Exposing The New World Order Conspiracy Theory was supposed to be about us. But it is not. Are we the product of the Illuminati? The new world order conspiracy theory Is about the deepest secrets that our Gov. has kept from us for thousands of years.
And the Illuminati has always been in control of our government. I have something to say about the way things have been going with our gov. and nations not being in tune with reality.
This new world order should be about the people. About us. Not about secret societies and the government want to make out of. It is about world government unity not us unity. To kill an overpopulated nation and world.
All these secret societies are in this together. There is nothing worse than our gov. being involved with secret societies all over the world to conquer, confuse and, control and to take over. And to tell you the truth. This kind of thing has been happening for thousands of years now.
And I will begin by explaining to you why and how these societies have been manipulating the world. Nations who are playing follow the leader.
Or should I say monkey see monkey do. Copycats, followers and not born leaders. The all follow each other’s lead. Why? money and gain, power and should I say more.
In this case, the government has been keeping many secrets from us. I spoke of the Georgia guide stones in another post I created. And it speaks of how we must balance the Earth’s population by reducing it to a minimum, of five hundred million.
it’s a bunch of malarkey. Because the Earth already replenishes itself every year with disasters. And it does the same thing. To reduce the population with tornados, hurricanes, and earthquakes. and the list goes on.
But the Georgia Guide Stones, speaks about balancing the Earth’s population. By killing people to reduce the population.
I said to my self is this what the new world order is about? Wow. Which it is. It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out what is going on in the world today. God shares with us secrets of this world. For instance, I found out that Bush Sr. is a freemason and member of the Illuminati.
This is why he ordered the demolition of the world trade center with people still in it. For a sacrifice to the goddess of the under world, Lilith! Who the Illuminati worships.
Even germany invented their own flying saucer. Some of us do not know how to ask God to reveal to us the truth. If you ask you shall receive like his word says.
Another instance I want to prove to you is that the Georgia Guide stones were created for the purpose to let us know that we need to reduce the worlds population. And below you will see a picture of one of them getting blown up. Hurayyy.
I didn’t know this until recently but I sure did not like the intentions of it myself. They did not destroy it completely but one came tumbling down for sure. Now you see that the mighty sword is truly the pen. And in this case the internet!!!
That is why we need to blog. And speak out, and be a voice in the crowd. Yes, we can be a good influence, against evil influences. We have to use our minds and voices wisely.
Not only are we doing it for ourselves. But for God’s purpose first of all, because it is our destiny to banish evil influences.
Some of us are God’s chosen and don’t even know it yet. But if you ask and search for the truth you will find it because God is guiding you.
We are like cattle for slaughter. And a target for the Illuminati’s ceremonial sacrifice every year. They need to quick that satanic sacrificing stuff. Because that is ancient.
This has got to stop or God will make it stop as he has done before. God does not like human sacrifices. Especially idol worshiping. This is one of the reasons why great cavillations fall.
They get the power they want with the sacrifices but they end up falling harder because it always backfires on them for doing evil. And what anyone does will come back to them with the same measure. He who kills with the sword dies by the sword.
And to me, that sounds like a wicked sinister, and inhumane plan to kill innocent people, especially babies. If this is what the pandemic and diseases are all popping up for; ‘guess what?
They are getting it too. And God will save his chosen. No matter what they throw at us. This is my proposition to the wicked who work in government offices,
Who keep making stupid statements and international news in 8 different languages about reducing the world’s population. It is wrong and inhumane. See, the wicked rich folk do not care about America, they only care about themselves. Not all the rich I only mean the wicked rich, the greedy.
Nor does President Biden, because I heard it through the grapevine that he said he does not care about the American people. He is going to do what he wants to do. I knew that as soon as he was elected. I the red flag and I told myself.
The dude is greedy. And would cut us off from getting any more stimulus checks. When he said the buck stops here. Like Trump was giving us. And I was right. Let Trump come back to Declassify Biden.
Trump-Breaking News 5/10/23 Update on Joe Biden’s shaky deals with other countries
I tried to warn them about Joe Biden. I was right about his old crooked behind being greedy. He was a money-hungry vice president. He spends our tax dollars on sending to other countries.
In return for interest from China and who knows how many other countries he has chosen to help. All this money goes into his greedy pocket.
I never trusted any presidents anyway. Because they were all involved with the Illuminati at the Bohemian Grove.And are crooked in more ways than one.
The committee has investigated President Biden.
In only 4 months the committee made progress. The committee has learned to uncover the transfer of money from China to 16 different out-of-country banks to the Biden’s for 10 Million dollars. He transferred 1 million to his colleagues and his son.
And Romanian gov. was under investigation and later convicted of corruption in Romania. Joey Biden was there for an anti-corruption policies speech. So, it made him a walking billboard for him and his family.
Beginning a new relationship to capitalize with the Romanian gov. And receive millions of dollars from them as well. So, I was right about him from the beginning. He does not care about our period, he is out for his bones and no one else matters.
Joe Biden is the biggest presidential crook we have ever had. Other countries have been asking for protection money from other countries.
Yes, our tax dollars are being spent. To go back into his pocket with greedy interest.
Joe Biden is toast now. When the question was asked. Who do you think would handle a better economy?
It said that Trump has 54% over Biden’s 36%. But to tell you the truth I don’t vote anymore because of all the corruption. And visiting other countries for political gain and capitalism.
Everything has gone wrong from needing jobs to shelter for the homeless. And I mean for people who lost their homes due to owing taxes and other decent people struggling in this country to make ends meet.
In fact President Biden actually used our tax dollars to house illegal immigrants. To many thousands illegal aliens have been allowed by Joe Biden. So that they can claim citizenship.
Another reason I don’t vote is because when you register to vote to me it is like selling yourself to the devil. I mean they have complete control over you. For one, they make you go to jury duty.
That’s right they will make you take a day or 2 or 3 maybe a week off. Or even longer depending on how serious the trial is to convict someone. If you don’t go to jury duty, you go to jail.
This is having complete control of your life and decisions. You are not free. This is no longer a free country but another form of controlling dictatorship to control us. That is what the government does.
