A diamond does not lose its value due to a lack of admiration.
When you spend your wealth, it will come to an end. But when you are learning knowledge, It will increase into wisdom.
If you have character, ugliness becomes beautiful. But if you have none, even when you are beautiful it becomes ugliness.
Beauty comes from within and not so much as without.
A house divided will not stand and will fall.
We are strong in numbers. All for one and one for all.
There are many colors of flowers on the path of life. But the prettiest, grow with sharp thorns.
The one who loves an unsightly person is the one who sees the beauty within.
If you marry someone for their money. When the money is gone, you will be looking for money elsewhere without true love.
Slander through the grapevine will affect the grapes and turn them bitter.
If you feel that you are too small to make an impact. You will never be confident.
Your ideas are not your own. Because they belong to God’s spirit in you.
Good thoughts come from God. Negativity, envy, and bad thoughts come from Satan.
When you contemplate, and meditate, you will increase in wisdom.
To edify yourself is to learn through the spirit of God.
Ignorance lacks intelligence.
Hatred lacks love and peace of mind.
When two people love to speak and have the same hobbies. They are compatible for life.
Love of money and spending will come to an end. But true love will never die.
Telling a secret to someone unworthy is like putting money in your pocket with a hole in it.
When people judge you, they hate and envy you because they are jealous of you.
Love is forever but hatred dies in due time.
Pure love will treat you with kindness.
Love that is fake will lose its admiration and make you get bored.
When someone’s love turns into hate it’s time to move on.
A sense of humor expresses peace, love, and happiness.
When your heart is filled with pride. There is no room for wisdom.
Ignorance never listens to reason.
An open mind has a higher intelligence than a closed one.
A fool’s mouth that speaks all day and never listens lacks understanding. But someone who is quiet, and listens will increase in knowledge and wisdom.
The greatest glory is not when you are great. But being able to rise every time you fall.
No matter how fast you work towards your goal. The main thing is never to stop.
If you hate, then you have defeated your own purpose to love. You can’t feel hate and love at the same time. Thus, hate has defeated you and made you blind to the truth.
The absence of tension. Will make you radiate with an aura of tranquility and happiness.
When you listen to nature. The silence calms your nerves more than words can say.
The best fighter is the one who wins without fighting.
Some people who tried to bury me didn’t know I was a seed.
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Our national park’s deep secrets. Are being exposed. By whistle-blowers. And those who worked for the government? I do my best to research and post about the government’s deepest secrets.
Is The Government responsible for monsters in our national parks? I say yes, and it is intentional. As I said before, our Gov. has been keeping all these deep secrets from us for thousands of years.
For one did you know that Adam had 2 wives? The first is Lilith who left him for Satan. I found this out in one of the lost books of the bible. Let me rephrase that. The book of Enoch. Is banned from the bible.
Because they do not want us to figure out their plan to reduce an overpopulated nation. This is why I need to expose the gov.’s deepest secrets. I spoke of this before in one of my other posts.
Thus, I want to elaborate on a particular topic. I have heard about all these different kinds of cyrtids and werewolves in our national parks. Where are they coming from?
And what are they? Who created them? The government has been experimenting with humans, aliens, and animal DNA.
Creating all kinds of half-animal and half-human creatures. Like it used to be in the older days of Noah.
When the giants roamed the Earth. In those days the watchers were responsible for the creation of the dinosaurs and hybrid alien giants.
The aliens as we know them to look like. Are the watchers who lost their angelic form. When they defiled themselves with women. Which were their forbidden fruit sort of speak.
Their sin was taking human form to have sex with the daughters of men and brought a curse on themselves.
Who intermingled with the daughters of Adam. Once they saw that Satan did it to Lilith, they made they all gathered together. Made a pack and declared it as an anonymous decision.
All 200 watchers that God brought forth out of prison according to the intro of the book of Enoch. These were not the Annunaki. They were the two hundred, placed here on Earth. To watch over us. And to serve us.
But they revolted against God. Because they felt that God favored humans more than them. So they became jealous of humans. And took advantage of the women.
In the book of Enoch. They are called the Grigori. So there was a big difference between the height of Adam. But Adam’s normal height would have been like 16 feet.
Like Bashon and Og. But he did not come from the Grigori bloodline which created the Nephilim. This is why it says in the bible.
That we have fallen short of God’s glory. What do you think happened? I’ll tell you what happened.
There was alien DNA mixed in with ours. They experimented with humans like the government is doing now.
Adam was created with alien DNA. To give him a brain to think better and evolve. We were created in God’s image of course.
So, we came from Annunaki not Nephilim according to the books of Enoch.
Moreover, the reason they were in prison. Was because they were possessing the grandchildren of Moses.
And he prayed to God to imprison all. But Satan came to God to plead with him. To at least leave him 200 watchers to help govern the Earth. So, they can continue the punishment of human wickedness.
that was developed by affiliate marketers for affiliate marketers.
They were there because of Noah. But Satan asked God. How is he supposed to govern the earth? And to do his work in punishing the wicked.
Because that was what he put him here on Earth to do in the first place.
The reason why is because God is a God of love not of hate or war. So, this was Satan’s job to punish evil-doers. That is why God sent him here to be the governor of Earth.
Thus, this introduction that I am giving this first. This is to help you understand what went on. And how all these mutations.
Were both angelic and human DNA experiments from alien technology.
And now the gov. is copying what they have done in the past all over again. I would not doubt it if there is a real Jurassic Park on a remote Island no one knows about.
They have found Dinosaur bones and all they have to do is abstract the DNA from their bones.
Some creatures were frozen in time, thus making it possible to abstract DNA from them.
They bible states that would happen again before the coming of the end of the world. That these things would happen again.
That giants and creatures would return one day. By genetic engineering alien technology.
Luke 17:26 And as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be also in the days of the son of man. This means it will happen again before the coming of Jesus.
I will start with the origins of the beginning of creation, God created both male and female Genesis 1:27. Again, according to the book of Enoch Adam’s first wife was Lilith.
It was later that Eve was created from one of Adam’s ribs. After Lilith left him for Satan thinking he was God himself in the flesh.
The first wife Lilith was the one who told Adam that God gave her a man-child. Why didn’t Lilith say that God gave her just a child?
Because the man-child was not from God and grew into a man at an exulcerated pace because he was Nephilim. Part Angel and human.
But by Satan who fooled her into believing he was God. By impersonating God’s image to soil his seed and create his race of giants the Nephilim. Starting with the first one, Cain.
Later God brought the flood to destroy all the giants. Including the Dinosaurs living at that time as well. But some survived. This happened because they were cannibalizing humans.
So, God had to do this before they would make the human race extinct. Which was Satan’s plan, to prevent the coming of Jesus.
This story was told in the bible. It was also told in the book of Enoch. Now I know why they banned the book of Enoch from the bible. They were worshiping many Gods, not just one.
But these Gods were human and angelic offspring of the watchers. Who took advantage of the daughters of Adam.
Remember Adam had generations of offspring before he reached over 950 years old. But he was of Annunaki origin, not Nephilim. And here is another question.