The law here stinks. And I am almost tempted to go to law school. To make a difference and change it for the better. Do you know what makes people crooked?
The love of money that’s what. Some people get it wrong when they say that money is the root of all evil. No, it is the love of money that is the root of evil, not money. Money is just paper.
But the design that is on the money is the root of all evil. Why, because the pyramid is a representation of the third-degree freemason.
Which is 13 steps to get to the level of what they call priesthood. Yes, priest of the devil. Satanic rituals at the Bohemian Grove gave them away.
This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. That number is 666.
This my friends is what the bible was talking about one of the powers of the beast 666 and upon signing on the dotted line means you are accepting their rule. You are contracted.
You can’t break it or you go to jail or some kind of punishment. This is how the beast works to control.
Accepting their rules in your head allows them to control you. That means you are part of the beast’s system once you sign their agreement policies. Remember it says that the no. of the beast would be on the hand and the forehead.
So, let me rhyme it a little for you. By accepting it with your mind, you sign on the dotted line with your hand. Yeah, go register to vote lol. Do you get my drift now?
So, they “misinterpreted” the bible a little when it said a speak a number on your hand and your forehead. Now do you get it? Remember it said the no. is also a name.
It’s the Illuminati and other worldwide secret societies joining together which is the real meaning of the New World Order. That my friend is the name of the Beast. “The New World Order”.
As a new world order! They created a worldwide law contract. All major countries are involved in this secret society. To do what? To kill an overpopulated nation and world. let’s say that the World Trade Center. Was not done by that dude across the seas.
It was set up by Bush. He brought down the centers with demolition bombs to complete the job.
A fast demolition with people still alive inside. My friends that was a sacrifice to the goddess of the underworld the Illuminati’s’ God “Lilith”. She has many names.
Also known as Zeus’s daughter and Lucifer’s wife with wings to swoop down to snatch children and babies. That is the only one I have named. I don’t want to make this post too big because I do have lots of important info for you all.
As for the number. on your hand and forehead. This is the result of poor bible scholars’ writings in the 18th or 17 century when a few were hired to write the King James version.
o revise the scriptures of the bible to subtract and add. What God said not to do to it they did it.
They re-wrote the bible and F. It’s all up. Now you have to rely on God’s knowledge and spirit in you to figure that out. Who says God does not guide us in the spirit still?
And sometimes God speaks to you through common sense and logical explanations in the spirit. That is for those who don’t know what spiritual logic and common sense are.
Normally logic is thinking of using one’s mind to consider or reason. But when God helps you think then you reason in a spiritual sense.
With thought and meditation in the spirit. It is called edification in the spirit. Another name for it is spiritually inclined. To have spiritual discernment. Spiritual awakening.
Why? Only because you asked. That simple huh? God is not twisting your hand. The wicked do not have God as their spiritual guide. Which is why they are confused. God keeps saying.
Come out of confusion my children”. My daughters and sons in the spirit. Do your daily prayers do not forget God. And God will not forget you.
He will guide you as you think he is thinking in you as well believe it or not I am a witness to this wonderful contact in the spirit that I have in God because he speaks to me in the spirit and he also sends his angels to protect me.
To protect all of his sons and daughters in the spirit. You can only be invincible with God and not of yourself. This is why King Solomon was a great wizard and high priest of God. He asked for wisdom and God gave it to him and more.
I also asked for the same thing since I was young going to church. And believe me, he blessed me with an abundance of wisdom.
I even astound myself at times. And the same can happen for you too if you believe. I would rather have an open mind in wonder than have a closed one in disbelief.
A great change for the better is coming real soon for you and your loved ones. God speaks to us in our minds we need to connect with him and listen to his thoughts.
That is when you have mastered all your emotions. And come into the Godly priesthood. There are no bounds in the spirit. He will teach you all that you need to know and more.
That is because they do have not Christ in their heart to understand what I am talking about. They are spiritually blind my friends.
So, when I keep seeing people saying negative things like they doubt or don’t believe it is because they have no spiritual insight like most of us do. Therefore and not accept God’s guidance because they do not pray or believe in God.
All God wants from you is to try and do your best and not be the worst but the better of mankind and not for selfish greed.
But for your sake and the world. And most of all, for God’s sake. Do the right thing that’s all you have to do. Is that so hard? OMG lol. It’s so simple, isn’t it?
But people like to make it harder on themselves, don’t they? This is what I mean by just using your senses, and wake up my sheep. My people God is saying wake up and smell the coffee like I always say.
Open your eyes and open your mind to the sense of regality. Stay alert at all times. Because we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against powers and principalaties of this world.
They are just dummy human sacrifices but why are they doing this every year? They are celebrating and worship the Illuminati’s goddess of the underworld. And they are still doing this behind closed doors and in the woods.
According to the book of Enoch. Adam’s first wife Lilith became Satan’s wife. Thinking he was God because he impersonated God to have sex with her. And out came Caine who became the first Nephilim giant part angelic and part human.
When Biden said that the buck stops here. That made me want to grab my bat! “come here”. So, this is my proposition to get rid of the wicked instead of the innocents.
Why don’t they gather all the wicked and remove them from the face of the Earth? Jail them like they did the poor.
And that will reduce the population to maybe at least 400,000. How about that? The four hundred thousand. That is planned for the coming of Christ.
Do you know he gave me the power over death? I died like 5 times already and came back. Do you know why? He is not ready for me yet. He wants me to do this. To keep doing his will with my writing. And I am sure it will be helpful.
Including those who had a hard life as I did at a young and old age. It has not been easy for me. I was not born rich like some folks are. I have lived in Florida for 15 years suffering hunger pains but I survived the test.
There are more wicked than good on Earth today. Most of them work for our Gov. offices, gov. officials, Judges, lawyers, doctors, nurses, you name it. And most are prejudiced rich folks. Who is running this country in secret societies?
That is what the secret societies were created for. For the rich and powerful to get richer. Money is power yes but will not last long. You’ll see there is going to be a great change in society very soon because of all this. And it has already started.
And do secret wicked things behind closed doors. If there is going to be a cleansing of the world. Let it be the wicked that are removed. Not the innocent.
That is how it should be done. To make the world a better and more peaceful place. To live in and be safer as well.
We won’t have to worry about getting rubbed. While walking the streets no more. killing or stealing from society like the gov. is doing. etc.
There are more wicked people on the Earth than good. And it is even said in the bible. That there will be a day that will come like the days of Noah. This time by fire.
I know God promised us never to have a great flood again because of the rainbow. But other catastrophes lurk out there that can happen to the world. Like nuclear war for one.
How about a meteor or comet colliding with Earth? That already happened that made the dinosaurs extinct but who is to say it won’t happen again? And make us extinct along with the dinosaurs. This is where our tax dollars should be going.
To find ways to protect us the Earth from this kind of extinction of the entire globe. To find ways to intercept those comets and meteors from hitting the Earth.
Hey, guess what? God is going to make that happen anyway. It is already in the process. How? The pandemic was meant to kill us. But I bet it is backfiring on the wicked and they are the ones that are going to die. This is what I know.
Again, there are two kinds of people in the world. Who would you rather vote for? Would it be wicked to run the Earth? Or the good?
Who is going to finally win the battle? All that the wicked are going to do, is self-destruct like most great civilizations that fell in the past ancient history.
I have said this in one of my posts before. A great civilization does not get destroyed itself from without. Until it destroys itself from within. Something has got to break the trend that has been happening to every great civilization happen to us. Before it happens to us.
The good of course. Why. God is not going to let anything happen to us the good, that is why. One more thing about the choice we have. If the wicked win they get to destroy the Earth by whatever means.
Or the good which are peaceful living people who want nothing but peace in the world. If there is going to be a New World Order. Let it be our New World Order.
It should be the people’s New World Order as in unity or peace, not war. Not for the wicked who keep creating ways to kill an overpopulated world no matter who it is. And old-school Illuminati-style ancient human sacrifices, including their babies.
For power and greed. That is just too gruesome to even think of doing, to innocent victims, wouldn’t you agree?
And if the aliens are giving us this message to manage to reduce population. It should be the wicked that should go if it needs to be done. It should be the wicked to go not us the good.
All gov. officials should be given a lie detector test. To see how wicked they are and get fired. Sent to prison for impersonating the law of God. It’s old-school prejudiced people working for the judicial system and the gov as well.
Just like the devil who impersonated God when he fooled Lilith who was Adam’s first wife. Eve was Adam’s second wife according to the book of Enoch. No wonder they banned the book of Enoch from the bible. How about that?
Yes, give the president, gov, officials, and the Senators that go to the Bohemian Grove sacrificial camp a lie detector test. And ask them why are they all going to a private VIP camp at the Bohemian Grove. To worship a thirty-foot owl every year.
And perform human dummy sacrifices in front of it. I can tell you already why. They are linked to the Illuminati. Who used to sacrifice their babies to the goddess of the underworld. Lilith!
That’s right and ask them if they are doing this for real behind closed doors. That will put some ants in their pants. Ask them who is the freaking thirty-foot owl? I know already but you will find out later about it in a post I have already created on that topic.
There is a verse in the bible that says. He who kills with the sword will die by the sword. That being said. All these wars are happening. Is all about money and killing off the enemy.
To steal their gold, oil, and treasures. Why do people on the other side of the world have to be our enemies? I’ll tell you why. It’s greed. War is money.
Because you get to keep their goodies when they kill them all off. The world has been going through this kind of idiotic behavior since it started at the beginning of creation when Cain killed his brother out of jealousy and hate.
This jealousy about someone else having something better than the other but they don’t have it and get mad about it has got to stop. You know you have people including families that act that way towards each other.
Let me say this to make an example so you know how to handle this kind of situation with family
This is my Testimony
My brother whose name is Raul. Since a kid, he wanted everything that was mine including my girlfriend lol. He was so jealous of me when he grew up.
That he was always stealing from me and vandalizing my property. Not to mention blame me whenever he stole from my father to support his cocaine habit.
Whatever wrong he did I was to blame for it. And several times I got thrown out of the house. In the streets because of those lies.
I got thrown out in the streets at first when I was 15 years old. Yes, and it got me street wise learning how to survive. Before I could find a place or a job my mother would give me a plate of food through the kitchen window. And as for my brother.
My mom would always give him my toys after I grew out of them. This is what made him spoiled.
Mom made a mistake in spoiling him by giving him my stuff. After that, he got used to having what was mine by stealing it. In fact he grew up thinking that every thing that was mine was soon to be his.
He was hateful and jealous of me. He would do little petty stuff like stabbing the tires of my car. Tell people lies about me to turn them against me and be on his side.
He even said to one of my cousins, that if she stuck to his side against me he would buy her a pack of cigarettes lol.
And she told me about it. She declined his offer. That boy never grew up. He ended up like my father fighting with kids and never grew up in their minds.
That is what happens to people who get spoiled at a young age. They can’t take no for an answer.
Because they are used to having their way all the time. And end up doing damage to someone’s character or killing them out of jealousy. Like Cain did to his brother Able.
I was their scapegoat. Because I was to blame for everything that was stolen. And anything that went wrong was my fault.
But everything turned out in my favor. No matter how much damage he and the rest of the family had done to me. And that is what made me stronger.
There is a verse in the bible where Jesus said. They will hate you because you are not of this world. Because you are chosen by God to do his will.
This is why they will never pinpoint or figure you out because they are lacking Jesus. They have no spiritual enlightenment. And no understanding.
They are not spiritually edified. There is no way they will learn the knowledge of God within themselves if they do not pray for it.
Because they do not have spiritual guidance. When you start to think up ideas that you do not know where they came from, that was God’s idea embedded in your mind spirit, and soul.
All good ideas come from God. All bad ideas, well you know where that is coming from I hope. When your chosen God gives you food for thought.
Or thought for food however way you want to put it. It is the idea that comes to your head by God. This is what helps us how to figure things out. It is God who puts those ideas in your head.