How did he live that long? I’ll tell you how. He was the first hybrid human and alien experiment ordered by God.
And Bigfoot is the missing link believe it or not. I speak of it in one of my other posts. I say this because we did not come from apes. That is an insult to them and us.
Bigfoot has a human face. It is an insult for a scientist to say we came from apes. Therefore, Bigfoot is the only answer.
We have less hair than they do now. And we also have our spirits as they have.
Genesis 4:6 says. And the sons of God came unto the daughters of men, and they gave birth to giants.
These giants were the Nephilim. Adam was a huge man not like today he was around 16 feet tall.
Not saying he was Nephilim. People were a lot taller back then till humanity fell from grace. From living a thousand years to less than 120.
Our life expectancy got lower and so did our bodies got smaller. Our DNA got manipulated and made us less likely to live more than 120 years.
They had to do something about reducing an overpopulated world. And you can tell by way of the sacrifice that is happening right now from the government.
There is another sneaky way they are speeding the process. Through our water and food.
Our water because tap water is recycled sewage water. It has over a hundred contaminants, and some of them kill like E. coli.
That comes from animal and human waste. And in our processed food adding magnesium stearate. That will create bleeding ulcers if you eat too much of it every day.
And medication of taking too much every day. These are just some of the ways our government sneaks dangerous chemicals into our water.
Also in food processed meals to slow down our age. People are dying at a younger age now.
People were taller and lived longer in those days before God shortened our life span.
We do not live as long as they did in those days because of God’s curse upon humans for his disobedience.
So this is why we don’t get to live more than 120. But now even shorter. Moreover, because of our lifestyle of eating processed foods with magnesium stearate.
That will give you bleeding ulcers. And turn into cancer if not treated by a doctor. This is how people are dying at a younger age.
Because of all the chemicals they have been adding to our processed foods and medication. That is just one of the reasons. People lived healthier lives back then.
Back then there were no processed foods. Or medications of this kind. Our ancestors used traditional herbal medicines. But not with chemicals.
So, it is not enough that we are drinking tap water that is full of recycled crap. That kind of water is a disgusting thought and still makes me want to heave at just the thought of it.
But with these other secrets that the government has been hiding from us. This is the beginning of a whole new era of cryptids.
And have been around for a long while, and are now found in our national parks.
The gov. has been experimenting with aliens. Human, and animal DNA since the beginning of the century. Do you think not?
Think again. It is all hidden from us to conceal the real truth of it all. And the real purpose behind it. As in the same crap but a different toilet sort of speak. To kill an overpopulated country.
I have never heard of these kinds of stories till recently since last year. And it has begun to grow. Because these creatures are being created and they are multiplying.
With the gov. releasing them into the deep woods. And most likely from hidden underground bunkers. Where they do their experiments.
I remember several movies about the werewolf and the rest of the monsters of old times on television. But never believed it was real till now.
I have heard so many people tell their recent experiences. About encountering creatures in national parks. This has been happening for thousands of years and most of us do not know it. Because it is their secret. Top Secrets.
Especially the Dog Man or as I would say the modern werewolf. But This type of creature is a very tall 8-foot tall. A muscular build with dog feet and the head of a wolf or coyote. And the little fur looks like a mangy dog.
The first thought that came to my mind was an image of the Egyptian hieroglyphic. Of a dog-like-looking person holding bows and arrows in battle.
The soldiers of the ancients. Part human and dog men or wolf. They are all from the same dog family. They call it a wolf because it is a wild dog.
They describe him as hunched over with a very muscular build at the top and skinny legs. The werewolf origins started in the 16th century.
During that time it was called the loop-guru, loop meaning wolf and guru meaning human. They later called it Rougarou.
There was also the story I heard about the lizard man. I would not doubt that they are still around.
Because lizard man goes as far back as the creation of mankind. These are aliens that came here to Earth.
The zulu history speaks of lizard people who came and brought the moon with them. And put it in perfect orbit in the beginning of creation.
I saw hieroglyphs and pictures of lizard men shaking hands with the Mayan king.
There is also Bigfoot, the Jersey Devil, and Chupacabra. Here is a new one I found out recently. The goat man. And now the bear man.
And the rake. All these creatures are experiments, the government was working on creating some kind of military creature for protection as the Egyptians did.
The creature called the rake was pale with large black round eyes, with no nose. Had claws and would rake before attacking. That is why they called it the rake.
As I said people go to national parks and come up missing because they venture into the deep woods.
And you never get to hear from them again or see them ever again. Because they are in some creature’s belly.
All these creatures are created to protect their environment. It is the same as when I told you all about bigfoot which is a product of the Aliens as military protection for their territory.
I have my share of ghostly experiences and exercising demons from a lady who asked for help.
That’s right I can do that sort of thing. It is done by prayer amongst another secret that I hold I could never tell for now.
But This is why I started to blog. To let people know what I know and to warn what is out there.
Hey, guess what Mermaids are real too. Makes me want to stay away from the beach.
I have a clip of a baby octopus lipping out of the water on the rocks to snatch a crab and crawl right back into the water with it.
Could you imagine what the mother would do to you if you were there too lol?
And I advise everybody. Please do not go deep into the woods either when you go camping and do not go alone.
I always loved camping as a Boy Scout and on up to Explorer. But now I am careful where I camp at.
But hearing about all these people going missing in national parks is a bit scary for me to go anymore. I think I would camp somewhere where there are lots of campers instead.
Choose the right place or park and the safe place to go. The world isn’t as safe as it used to be anymore.
People have reported a creature coming from under the water crawling out looking like a dog or wolf as it grew larger and stood on its hind legs. That looked like goat legs.
At first, they laughed because they thought how can a dog crawl out from underneath the water? Till they saw how large it was.
With eyes glowing red and no reflection because they had no flashlight on them. The sun was already setting at this point, and they started to run.
They ran as fast as they could. I would too. But the half-wolf and the goat-like creature did not chase them all the way.
And again, my friends. These are experiments that the government has been working on and are part of the plan to kill an overpopulated nation.
Some people were scared to tell their stories because of the fear that no one would believe them and think of them as some kind of nut.
So, there you have it. I have been talking about these secrets that the Government has been working on behind our backs for years.
And it is time that I put it out there. And I’ll tell you what this top secret is all about.
The government keeps these secrets because they do not want any other country to know their secret weapons of destruction.
Otherwise, they would copy their technology. The same way everyone else is doing in each country. That is why they send spies to figure out each other’s technology.
But they are using it against us as well. Why? Because it is their way of reducing an overpopulated nation and world. The New World Order.
There has been the same story over and over again. When campers met up with the Dog men also known as the Werewolf they were able to shoot to pieces at his face and neck.
They said he was doing a running circle on the ground before it died. You know like one of the 3 Stooges named Curly the bald one who did cartwheels on the floor with his feet lol.
There were other campers also with shotguns shooting point blank at it too. They were told by the government authorities to keep it quiet.
Or they would come after them If any of the photos they took ever got out. They made them delete those photos from their cell phones as well.