But be careful and know those ideas by their fruits. If they belong to God or the evil one. Satan knows how to influence us as well through his darts of thoughts in our heads. When thinking negative those are Satan’s thoughts.
People will accuse you of some kind of evil or treachery because it is a reflection of who they are. Some people are afraid of something they do not understand and can’t figure out. So they condemn it.
Some people are just regular people who just don’t care about the truth and go along with their daily routines.
If you have the power to heal it is from the devil they will say. Because their jealousy won’t let them see beyond their ignorance.
This was what was said about Jesus. That he had the power of the devil in him. That he was doing the devil’s work. But the devil cannot heal what he is meant to destroy. It is like the house that is divided will fall. Together we stand, divided we fall.
Matthew 12:25. And Jesus knew their thoughts, and said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand:
But I endured all of that and survived all the turmoil I went through. Even though I was their scapegoat, I still survived alone.
Furthermore, that turned him into a treacherous backstabbing liar and a child molesting and abuser when he was a teen and while married.
He is a sick person even my mother told me he was sick in the head. And had no respect for her. She said he had a dirty mouth.
See that is what I am talking about. It is called jealousy, and envy and he got out of control with it. One of the tools of the devil that made Cain kill his brother.
My brothers and father were hating on me because I had skills. And talents that they did not have.
One day all of us were working in the back yard helping to build a shed. It was Me my father and the 2 brothers. I was at a distance when one of them said, hey pretty boy come here.
I always had a comeback when they would tease me. So, I said. “Okay, I guess that makes you guys ugly huh? lol.
So now I knew they were also hating on me because I was a handsome young dude. Well, I say I am because I have been told before. Not trying to brag.
But that is usually the case in most families who grow up with the wrong role model. I hate to say it but I was the oddball of the family like the ugly ducky because of jealousy and hate. The black sheep as they would say.
The one they thought was going to come out wrong. But I was the one who ended up going to church joining a quartet, and doing the right things.
But I survived it. My father would also tell my other brothers and sisters that I was an idiot and they were smarter than me. But I knew better.
You see, I have this gift that I can read between the lines when people say things about me. He my father was to mentally abusive. And he hated that I was the only one that defending myself against him when he tried to beat me. When I was 24. We finally duked it out and I had no choice but to defend myself. He attacked me first
I was tired of him beating on me and fought back. When he punched me in the face it was on.
I know he was my father. But at least understand that I was not going to let him beat me. Like he did my little sister and cracked cracked her ribs.
The rest of the kids took his beating but not me. That is why he would say they were smarter than me. Because I am the only one that would defend myself from his beatings.
This is why he hated me because I fought back. I defended myself. He was the King and wanted us to bow down to him. Aha not me.
Once my dad and uncle were joking around and he was saying he was a king compared to him. And my uncle said oh; is that so?
And my dad said yes here take my hand and kiss it. My uncle grad his hand and turned around only to fart on it lol.
My cousin and I fell out laughing. And he got mad about it lol. OMG I said here we go again lol.
Because I was not about to take his abuse no more. I was too old for that kind of beating so I gave him a little taste of his own medicine.
Sorry that I broke his jaw. But he got me real good in the ribs too. I mean he put the devil in me.
It jumped from him to me. I was like possessed by his anger now. And I wanted blood. Like they say like father like son.
But in this case I was defending myself from a terrible beating. I am not one that likes to fight.
I learned how to box at a young age. Then took up Jeet Kune Do at the age of 16. And like Bruce Lee I to found myself getting challenge by the next bully and of course I would win against the bully tyrants.
In fact I even fought back bullies in elementary as well. I wanted to protect defend the innocent. And those who were helpless against bullies.
The reason my father resulted in punching me in the face. Was because I asked for my money back that he took advantage of. It was all about money he stole from me.
God forgive me for that I almost killed my father with a knife he quickly closed the door when I came at him.
I had to get this off my chest. For the first time, I did not know that I had all that bottled-up rage in me, like a ticking bomb, it went off.
This is why I never grew up like my father. Violence never solves anything it will only make it worst because there is also revenge involed.
He was a child beater and broke my sister’s ribs and I was not about to let him break mine.
But I was the one who defended myself and he hated me for it. That’s okay because in the end I still came up on top of the situation.
Now I have the house and the rest of the family wants to fight for it. They bothered my mother about this house because they wanted it so bad.
That it drove her to her death bed when she was in the hospital. She just could stand being pulled apart anymore by everyone’s greed.
Until she told them she couldn’t take it anymore and passed away in the hospital. This is what greed did to my mother. Because the family was fighting for the house. I was away at the time when this happened.
The family gathered at the house fighting for the house. I took over because the house was going to be taken by the city for back taxes. It took $2.000 to pay off some of the taxes.
And I went bankrupt to pay the rest on a monthly basis. Which worked for me. After that I went on exempt to avoid paying anymore taxes which is another plus.
The lord been and is still backing me up. Just remember if you never forget God in your life. God will never forget about taking care of you.
Keep your head on the right place and not on worldly possessions so much. It’s fine that we need this and that. But not for greedy puposes, because that is when it starts getting ugly for them.
You know what I did not intend to tell you my life true story. But this is the only way I can get you all to understand.
It is not good to abuse your children. Because for one. They grow up being mean and bad like their parents. Children mimic their parents. And whatever they see.
And there was prejudice in the family as well but I never was that way. I introduced a black friend to my family only for them to say to each other.
“Did you see how black that person was? Wow when I heard that I realized just then I was being hated by my own family.
They were poking fun at me behind my back. I know because I stood outside of the kitchen window to listen to what they were going to say about me. You see there is not a prejudiced bone in my body. Why?
I never like the name calling, I was the black sheep of the family, yes I was the different one. And there were all like birds of a feather flock together.
So, I was the one always left out of the families reunion and birthday party’s. Hey, that happened to Cinderella lol.
Because I started going to church at an early age after surviving Hurricane, Celia. 1963 was the year I believe.
And I started praying because my entire family was crying. except me. The windows looked like balloons ready to burst in.
I crawled out of the back window to get the car. But the shed was on top of it. Thank God I was able to lift the shed I don’t know how I did it but something helped me pull it up and away from the car.
I felt like the incredible hawk at the time. And I was only a puny little boy. It also felt like an Angel came by to help me lift that shed off the car.
And when I reached it over my head the wind flew about 30 feet away. Soon as I lifted it started to fly off the car on its own. I was pushing as hard as I could pushing it up and away.
It was a “10 by “15 shed. And was crushed on top of the car. I am surprised the car had not a big dent on the hood. It was all planned out for me to go do this and escape by God’s grace.
I started the car drove it by the back door and everyone jumped in the car. As soon as we turned the block the winds stopped and we saw a church. There was a man outside guiding us into to park and coming in for safety.
I ended up sleeping behind the pulpit with the choir chairs at the back. In the morning I was the only one there when I woke up.
After that, I started going to church because God saved our lives through my prayer. This is how I ended up becoming a singing evangelist.
Now back to our subject of jealous and hateful people. I have lots more stories to tell you about my past life but that will be in another post. So that this won’t be too long to read.
That kind of behavior that has to do with jealousy is ancient. If we are going to be a beautiful peaceful nation where everybody looks up to us. We have to stop lying, hating, prejudice, and wars. I mean the whole world should come to that decision.
All presidents who have misused people’s tax dollars and taken them from us should also be impeached. Including nose Biden who keeps bagging other countries for oil when we got our own.
And he is stupid for banning Alaska’s oil by blocking it from coming into the United States. What a retard. Trump was not all that bad he was at least helping the people.
Biden is taking away from us and is about to make us lose the benefits that are owed to us in health care and social security income. Not cut social security and Medicare. That is insanely greedy.
And unfair to the American people because it’s this fool’s fault for spending over 20 trillion dollars of our tax dollars by sending it overseas to other countries for military protection. That is causing the world’s economy to go down as well.
And he has the gull to say it was Putin’s fault and the pandemic’s fault. Huh! Someone, please impeach this dude before it gets worse, and America will be in a worse state of depression than ever before. Impeach him before America goes bankrupt.
That old timer is just too greedy for his good. And I bet he is prejudiced for saying he does not care about Americans and does what he wants to.
Furthermore. It seems like we are headed for more hard times in the future if this continues the way it is going. We all have to stick together. All the good against the evil people in the office and everywhere else for that matter.
We have to reduce the prejudice in the judicial system. From judges, lawyers, gov. officials, presidents.
And anyone else in the office that is has that kind of negative nature in them. To take from America to spend for their greed. Taking advantage of us all.
Because it all just adds up to the problems of the world. Too many innocent people have gone to prison and very few have made it out.
Too much prejudice in our Judiciary system is also making the prisons overpopulated.
Things are going to get worse if none of this is fixed period. We can only pray that the wicked do not prevail in the self-destruction of the world. World War III, which will result in a nuclear war.
I know I am jumping around just about talking about everything wrong, but someone needs to talk about this topic.
We all got to talk about how to make things better in the world not worse. Including the whole world. Unity is not about war. It is about peace and unity.
I am listing a lot of things I am not happy with because. I; like many others would like to see us prosper. And not fall hard on our faces once everything is going right, that someone or something has to go wrong.
Because of some idiots in the gov. offices and Congress making plans to cheat the Americans out of their money and benefits.
Taking from us to make themselves richer. I rest my case for now. I will keep adding to my posts as I go along.
And always watching the news and what is happening in the world today. And other research I have been doing to keep you all updated on future events as well.
A Little Folk Lore Parable
I am going to share this little folklore story I read a while back that still makes me laugh and for all, I know this story may be true.
There were It’s about 2 brothers who were hunchbacks. One of the brothers did not have a hunch as big as the other.
So they used to make fun of him including the folks around him. One day he got tired of the hating. And went far away deep into the woods.
Walked a long way till he got tired and decided to take a nap beside a tree stump.
He slept until some kind of noise woke him up at midnight. It was music he heard and saw fairies dancing around.
He began to dance with them and was putting on quite a show. And the fairies liked the way he danced so much that they wanted him to come back the next Friday night for another dance.
He said he would try. But to make sure that he would come back they took his hump from his back and said. This is to make sure you come back. When you come back you can have your hump right back. He smiled and said sure I’ll do that.
He was so happy that now he was a brand new man and singing like a bird back to the village. I mean he was free from that stump in his back and went home to celebrate and tell his brother about it.
When his brother saw him he did not recognize his brother till he got up close. And was amazed at how good he looked without the hump.
So, the brother asked him how did he do it. And his brother who was a brand new man told him the truth.
And explained how he danced for the fairies and they removed his hump for him. Wow, the brother said I will surely go there to get mine removed too.
He thanked his brother for the info. When the evil brother went into the forest to meet the fairies at midnight he started to dance for them too.
But, he did not dance like his brother and he was a lousy dancer. So, they stopped him and said okay that’s enough. You can go back home now and here is your hump, back. Now he had 2 humps one bigger than the other.
The twin brothers look so alike that the furies couldn’t tell. But that is what he got a double hunch back for teasing his brother and making a mock of him.
This is what I call backfire, Karma, and spiritual justice. Now the hating brother was stuck with 2 humps on his back.
And walked back looking funny like a midget T. Rex. With 2 humps in his back walking right back to the village. Do you see how the tables can turn on the wicked now? You all take care, peace, and one love. Till next time.
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Our national park’s deep secrets. Are being exposed. By whistle-blowers. And those who worked for the government? I do my best to research and post about the government’s deepest secrets.
Is The Government responsible for monsters in our national parks? I say yes, and it is intentional. As I said before, our Gov. has been keeping all these deep secrets from us for thousands of years.
For one did you know that Adam had 2 wives? The first is Lilith who left him for Satan. I found this out in one of the lost books of the bible. Let me rephrase that. The book of Enoch. Is banned from the bible.
Because they do not want us to figure out their plan to reduce an overpopulated nation. This is why I need to expose the gov.’s deepest secrets. I spoke of this before in one of my other posts.