It’s not because they do not want panic among the residents. It’s because it is their secret project that they will do anything they can to keep it a secret. Even if it means murder by getting rid of witnesses.
But hey, you know what? I am glad you don’t need silver bullets to kill those werewolves lol.
Any bullet will do okay. And it took a lot of bullets to get that monster down. He was 8 feet tall. If it was up to me I would be aiming between the eyes.
That will do it. But I can understand when someone is scared, they will just shoot anywhere they can while they are trembling.
And here is another thing I really believe is going to happen. These creatures are super-powerful half-human and animal creatures that will kill and eat humans and animals.
This is why people will never be found. They are in some beast’s belly. There is a reason why the sign at the Appalachian trial says “Please Stay On The Same Path.
In other words, do not venture into the deep woods because you will never be found again.
You can at least scare a bear off with noise. But these creatures are not scared of anything.
We also have the Bear Man, and these are not failed experiments. They intend to create war-like flesh-eating creatures for military protection as well.
But again they have been releasing the super creatures into the woods to kill us. So, please do not go camping deep into the woods. I am more than sure that God will protect his chosen.
But do not tempt the Lord thy God the bible says. In other words, don’t expect god to send an angel to save you if you get in front of a running truck. That is what tempting the lord God means.
You are invisible by His grace not by your choice. For instance, I was riding along with my 2 friends in a car and we went to the south side. We got ambushed with gunfire unexpectedly three shots were fired.
I was on the passenger side. The driver got shot in the throat and the other one was meant for me.
But those bullets missed me by one inch and hit the door, shattering the glass. We were able to drive him to the hospital and he got his throat repaired with a plastic one.
But I knew that God was protecting me because all those bullets passed right by my heart. And I realize right now and I keep saying to myself.
Even though I am not a materialistic rich man, I know that I am rich in life, and as long as I have a long life by God’s plan that is good enough for me. My life and good health are a priority.
I am rich in God’s power. He gave me several gifts besides the gift of healing with prayer.
I will tell you that one in my next post, just remind me if I forget. Oh, you are in for the story about my life. My past life was no joke, I went through hell and back.
But like I said before in one of my other posts. The Earth is doing that already by recycling itself every year.
With all these super hurricanes, tornados, earthquakes, tsunamis, mudslides, volcanic eruptions, etc.
So, them telling us we got to reduce population because they received a word from the aliens is a bunch of malarkey and mambo jumbo. And let me tell you my next post is about just that.
The plain truth about King James hiring biblical scholars to remove words and books from the bible in the 16th century coming soon.
They also burned one scholar’s remains after his death. Because they were afraid that his spirit would live on in someone else’s body. Because he told the truth. But of course, that did not work. Because I am still here lol.
There is such a thing as reincarnation my friends. The spirit never dies. No one can kill a spirit by burning the body. It moves on according to God’s plan.
These sorts of super half-human and half-beasts are hard to kill. I heard of some creatures that bullets don’t stop it. Bigfoot is one of them. Bullets will only make him mad and jump right on top of you before you can shoot again.
Bigfoots are protected by aliens who are their guards to stop intruders from venturing into their underground camp.
Bigfoot would take a giant leap at you before you shoot him again. Very fast and agile type of ape people. With arms that reach below their knees.
And a muscular build like the Incredible Hulk. But they rank! I hope I never come across Bigfoot or Ms. Bigfoot for that matter.
They rank something like dead rotten flesh mixed in with awful body order. I imagine it is everything from his arms pits, and his crotch to down to his toe jams.
Just hope you are not on the other side of him when he bends over, “Peeuuuuu.” I would be saying “Dude” go jump in the river and take a serious bath”!!!
Like, gag me with a fork!!! Here! use some of my Irish spring maybe that will get the funk off, ewwwwww. Please do not bend over this way again.
That is an awful stench and if I was to smell something that bad. And if it makes me gag. I am surely going to start running in the other direction with the quickness and get out of its territory.
I surely do not want a rock hitting me on the head ouch. Nor a tree getting thrown at me. They have the strength to snap a 6-inch branch with one hand. And can reap an animal or person apart with ease.
They do have that much strength. I believe they were the first to be created for military alien protection from anyone entering their territory. So, by saying that. They have been here for millions of years since the beginning of creation.
In those days they had other different types of alien enemies fighting for Earth’s territory. Like the lizard people, long-neck tall aliens, 3-foot aliens, the star child aliens, etc.
There are many more that we do not know of. And by now hopefully, you already know that the moon is hollow. Nasa let one of its spacecraft crash into the moon.
And when it crashed hard, It rang like, a giant gong like a bell would ring. And it rang for hours they said. Nothing solid would ring like a bell. Thus, that makes it an unnatural satellite.
But back to my camping thoughts. Does anyone still feel like camping in the deep woods is wise? It’s okay to go camping when you go to a special camping park that is protected by park rangers. But if you must go to a national park.
Don’t go to Yellowstone where there are bears and creatures. I would think twice about that one. A spot that is somewhere near a police station and hospital would be safer for me. But where there are bears, I will not go.
Yes, camping used to be lots of fun. With a campfire telling each other’s dreams and experiences.
Ghost stories, you name it. Oh, I have a few ghost experiences to tell you as well. But again coming soon in another post.
The Appalachian Trail travels through Appalachian valleys and mountain ranges. It starts from Georgia to the northern terminus at Katahdin, Maine. This is a very spooky and dangerous trail to go hiking or camping at. Never go there.
Because there are too many dog-man creatures in there. Not to mention bigfoots, goat man, Bear man, and crawling on land octopuses. Believe it or not, those are the gov.’s intentional experiments. If you go into their territory you will come up missing forever.
I wouldn’t go hiking anywhere in the deep woods or at that place. I’ll just stay on the safe side of town where people are. If I go fishing, I’ll probably go to Galveston Island at a pier and go fishing.
Or at a small lake or stream maybe even a river. I used to catch alligator garfish at the Nueces River in TX. And they are delicious, all I did was BBQ it and it needed no seasoning. Had its salt like eating a salmon steak. And I used to go boating.
But as I said before too many creatures have been coming up from the waters lately as well like mermaids. I’ll have my binoculars ready when I go fishing and camera. You never know what you will come across.
Guess what? I have a newscast video of a baby octopus leaping out of the water so fast snatching a crab crawling right back into the water with it. What about the mother?
She must be nearby waiting to snatch a little boy or girl. And this on the rocks they can hide there in little cracks and holes.
So, watch your kids very closely when you take them to the beach. Don’t let them go near the rocks if any are out there. This is how a lot of people come missing on the beach.
Yes, sunbathing on the rocks is not a good idea lol. When I saw how fast and high the octopus jumped out of the water to snatch that crab, it made me think twice about the mother Where is she? lol.
I know most mothers are near their babies and I hope this is not so with octopuses’.
I think that baby octopus was mimicking his mother lol. So, be careful out there on the rocks people. I could say boulders, but it depends on where you are at.
Is the government also experimenting with octopuses like another story I heard of one from a lake who snatched this dude by the legs. After going to see what was on the side of the road. In a little ditch of water?
He said it was too strong to escape its grip on him, but he managed to hit it with a rock between those big bulgy popping-out black eyes, they were huge. Like a crab’s, eyes popping out.
That is weird and it doesn’t sound like a normal octopus to me. And living on land? I’m sure there must be a lake or river somewhere nearby.
He said it had 30 feet long tentacles and his head was huge. And I wouldn’t doubt it if that is a true story. The government has been doing these kinds of experiments for years. Take the Chupa Cabra where did it come from? Space? Nah., I don’t think so. It is genetically engineered to suck blood like a vampire. It might be spliced with vampire bat DNA.
Meaning they can survive on land as well. I am talking about experiments. And normally I don’t think octopuses can live on land. But again that’s another red flag. I stay away from deep lakes. Or huge lakes. I like little ponds, a stream or a pier.
I have a warning for the Government. If you ever or already have. And decided to capture a child bigfoot. And try to teach it how to speak and become intelligent like us.
I believe they have far better learning capabilities than we have. Because they are supernatural beings. And they might be capable of learning how to become an enlightened person. What do you think is going to happen?
I’ll tell you what might happen if their experiment goes wrong. Because Bigfoot is an incredibly strong creature. Now. I am not trying to give them any ideas but if they were to teach them the art of war. That could turn against them. If they become more populated than us. Then what?
A real planet of the Apes will be born. It is only my theory, but it is a dam good one because they would be defeating humanity in numbers if they become overpopulated. Because they are also part human remember that.
I truly believe it would be a remarkable experiment if Bigfoot could live comfortably with humanity. But there is still that possibility of their animal instinct kicking in. Just like humans can be dangerous animal killers. It will be so with Bigfoot as well. There is an animal instinct in all of us isn’t there?
Bigfoot is not fully human. Therefore. no one knows how to figure out what their next move will be if they are fully capable of making war with humans or not. What does the elephant do when a zookeeper whips them or doesn’t treat them with respect?
They turn on him and try to crush him. Because elephants have feelings too. All creatures have feelings too. You are safe if a pit bull is taught to be a good dog and not violent.
But when a master trains his pit bull to fight, be angry, and attack. It can turn on him as well when being mistreated.
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The same thing when you train any other animal how to fight or kill. It can and will end up turning on you if you mistreat it. Take a lion trainer. It ate him because he forgot to feed it one day. I am stressing out a point.
So, as far as teaching bigfoot the art of war is out. Nothing that is not human should learn the art of war. Part of humans doesn’t get it.
I wish they would work on a Superman rather than a super creature man. But I bet they have been working on that already. But then again Superman would have to be cambial to carry on with the New World Order plan.
So, all those that are trying to track down Bigfoot to prove its existence is no longer necessary. He is real and people stop trying to track him and leave him alone. They want to be left alone.
Why do you think they keep throwing rocks and tree trunks at us? Just don’t go into their territory if you do not want to get reap apart. You might get lucky and just get kidnapped out of curiosity.
But who wants to go through that? Could you imagine being in a cave all smelly like that “Whew” I heard a story of that happening once and the person finally gave Bigfoot some of his snuff and Bigfoot ate it lol.
He started to cough and gag so badly that gave the man the chance to run out of that cave and escape and live to tell his story.
Wow, could you imagine a soon-to-come planet of bigfoot apes? People I hope you enjoy my little conversation with you. And to all my fans I thank you for your support and your beautiful compliments. I will keep updating this content now and then. To improve its originality.
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The Anunnaki discovery. Who Are The Anunnaki? Who is Lilith? According to the Sumerian tablets found in the 1920s, the government kept secrets from us for a thousands of years.
Anunnaki were the Sumerian gods. That came from the sky. According to the banned book of Enoch from the bible. Lilith was Adam’s first wife. As I have said before, and I will say it again. The government has been keeping deep hard-core secrets from us for thousands of years.
In this article, you will find out why the government had to keep all this a secret. So that we would not turn against them. There are real mad scientists out there working for the government.
Thus, the Anunnaki are from Nibiru according to The Lost Book of Enki. Whom the Sumerians claim to be their Gods. Said to be from the planet “Nibiru. Also, according to The Book of Enoch from the bible.
Adam had two wives the first one was Lilith. Genesis 1:27 And God made both Male and Female. It was later that God pulled Eve out of Adam’s rib after Lilith left him for Satan. Why?
Remember that in the bible it says that Eve said the serpent beguiled me. However, that was not Eve, that was Lilith. Who became pregnant from Satan and had Cain. She left Adam for Satan thinking he was God. She was the one that said she was beguiled by Satan at first.
When King James had the Bible revised. Moreover, the bible scholars that King James hired to revise it, removed a lot of biblical scriptures. Including other biblical scriptures, they did not want us to know about.
The other was The Book of Tobit. That is in the Catholic bible now. Furthermore, as for the fallen angels, they are the aliens as we know them to look right now.
Since they lost their wings and angelic form. And they had a thousand years lifespan now or more. In fact they chose to live in outer space once they built their first flying machine or space ship, UFO.
To go back to planets they used to visit where they knew there were other resources to help them recreate what they lost. And as we all know. If you are living in space for hundreds of years you will soon start looking like them as well.
Because in space there is no gravity. Thus making you lose muscle mass and look like they look like now. Did that make sense? Sure. They used to look like us and living in space made them look weaker and smaller. But their knowledge is far beyond ours because they were angelic at one time.
And you know now that the Nephilim were part angelic. And that is what made them so much bigger and better than us. Men of renown with great strength, and stature, able to lift tons of rock. Guess who built the pyramids? They did.
In addition, they were living an eternal life. But their sin against god cursed them too. As the snake had to crawl on its belly. So they were not able to transform themselves back into their angelic form.
Therefore, the watchers were no longer able to turn back into their angelic form. So, they became stuck in the flesh. That was after they mated with the women. And all kinds of animals on Earth. This is how the Giant lizard, T-Rex. Plus, all other dinosaurs.
They all became giants, besides the Nephilim. That is something I studied in a documentary. I researched the Project Blue Book as well. The Annunaki were the Sumerian gods that came from the sky.
Most live to be a thousand years old or more. They were the ones according to the Sumerian tablets were the ones who helped create us in God’s image.
On the other hand, the watchers were the 200 of Satan’s angels who also decided to intermingle with the daughters of men. Thus became cursed by God losing their angelic form.
In the book of Enoch, they are called the watchers because they were the ones who watched over us, to serve and protect. But became jealous also and joined Satan in his revolt against God.
They felt that since they were Angels, why would they be serving us? Instead, they want us to serve them and pray to them. But they can die if killed or by accident. like the dead, they found after the alien crash in 1947. That happened in Roswell New Mexico.
I’ve seen the autopsy video. One of them getting their organs removed. It might have been fake or real. But it came out on YouTube around 2003. Some say it’s a hoax.
But it was a video that leaked out to the public as proof from a whistle-blower. These aliens have already invaded planet Earth thousands of years ago.