Thus, I want to elaborate on a particular topic. I have heard about all these different kinds of cyrtids and werewolves in our national parks. Where are they coming from?
And what are they? Who created them? The government has been experimenting with humans, aliens, and animal DNA.
Creating all kinds of half-animal and half-human creatures. Like it used to be in the older days of Noah.
When the giants roamed the Earth. In those days the watchers were responsible for the creation of the dinosaurs and hybrid alien giants.
The aliens as we know them to look like. Are the watchers who lost their angelic form. When they defiled themselves with women. Which were their forbidden fruit sort of speak.
Their sin was taking human form to have sex with the daughters of men and brought a curse on themselves.
Who intermingled with the daughters of Adam. Once they saw that Satan did it to Lilith, they made they all gathered together. Made a pack and declared it as an anonymous decision.
All 200 watchers that God brought forth out of prison according to the intro of the book of Enoch. These were not the Annunaki. They were the two hundred, placed here on Earth. To watch over us. And to serve us.
But they revolted against God. Because they felt that God favored humans more than them. So they became jealous of humans. And took advantage of the women.
In the book of Enoch. They are called the Grigori. So there was a big difference between the height of Adam. But Adam’s normal height would have been like 16 feet.
Like Bashon and Og. But he did not come from the Grigori bloodline which created the Nephilim. This is why it says in the bible.
That we have fallen short of God’s glory. What do you think happened? I’ll tell you what happened.
There was alien DNA mixed in with ours. They experimented with humans like the government is doing now.
Adam was created with alien DNA. To give him a brain to think better and evolve. We were created in God’s image of course.
So, we came from Annunaki not Nephilim according to the books of Enoch.
Moreover, the reason they were in prison. Was because they were possessing the grandchildren of Moses.
And he prayed to God to imprison all. But Satan came to God to plead with him. To at least leave him 200 watchers to help govern the Earth. So, they can continue the punishment of human wickedness.
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They were there because of Noah. But Satan asked God. How is he supposed to govern the earth? And to do his work in punishing the wicked.
Because that was what he put him here on Earth to do in the first place.
The reason why is because God is a God of love not of hate or war. So, this was Satan’s job to punish evil-doers. That is why God sent him here to be the governor of Earth.
Thus, this introduction that I am giving this first. This is to help you understand what went on. And how all these mutations.
Were both angelic and human DNA experiments from alien technology.
And now the gov. is copying what they have done in the past all over again. I would not doubt it if there is a real Jurassic Park on a remote Island no one knows about.
They have found Dinosaur bones and all they have to do is abstract the DNA from their bones.
Some creatures were frozen in time, thus making it possible to abstract DNA from them.
They bible states that would happen again before the coming of the end of the world. That these things would happen again.
That giants and creatures would return one day. By genetic engineering alien technology.
Luke 17:26 And as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be also in the days of the son of man. This means it will happen again before the coming of Jesus.
I will start with the origins of the beginning of creation, God created both male and female Genesis 1:27. Again, according to the book of Enoch Adam’s first wife was Lilith.
It was later that Eve was created from one of Adam’s ribs. After Lilith left him for Satan thinking he was God himself in the flesh.
The first wife Lilith was the one who told Adam that God gave her a man-child. Why didn’t Lilith say that God gave her just a child?
Because the man-child was not from God and grew into a man at an exulcerated pace because he was Nephilim. Part Angel and human.
But by Satan who fooled her into believing he was God. By impersonating God’s image to soil his seed and create his race of giants the Nephilim. Starting with the first one, Cain.
Later God brought the flood to destroy all the giants. Including the Dinosaurs living at that time as well. But some survived. This happened because they were cannibalizing humans.
So, God had to do this before they would make the human race extinct. Which was Satan’s plan, to prevent the coming of Jesus.
This story was told in the bible. It was also told in the book of Enoch. Now I know why they banned the book of Enoch from the bible. They were worshiping many Gods, not just one.
But these Gods were human and angelic offspring of the watchers. Who took advantage of the daughters of Adam.
Remember Adam had generations of offspring before he reached over 950 years old. But he was of Annunaki origin, not Nephilim. And here is another question.
How did he live that long? I’ll tell you how. He was the first hybrid human and alien experiment ordered by God.
And Bigfoot is the missing link believe it or not. I speak of it in one of my other posts. I say this because we did not come from apes. That is an insult to them and us.
Bigfoot has a human face. It is an insult for a scientist to say we came from apes. Therefore, Bigfoot is the only answer.
We have less hair than they do now. And we also have our spirits as they have.
Genesis 4:6 says. And the sons of God came unto the daughters of men, and they gave birth to giants.
These giants were the Nephilim. Adam was a huge man not like today he was around 16 feet tall.
Not saying he was Nephilim. People were a lot taller back then till humanity fell from grace. From living a thousand years to less than 120.
Our life expectancy got lower and so did our bodies got smaller. Our DNA got manipulated and made us less likely to live more than 120 years.
They had to do something about reducing an overpopulated world. And you can tell by way of the sacrifice that is happening right now from the government.
There is another sneaky way they are speeding the process. Through our water and food.
Our water because tap water is recycled sewage water. It has over a hundred contaminants, and some of them kill like E. coli.
That comes from animal and human waste. And in our processed food adding magnesium stearate. That will create bleeding ulcers if you eat too much of it every day.
And medication of taking too much every day. These are just some of the ways our government sneaks dangerous chemicals into our water.
Also in food processed meals to slow down our age. People are dying at a younger age now.
People were taller and lived longer in those days before God shortened our life span.
We do not live as long as they did in those days because of God’s curse upon humans for his disobedience.
So this is why we don’t get to live more than 120. But now even shorter. Moreover, because of our lifestyle of eating processed foods with magnesium stearate.
That will give you bleeding ulcers. And turn into cancer if not treated by a doctor. This is how people are dying at a younger age.
Because of all the chemicals they have been adding to our processed foods and medication. That is just one of the reasons. People lived healthier lives back then.
Back then there were no processed foods. Or medications of this kind. Our ancestors used traditional herbal medicines. But not with chemicals.