Why are people saying they are waiting for the Anunnaki to come back? Some are mistaking the Nephilim giants for the fallen ones. Correction, The fallen ones are the watchers according to The Book of Enoch.
The Nephilim are the sons of the watchers who according to Genesis 6:4. The watchers were the sons of God according to verse 4, not the Nephilim.
The Nephilim giants were born from the Watchers. But in the Lost Book of Enki. Humanity’ was created with clay and the blood of a slain God. The slain God was an alien of course.
And I truly believe it. Because it all makes sense why they could not find the missing link. This is saying we are part alien and human. But where did humans come from? As I have said before. They started experiments with animals, human, and their DNA.
Big Foot was one of them. What better missing link would be better than Big Foot? No other looks like a human in the face except Big Foot. I rest my case. We did not come from monkeys.
Big Foot is another one of their experiments from somewhere else. They brought Big Foot to Earth to protect their territory like soldiers would do for ours.
Thus, this is why Big Foot is considered a God as well. Because he is part alien and human. The Sumerians considered all aliens as gods. But in the Psalms. It says in Psalms: 82:6. I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are the children of the most high.
That means we are gods in the flesh. However, they said the Annunaki left the Earth and are waiting for their return. They never left! They subsequently, made the Earth their home. Because it was impossible to back to their planet. After whatever destruction happened to it.
These aliens were the ones from Mars. Now we are trying to create an atmosphere for Mars in the future. How about that? Sounds kind of fishy huh? As usual, the government is always making secret space mission plans that we have not even been told about yet.
But thanks to whistle-blowers like me slowly but surely it will all get exposed. According to the Zulu tribe’s history. The moon was placed here by the lizard people. I have also seen hieroglyphics of lizard people shaking hands with the Mayan Indians as well.
Moreover, this to them was their snake, God. They treated aliens like Gods in those days. And formed their dynasty of cultural deities and some became Kings.
Therefore, the Anunnaki were the ones who taught the Sumerians. How to farm and become a great civilization. Of course, these angels are the watchers according to the book of Enoch. And the reason they banned the book of Enoch from the bible scriptures.
Was because they did not want us to know the truth. The people worshiped them as gods for their incredible knowledge and technological advances.
There are still those who do not believe because they are spiritually blind. And those who do believe with an open mind. Those who do not believe they should keep their boring opinions to themselves.
The Bible speaks of the wicked. And how you will know them by the fruits of the spirit. Because everything that comes out of their mouth is negative and never positive.
But that does not matter. Because someone has already blown the whistle on the gov. That they Have real live aliens underground sharing their technologies with us. Or should I say with the Gov. We have been left out in the cold? Without knowing, what else is going on?
And the government has been creating these chemical attacks on America resulting in this pandemic. And now targeting children with the RVS flu.
Where did that come from? Hmmm. Will soon find out the truth and what else they are concocting for our civilization.
Thus pay attention to the news and the sky. Read between the lines sort of speak. Use your intuition and logic. We have the power to figure things out. The ability is there.
However, all we need to do is open our minds. To the understanding of things and comprehend what they are. But that is what God’s curse did to the fallen ones.
For seducing the women of earth against God’s word and his laws. He warned them not to mingle with mankind. It is like putting out a sign “not to step on the grass”.
Like curious children, they did it anyway, to see what it feels like. That is the case on many occasions with people as well. Henceforth transforming them by the curse into what they are now. Into little puny-looking ant people. But their offspring became giants. Called the Nephilim.
Also, they were no longer able to turn back into their angelic form. ‘Remember also that God told the serpent, From” now ‘on will crawl on its belly. ‘This means that the serpent used to have wings. ‘And flew from tree to tree.
They became stuck in the flesh. And, this is why aliens are so advanced. Working with magnetic electro-magnetic propulsion. As in flying saucers. ‘This would give them the wings they needed to ‘continue from tree to tree.
Have you ever taken two magnets to let them snap together? ‘If you flip them the opposite way, they push against each other? It is what you call reverse polarity.
Now imagine how simple that sounds and it’s not that complicated. “Imagine a motorized magnetic field. Where there is an up and down switch, button. Or; throttle for velocity, speed, and reverse.
When; they found the alien spacecraft. They reverse-engineered them. ‘Thus, creating their flying saucers. And when I say them, I mean the Government. Now they have done reverse engineering and figured out how to build flying saucers.
‘But, not quite the same. We, do not have a cloaking device, and ours has sound to it. ‘I have seen a video of one already. They have the jet sound to them. But the real alien spacecraft are silent, with no sound. And have the cloak of invisibility.
Then why not build a self-excite magnetic field flying saucer? ‘Of course, the generators would need a little jump start like a battery. Remember how they used to jump-start cars in the 20s? ‘With a tool cranking device, you turned to make the motor jump start.
Even now, to ‘start’ a ‘moto, you need a battery. ‘If you remove the terminal connections from the battery. The car will still keep on running. Would be like pulling the rope on a lawnmower to start it.
Because the alternator generates electricity by itself once started. Even airplanes got jumped started as well.
By swinging the wings to turn them fast enough to self-start. ‘It will continue to run, like a car ‘running’ without the terminals connected to the battery.
The Annunaki Discovery Who Are The Annunaki? Who Is Lilith? The Anunnaki were the Sumerian gods that came from the sky. Thus, It keeps running because of the generator until you run out of gas or turn it off. However, some of us do not know that you can also run free energy with a car generator and DC motor to self-excite.
All you need is a rope to wrap around the rod and pull to turn the rod fast. And Walla. ‘That is what reverse magnetic propulsion is. ‘Imagine, the Earth is already one big giant magnet.
Another giant magnet on the bottom of a spacecraft would keep it floating. ‘Using the reverse side of its polarity. ‘They’ even invented the flying car in 2006 at a Paris car show. Until they ‘were all finally discontinued. Because of a few accidents. Subsequently, It was not ‘perfected yet. ‘But I bet It cost a pretty penny.
The bottom of the car was one giant magnet platform bed from front to back. ‘With supercharged rocket propulsion. That’s why it sounded like a jet engine when it took off. ‘But at a slow speed because the demonstration was in a showroom.
This is at a fast speed. ‘And’ I will ‘say’ this again. Why? is our government keeping so many secrets from us? This is why. They are all involved in the Illuminati’s secret society to control conquer and confuse like the pyramid on the back of the dollar bill.
It is a talisman that is in the book of King Solomon’s magical seals. As for the Annunaki. They were the angelic army of Satan and because of God’s curse upon them, they were no longer able to return to their angelic form with wings.
This is why they created spaceships. And now you why they look the way they do. Have an open mind before you knock on what I am revealing here. ‘Read on and you will soon get the truth ‘out of it all.
They call them Annunaki. In addition, the aliens were also called the watchers. Described in the Book of Enoch. That was also banned from the bible.
The watchers were the ones who were the sons of God who took human form to mate with men’s daughters. Genesis 6:4. There were giants on the earth in those days. And also, afterward when the sons of God came into the daughters of men.
And bare children to them. Those were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown. Who became pregnant and their children became giants. Called the Nephilim. Someone said that the sons of Anak were from the Nephilim.
Numbers 13:33 There we saw the huge giants (the descendants of Anak that came from the giants), and we were like grasshoppers in our sight, and so we were in their sight.”. The King James version of the bible is that it is a revised version of the original scriptures. And misinterpreted in some parts.
So the descendants of Anak were the Nephilim, not the other way around. Anak is short for Anunnaki. Some people take the bible literary. And cannot see the spiritual interpretation of it.
And the Nephilim were their offspring. So he got it twisted and turned it around. Anak did not come from Nephilim. Anak is short for Annunaki. They misinterpreted the bible because they have no spiritual edification. In other words, they are spiritually blind.
They were the Annunaki. The first Nephilim was from Satan himself. His name was Cain. Abel’s brother. Remember that it says in the bible that Eve said to Adam that God gave her a man-child.
But once again according to the book of Enoch. The one who got pregnant by Satan was Adam’s first wife Lilith. Abel was Eve’s son.
If Lilith only had a baby, why not say God gave me a baby instead of a man-child? Genesis 1:27 So, God created man in his image. In the image of God created he him male and female created he them.
This means the baby was born and grew at an accelerated rate. And by a few hours or so he became a grown man. The reason why is because he was part angelic and human. He was the first Nephilim. Afterwards in
Genesis 6:1-2 And it came to pass, when the men began to multiply on the face of the Earth, and daughters of were born unto them. That the sons of God saw the daughters of men, that they were fair: and they took them wives of all which they chose.
Genesis 6:4 There were giants in the Earth in those days; and also after that. When the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men. And they bare children to them. The same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.
That is the only explanation for God giving me a man-child. use your logic it’s simple to recognize the difference and know between a baby to a man.
Here is a story I love to read over and over again. That was also banned from the bible. And it is because it contains magical instructions. From the book of Tobit found in the Catholic Bible. The gull of the fish he pulled out of the water that grabbed his leg was to cure his father’s blindness.
And the liver burned as incense to drive the demon out of the bride’s chamber. For Raphael, the archangel to capture the demon and imprison him. The Annunaki Discovery Who Are The Annunaki? Who Is Lilith? The Anunnaki were the Sumerian gods that came from the sky.
Here is proof. That we were taught wrong. When they said that magic is evil. But they lied to keep us under control with magic. No, it is the person who gives it a bad name that makes it evil. The same as the love of money is the root of all evil. Not the money itself.
Now you have to remember that around that time the bible was being re-written. it was the time when they were burning witches at the stake. Healers, philosophers, and inventors to them were witches in those days. Subsequently, that is why these scriptures were witchcraft to them.
Since it was a magical potion. Created for an evil demon. So, he could get caught by the archangel Raphael. Posing as a guide to lead Tobit to his destiny.
The book of Tobit is only in the Catholic bible. Thought I would share that little bit of info with you. About the book of Tobit in the Catholic bible. Okay, let me tell you at least part of the story of Tobit. As I can remember. In those days they would marry within families like cousins and so on.
And Tobit had a female cousin who had a demon that was possessive over here. And would not let any man have sex with her after marriage. They would fall dead once they entered the bridal chamber.
This was happening to a few other men in her life as well. So, God sent Raphael to protect Tobit from this demon. ‘Because his father sent him to his uncle’s house to marry the damsel in distress. Raphael makes the trip to Media with Tobit.
When Tobit dangled his feet over the river bank. He got attacked by a large fish. Raphael orders him to seize it and remove its gall, heart, and liver. The liver was to be burned as incense. And the gall for his father to receive his eyesight.
Thus, Tobit marries Sarah and uses the fish’s gall to rub into his father’s eyes. To cure his blindness. And the heart and liver to drive Asmodeus out of the bridal chamber. Returning to Nineveh with his wife and his father’s money,
Tobit rubs the fish’s gall into his father’s eyes and cures him. Finally, Raphael reveals his true identity and returns to heaven. Tobit then utters his beautiful hymn of praise.
But, let me let you in on a little secret. I figured out what that fish was that grabbed Tobit by the feet. His legs were dangling in the water by the banks.
When this giant fish grabbed his leg and tried to pull him down. Now if you think about what kind of large fish live around the bottom of the side banks of a river.
It would be a large catfish protecting her eggs of course. They grab children and drown them. There you have it. I speak of the demon Asmodeus in one of my other posts. King Solomon’s Testament. You can read about all 72 demons from the book.
Thus, I have read the Bible’ almost twice. The second time I stopped on the last book of the Old Testament “Malachi. In the last chapter: ‘4:1. It says. 1. The day of judgment is certain to come.
And it will be like a red-hot furnace, with flames that burn up proud and sinful people as though they were straw. Not a branch or root will be left. I, the lord’ have spoken.
This to me, sounds like a nuclear war. Or getting hit by a comet or asteroid. However, it says in Mathew: That’ all Jesus’s followers came to him and ask when is this going to come to pass. But for those who are ‘God’s’ precious chosen. It will not affect us. ‘We will be ‘protected by God.
Moreover, Jesus quoted that as it were in the days of Noah. So, will it be before his second coming? The Sumerians tell their story of Noah. Here is one of my videos on YouTube of The First Tablets.
Thus, In the beginning, there was a watery mist in the air that’ was ‘blocking the sun’s rays. There was no summer or winter at that time. Because the Earth had no moon at the time.
And without the moon, we would not have the 4 seasons we have now. It was all a steady cool climate all year round, which I would not mind myself. And there were no animals or humans yet until life began after the moon was placed.
They called it the ‘Earth’s upper atmosphere, the firmament of the sky. Genesis: 1:2. And God said, “Let there be a vault between the waters to separate the water from water. Afterward, the moon was placed in a perfect orbit. To give the night light. Genesis: 1:9.
The ultraviolet rays from the ‘sun’ in those days would make everything grow bigger. That is why Adam was a very big man around 16 feet tall.
Because the heavy clouds were blocking the sun’s radioactive rays. When everything was created.
They even mingled with the animals and created giant lizards, birds, and reptiles known as dinosaurs, including creatures from the ocean. All these creatures were created by the watchers. Humans were here first. Don’t let them tell you that lie that we came from monkeys either.
Don’t believe that story that dinosaurs were here first then humans. It all happened all at once. After Adam’s creation with Cain being Satan’s son instead of Eve’s. According to the book of Enoch Adam two wives the first one named Lilith.
Lilith was the one who said to Adam. That God gave her a man-child. Why would she say a man-child? Because he grew at an exhilarated speed he grew into a man within hours.
Now you know who created those dinosaurs. The aliens are also known as the watchers. The Grigori angels of Satan. And they were the 200 fallen angels. They joined and revolted against God. And his creation. To replace them with Satan’s race of giants. They were, called the Nephilim.
It says it in the standard version bible. Genesis: 4:6. The watchers are the sons of God. We are, ‘God’s creation as the sons and daughters of men. The sons of God came down unto the daughters of men. And they seduced the daughters of men.