So, it is not enough that we are drinking tap water that is full of recycled crap. That kind of water is a disgusting thought and still makes me want to heave at just the thought of it.
But with these other secrets that the government has been hiding from us. This is the beginning of a whole new era of cryptids.
And have been around for a long while, and are now found in our national parks.
The gov. has been experimenting with aliens. Human, and animal DNA since the beginning of the century. Do you think not?
Think again. It is all hidden from us to conceal the real truth of it all. And the real purpose behind it. As in the same crap but a different toilet sort of speak. To kill an overpopulated country.
I have never heard of these kinds of stories till recently since last year. And it has begun to grow. Because these creatures are being created and they are multiplying.
With the gov. releasing them into the deep woods. And most likely from hidden underground bunkers. Where they do their experiments.
I remember several movies about the werewolf and the rest of the monsters of old times on television. But never believed it was real till now.
I have heard so many people tell their recent experiences. About encountering creatures in national parks. This has been happening for thousands of years and most of us do not know it. Because it is their secret. Top Secrets.
Especially the Dog Man or as I would say the modern werewolf. But This type of creature is a very tall 8-foot tall. A muscular build with dog feet and the head of a wolf or coyote. And the little fur looks like a mangy dog.
The first thought that came to my mind was an image of the Egyptian hieroglyphic. Of a dog-like-looking person holding bows and arrows in battle.
The soldiers of the ancients. Part human and dog men or wolf. They are all from the same dog family. They call it a wolf because it is a wild dog.
They describe him as hunched over with a very muscular build at the top and skinny legs. The werewolf origins started in the 16th century.
During that time it was called the loop-guru, loop meaning wolf and guru meaning human. They later called it Rougarou.
There was also the story I heard about the lizard man. I would not doubt that they are still around.
Because lizard man goes as far back as the creation of mankind. These are aliens that came here to Earth.
The zulu history speaks of lizard people who came and brought the moon with them. And put it in perfect orbit in the beginning of creation.
I saw hieroglyphs and pictures of lizard men shaking hands with the Mayan king.
There is also Bigfoot, the Jersey Devil, and Chupacabra. Here is a new one I found out recently. The goat man. And now the bear man.
And the rake. All these creatures are experiments, the government was working on creating some kind of military creature for protection as the Egyptians did.
The creature called the rake was pale with large black round eyes, with no nose. Had claws and would rake before attacking. That is why they called it the rake.
As I said people go to national parks and come up missing because they venture into the deep woods.
And you never get to hear from them again or see them ever again. Because they are in some creature’s belly.
All these creatures are created to protect their environment. It is the same as when I told you all about bigfoot which is a product of the Aliens as military protection for their territory.
I have my share of ghostly experiences and exercising demons from a lady who asked for help.
That’s right I can do that sort of thing. It is done by prayer amongst another secret that I hold I could never tell for now.
But This is why I started to blog. To let people know what I know and to warn what is out there.
Hey, guess what Mermaids are real too. Makes me want to stay away from the beach.
I have a clip of a baby octopus lipping out of the water on the rocks to snatch a crab and crawl right back into the water with it.
Could you imagine what the mother would do to you if you were there too lol?
And I advise everybody. Please do not go deep into the woods either when you go camping and do not go alone.
I always loved camping as a Boy Scout and on up to Explorer. But now I am careful where I camp at.
But hearing about all these people going missing in national parks is a bit scary for me to go anymore. I think I would camp somewhere where there are lots of campers instead.
Choose the right place or park and the safe place to go. The world isn’t as safe as it used to be anymore.
People have reported a creature coming from under the water crawling out looking like a dog or wolf as it grew larger and stood on its hind legs. That looked like goat legs.
At first, they laughed because they thought how can a dog crawl out from underneath the water? Till they saw how large it was.
With eyes glowing red and no reflection because they had no flashlight on them. The sun was already setting at this point, and they started to run.
They ran as fast as they could. I would too. But the half-wolf and the goat-like creature did not chase them all the way.
And again, my friends. These are experiments that the government has been working on and are part of the plan to kill an overpopulated nation.
Some people were scared to tell their stories because of the fear that no one would believe them and think of them as some kind of nut.
So, there you have it. I have been talking about these secrets that the Government has been working on behind our backs for years.
And it is time that I put it out there. And I’ll tell you what this top secret is all about.
The government keeps these secrets because they do not want any other country to know their secret weapons of destruction.
Otherwise, they would copy their technology. The same way everyone else is doing in each country. That is why they send spies to figure out each other’s technology.
But they are using it against us as well. Why? Because it is their way of reducing an overpopulated nation and world. The New World Order.
There has been the same story over and over again. When campers met up with the Dog men also known as the Werewolf they were able to shoot to pieces at his face and neck.
They said he was doing a running circle on the ground before it died. You know like one of the 3 Stooges named Curly the bald one who did cartwheels on the floor with his feet lol.
There were other campers also with shotguns shooting point blank at it too. They were told by the government authorities to keep it quiet.
Or they would come after them If any of the photos they took ever got out. They made them delete those photos from their cell phones as well.
It’s not because they do not want panic among the residents. It’s because it is their secret project that they will do anything they can to keep it a secret. Even if it means murder by getting rid of witnesses.
But hey, you know what? I am glad you don’t need silver bullets to kill those werewolves lol.
Any bullet will do okay. And it took a lot of bullets to get that monster down. He was 8 feet tall. If it was up to me I would be aiming between the eyes.
That will do it. But I can understand when someone is scared, they will just shoot anywhere they can while they are trembling.
And here is another thing I really believe is going to happen. These creatures are super-powerful half-human and animal creatures that will kill and eat humans and animals.
This is why people will never be found. They are in some beast’s belly. There is a reason why the sign at the Appalachian trial says “Please Stay On The Same Path.
In other words, do not venture into the deep woods because you will never be found again.
You can at least scare a bear off with noise. But these creatures are not scared of anything.
We also have the Bear Man, and these are not failed experiments. They intend to create war-like flesh-eating creatures for military protection as well.
But again they have been releasing the super creatures into the woods to kill us. So, please do not go camping deep into the woods. I am more than sure that God will protect his chosen.