To take wives for themselves. And God said, “Let the water under the sky will I gathered to one place, and let the dry ground appear. And so it was. God called the dry ground “land”. And the gathered waters seas.
And God saw that it was good. ‘This’ means before the moon and sun were ‘created. The Earth; was void of light. It makes sense. If there is no moon, or if there was a moon at first, there would not be a reflection of the sun.
Since the earth at the time was void of light. Do you know what crossed my mind? What if the moon was not put in place with the Earth at the same time?
It seems that the moon got p; placed at the right spot where the moon cast a perfect eclipse in front of the Sun. I spoke about this in one of my other posts. The moon is hollow. Nasa kept it a secret from us for a long time.
This is how they found out. They let shuttles of space debris crash into the moon. And they heard a giant bell sound like a giant bong for hours. Thus, declaring it an unnatural satellite, not natural and not solid.
Thus, it would not have rung’ like a bell. And, anything is possible for those who try connecting with the universe as well. There is a thing called being one in all. And all in one. We are capable; of doing that because we are the magi of this Earth.
We too have gifts and special powers that we do not know of yet. But I do. We ‘are conditioned to not believe in the supernatural. But we also have an inner third eye, that people do not know about it yet.
We have also been told that magic is evil. I have news for you. King Solomon was a great magical wizard of God. You see it is not magic that is evil. It’s the same as the love of money. Magic belongs to God.
All the power we and Satan have belongs to God. So it is the way you use magic. This is why they hid the book of Tobit from you as well. It is in the galactic bible. Not magic itself. I hope you understand what I am talking about.
Just to let you know. In the book of Tobit the archangel Raphael told him to burn the liver of a fish. For Raphael to catch the demon and imprison him. The gallbladder is used to heal his father’s blindness.
Now that is magic most positively. For fighting fire with fire and healing. Read the book of Tobit and you will see that magic was used in the bible as well.
And I will clarify it differently. Let’s say this. If you are a wicked person, you will use it for your gain and destruction because of jealousy and greed.
They do not want us to know how to protect ourselves. Because they want to be the only ones using King Solomon’s magical seals. To overpower and control us.
The way they are controlling us is through their geometrical symbols. That they created on the back of the dollar bill. Again I said this in one of my other posts.
The pyramid is a representation of one of King Solomon’s magical seals to confuse and control according to the book of King Solomon’s Key and Magical Seals.
How I know this is because I had the book already for over 40 years. It is a precious piece of writing from King Solomon who gave specific orders to his son Roboam. To hide, his secret key and seals with him when he passes away.
You see God gave us the power to protect ourselves. But we don’t know about it because all we were taught was math and English. And a bunch of malarkey lies about our history. There is a verse that says God helps those who help themselves.
Arm yourself with the whole armor of God. You have to fight fire with fire when people do these psychic attacks upon you. It is out there, witches truly exist in the worst way.
There are many wicked people out there using magic for their evil desires. We have to learn how to protect ourselves with prayer and fire. We have to know how to do the good and the bad to protect ourselves. Not to do destruction.
The Bible says to light your candle. That one I will take literally because that is what it meant. They changed the meaning to confuse us. Light a white candle and pray. Nothing wrong with that.
Those who are wicked never live a long life though. Another verse says give and you shall receive. Take and it shall be taken from you 7 times greater. Wow. It’s like Karma you know. Whatever you do will come back to you. Whether good or evil.
Tell me where do dreams come from? Were we reborn into this world from another past life we had? Given another chance to prove ourselves worthy of God’s acceptance?
You see I know we can’t make it to heaven if we don’t prove ourselves to God. The next level would be the Godhead level. That is something I believe is possible.
There is a verse in the bible that says. In Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ which strengthened me. And Matthew 5:48 Be thou perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect. Only through him can you be perfect. But back to the moon.
It is not a natural satellite, it is an artificial satellite. There are still those that say it is part of the earth. But they found alloy material and minerals there that do not grow on Earth.
So this could not be part of the Earth. This was NASA explaining the minerals and metals and moon dust that they collected.
It is also said that the moon got steered in place by some intelligence. Then there was light at night beside the seasonal climate. It is an artificially made or alien-made structure?
I also heard in a documentary that the moon was placed in perfect orbit between us and the sun. To create the perfect eclipse.
The Zulu people’s history says that they were guided here by the reptilian people. However, I am still studying that topic deeper to gather more information on it.
That’s right I said it. The moon is an artificial satellite. It does not say that in the bible. But later on, discovered by NASA’s second-stage rocket that they let fall onto the surface of the moon.
During the Apollo 12 and 13 mission. And they said it sounded like a large king-size bong or bell. That kept ringing, reverberating for hours. Scientists concluded that the moon is hollow. And the astronauts brought back samples of metal and iron scrapings. From the ground.
The moon dust on their suits had a sulfur smell like gunpowder they said. to them. And was deteriorating the boots like a sandblaster. And their boots were wearing out slowly but surely. They also claimed to have seen UFOs parked nearby. And some flying around before they landed.
In one of my other posts, I did say I wanted to talk about bigfoot and I decided to squeeze it in here somewhere. Here is my point about the missing link. Well, they have been talking about the missing link for years now.
Whoever thought that Bigfoot would be the missing link? Only I would think that. But there might be some out there who think like me.
Let me tell you how I know that Bigfoot is the missing link. I have been searching around for that kind of information. For years trying to learn about the life of bigfoot and where they came from. The females have hair all over their faces, but the males do not have hairy faces. As far as I have seen with my own eyes.
The one I saw in a documentary had a jet-black face, with a certain innocent curious look in his eyes. This is why some people did not shoot at him. Because his face looked so much like a human face, not an ape face.
To me, he looked like an incredible hawk with a majestic look on his entire face. Like looking at some kind of alien angel. But it is part angelic that I am sure of. How else would he disappear out of sight in a blink of an eye? There are some cryptids out there that do the same.
My theory is that there is no other ape that looks more human from the face than Bigfoot”. This is how I know. I saw a documentary video called Discovering Bigfoot.
And it is on YouTube right now if you want to watch it. Let me tell you something. I had never seen his face till I saw the video of him in a close-up shot.
He was like 30 yards from him with a 35 mm. camera zooming right into his face behind the bushes. He was very hard to spot because he was jet-black.
But you can see him through some branches blinking his eyes with curiosity. Thus, the cameraman was laying down camouflage well. Bigfoot was trying to figure out who or what he was while peaking at him through the bushes.
His face was majestic looking. I swear I was looking at a face that looked like “the incredible hawk”. Even his face was jet black I could see his features and eyes blinking and the large eyebrow and lips. All human-like features.
To say that we came from chimps or gorillas is an insult to us and them. Bigfoot is a whole lot smarter than Gorillas and has incredible strength and powers. And can vanish without a trace fast. Let me tell you why.
They are alien DNA hybrids. Like Nephilim but with five fingers, not six. This is why we have been blessed with a spiritual awakening. Along with clairvoyant readers, philosophers, prophets, healers esp., etc. Need I say more?
Here is another secret I figured out on my own. Bigfoots were’ placed here by aliens. As guards to protect their territory from intruders. This is why they are so strong.
So I would not doubt it one bit that bigfoot DNA with us resulted in how we look now. Not hairy but partially’ hairy. This was way back at the beginning of the creation when bigfoot existed before humans did.
We must be part alien and bigfoot. Sounds chaotic but to me, that is the only explanation of who the real missing link is.
Back to our story about the beginning. After the creation of man and woman. There is something else we were not told about Adam and his first wife Lilith. Oh, yes, I went there. I have to. It is the truth.
Also in Genesis: 1:27. So God created man in his image. In the image of God, he created them both: male and female he created them.
He did not yet say. He pulled Eve out of Adam’s rib. That was his second wife. Because Lilith was the one deceived by Satan at first.
To my knowledge. And according to how the bible has been rewritten. The apple sort of thing about the tree of the knowledge of good and evil is false. It was not an apple tree.
Lilith had to have ‘been’ drugged to seduce her. Because it may have been the only way to get her to believe that Satan was God. Because he transformed himself to look like God.
But the drug most likely made him look more beautiful. So that is why she mistook Satan for God. But later it was too late because she became his and like him, evil.
She got infected by God’s curse and became a cannibalistic child eater. Have you ever seen the movie Jeepers Creepers 2? Well, imagine that being her. Snatching kids and people from the ground.
And this is why she told Adam that God gave her a man-child. So it seems like Satan told her he was God. Impersonating God.
When Cain left that morning after he was born he went straight to get the plant she ate. And brought it back to her. With the cocaine leaves on it of course.
So they named him Cain. Again this is my theory but it makes more sense and is more convincing’ to me’ than the apple, story. That means only Satan could have told him about the plant.
Thus, he would be the one to tell him to take it to her as a gift. Now all this is about Lilith being’ written In the Book Of Enoch if you want to read it for yourselves.
Now you know why Cain killed his brother. Because of Satan’s influence as his father. And of course, Evil was already in his blood. Jealousy, envy, and hate are all part of that evil. The plan to kill off God’s chosen started right there.
However, they revised the bible remember to make it seem like it was Eve. To hide the truth from the people. So remember when it said that Adam was alone? That was after Lilith left him for Satan.
Satan must have had a powerful love spell on her or he gave her the right kind of stuff she kept craving for more. Cocaine! Let me prove why I figured it was cocaine.
Let’s start at the beginning of the bible about why God told them they would surely die if they ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
Now let’s do some research as to what drug plant can kill you if you eat it. My research goes back a few years to the 70s. When I saw a documentary of the gov. experimenting with monkeys and cocaine.
They put a plate of food on one side of his cage and a plate of cocaine on the other plate. And guess which one he kept going to till he died? Cocaine of course that is the answer I said.
Cocaine will kill you if you do not eat. You would be starving to death without knowing it because it would numb your hunger pains get it? And it being a controlled substance, it is a powerful addictive drug a lot of people have died from already. Need I say more?
Lilith left him to join Satan as her husband. This was her first love and Satan had a powerful spell on her already.
Since that was the first child she had from him. Later she had more I am sure. And of course, he had that kind of power over her at the time before God took his angelic form away from him as well.
Why would she call a baby a man-child and not a baby? Use your logic. It’s simple. The baby was born and grew at such an accelerated speed that by morning he was already a full-grown man.
And came back home with the branch to give to Lilith. Thus this makes him the first Nephilim born from Satan. This is why the rest of the 200 of his fallen angels wanted to do the same thing. Genesis: 6:4. But why was he named Cain?
Think why they named him Caine. Since that is how the bible ‘was revised and translated. Why not cocaine? Use your mind. She had to have eaten from the cocaine plant.
The leaves can ‘be eaten. And will give you the same feelings of irresistible sexual pleasure. I did my research on it of course. So why could not that be the tree of good and evil? Cocaine does kill. Sounds more convincing to me than the freaking apple.
I mean what can an apple do for you besides keeping the doctor away by eating an apple a day? Who made up that one lol. But that is my theory. You do not have to believe it. God works in mysterious ways.
The Knights Templar went underground to defeat their enemies and they succeeded. Not only did they get Leonardo Da Vinci to make up secret geometrical paintings.
Of them being the offspring of Jesus. But also helped in revising the bible for King James. They were the ones who discovered King Solomon’s secret Key and Seals. Including his treasure.
Thus, the Masons used to be the knight Templar. And the Knights Templar claimed to be Jesus’ descendants. Jesus said in Mathew: 24:23-27. Then if any man will say unto you, Lo here is Christ, or there: believe it not.
For there will arise false Christ and false prophets. And will show great signs and wonders. Insomuch that, if it were possible, they would deceive the very elect.
Behold, I have told you before. Wherefore if they will say unto you. Behold he is in the desert: go not forth: behold, he is in secret chambers: believe it not. For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shinned even unto the west: So, will the coming of the son of man be.
There are two kinds of people everywhere no matter what race they are. Good and evil. The evil is Cain’s descendants. The good is from Abel’s descendants.
That means we are part Anunnaki and Cain’s descendants are part Grigori, the watchers. As for Christ’s descendants that I spoke about, that is another story. Which I am going to get into in the new future in another post.
However, that ‘being said. We must keep an open spiritual eye for things to come and signs of the end. Open your third eye sort of speak. Be not closed-minded. But open-minded to clarify your mind and the false things that we have ‘been taught about history.
Moreover in Genesis: 4:1-4. And it came to pass when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them. 2. That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair.
They took them for wives of all which they chose. Verse 4. There were giants on the earth in those days: “Cain’s descendants”. And also, after that. When the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bore children to them.
The same became mighty men who were of old, men of renown. Thus, these are the people who were born with elongated skulls. These giants grew up to 300 cubits. If you check your cubic record. It means that they were around 150 tall.
In addition, these giants ‘were worshiped as Gods and became kings. People also learned their angelic skills to create and build masonic buildings.
The pyramids and so on. Now you know who carried those 90-ton square bricks miles apart from their mountains. They carved those stones. Built magnificent caves and ecosystems. Etc.
The Anunnaki are today’s aliens. , their wings ‘were taken away. Or be able to turn anymore into their angelic form. They ‘are trapped in sin like we are now.
They decided that they would revolt and create their race to get rid of God’s population. And they were also eating people. They had a thirst for human blood. I remember the storybook of Jack and the beans stock. Fee-Fi-Fo-Fum, I smell the blood of an English man.
So that much is true I see. Seems like the myths and so-called stories of the Titans are true. There were also giant Cyclops skeletons found in India.
Moreover, my whole point in this is to wake up spiritually blind people. Get them out of confusion and into the reality of the truth.
They cannot keep this a secret any longer.
The truth will leak out eventually. And, will be getting exposed. The truth will be revealed saith the lord. And in due time his chosen will receive spiritual dreams and visions and revelations to come. In turn, God will make them prophets as well.
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