But do not tempt the Lord thy God the bible says. In other words, don’t expect god to send an angel to save you if you get in front of a running truck. That is what tempting the lord God means.
You are invisible by His grace not by your choice. For instance, I was riding along with my 2 friends in a car and we went to the south side. We got ambushed with gunfire unexpectedly three shots were fired.
I was on the passenger side. The driver got shot in the throat and the other one was meant for me.
But those bullets missed me by one inch and hit the door, shattering the glass. We were able to drive him to the hospital and he got his throat repaired with a plastic one.
But I knew that God was protecting me because all those bullets passed right by my heart. And I realize right now and I keep saying to myself.
Even though I am not a materialistic rich man, I know that I am rich in life, and as long as I have a long life by God’s plan that is good enough for me. My life and good health are a priority.
I am rich in God’s power. He gave me several gifts besides the gift of healing with prayer.
I will tell you that one in my next post, just remind me if I forget. Oh, you are in for the story about my life. My past life was no joke, I went through hell and back.
But like I said before in one of my other posts. The Earth is doing that already by recycling itself every year.
With all these super hurricanes, tornados, earthquakes, tsunamis, mudslides, volcanic eruptions, etc.
So, them telling us we got to reduce population because they received a word from the aliens is a bunch of malarkey and mambo jumbo. And let me tell you my next post is about just that.
The plain truth about King James hiring biblical scholars to remove words and books from the bible in the 16th century coming soon.
They also burned one scholar’s remains after his death. Because they were afraid that his spirit would live on in someone else’s body. Because he told the truth. But of course, that did not work. Because I am still here lol.
There is such a thing as reincarnation my friends. The spirit never dies. No one can kill a spirit by burning the body. It moves on according to God’s plan.
These sorts of super half-human and half-beasts are hard to kill. I heard of some creatures that bullets don’t stop it. Bigfoot is one of them. Bullets will only make him mad and jump right on top of you before you can shoot again.
Bigfoots are protected by aliens who are their guards to stop intruders from venturing into their underground camp.
Bigfoot would take a giant leap at you before you shoot him again. Very fast and agile type of ape people. With arms that reach below their knees.
And a muscular build like the Incredible Hulk. But they rank! I hope I never come across Bigfoot or Ms. Bigfoot for that matter.
They rank something like dead rotten flesh mixed in with awful body order. I imagine it is everything from his arms pits, and his crotch to down to his toe jams.
Just hope you are not on the other side of him when he bends over, “Peeuuuuu.” I would be saying “Dude” go jump in the river and take a serious bath”!!!
Like, gag me with a fork!!! Here! use some of my Irish spring maybe that will get the funk off, ewwwwww. Please do not bend over this way again.
That is an awful stench and if I was to smell something that bad. And if it makes me gag. I am surely going to start running in the other direction with the quickness and get out of its territory.
I surely do not want a rock hitting me on the head ouch. Nor a tree getting thrown at me. They have the strength to snap a 6-inch branch with one hand. And can reap an animal or person apart with ease.
They do have that much strength. I believe they were the first to be created for military alien protection from anyone entering their territory. So, by saying that. They have been here for millions of years since the beginning of creation.
In those days they had other different types of alien enemies fighting for Earth’s territory. Like the lizard people, long-neck tall aliens, 3-foot aliens, the star child aliens, etc.
There are many more that we do not know of. And by now hopefully, you already know that the moon is hollow. Nasa let one of its spacecraft crash into the moon.
And when it crashed hard, It rang like, a giant gong like a bell would ring. And it rang for hours they said. Nothing solid would ring like a bell. Thus, that makes it an unnatural satellite.
But back to my camping thoughts. Does anyone still feel like camping in the deep woods is wise? It’s okay to go camping when you go to a special camping park that is protected by park rangers. But if you must go to a national park.
Don’t go to Yellowstone where there are bears and creatures. I would think twice about that one. A spot that is somewhere near a police station and hospital would be safer for me. But where there are bears, I will not go.
Yes, camping used to be lots of fun. With a campfire telling each other’s dreams and experiences.
Ghost stories, you name it. Oh, I have a few ghost experiences to tell you as well. But again coming soon in another post.
The Appalachian Trail travels through Appalachian valleys and mountain ranges. It starts from Georgia to the northern terminus at Katahdin, Maine. This is a very spooky and dangerous trail to go hiking or camping at. Never go there.
Because there are too many dog-man creatures in there. Not to mention bigfoots, goat man, Bear man, and crawling on land octopuses. Believe it or not, those are the gov.’s intentional experiments. If you go into their territory you will come up missing forever.
I wouldn’t go hiking anywhere in the deep woods or at that place. I’ll just stay on the safe side of town where people are. If I go fishing, I’ll probably go to Galveston Island at a pier and go fishing.
Or at a small lake or stream maybe even a river. I used to catch alligator garfish at the Nueces River in TX. And they are delicious, all I did was BBQ it and it needed no seasoning. Had its salt like eating a salmon steak. And I used to go boating.
But as I said before too many creatures have been coming up from the waters lately as well like mermaids. I’ll have my binoculars ready when I go fishing and camera. You never know what you will come across.
Guess what? I have a newscast video of a baby octopus leaping out of the water so fast snatching a crab crawling right back into the water with it. What about the mother?
She must be nearby waiting to snatch a little boy or girl. And this on the rocks they can hide there in little cracks and holes.
So, watch your kids very closely when you take them to the beach. Don’t let them go near the rocks if any are out there. This is how a lot of people come missing on the beach.
Yes, sunbathing on the rocks is not a good idea lol. When I saw how fast and high the octopus jumped out of the water to snatch that crab, it made me think twice about the mother Where is she? lol.
I know most mothers are near their babies and I hope this is not so with octopuses’.
I think that baby octopus was mimicking his mother lol. So, be careful out there on the rocks people. I could say boulders, but it depends on where you are at.
Is the government also experimenting with octopuses like another story I heard of one from a lake who snatched this dude by the legs. After going to see what was on the side of the road. In a little ditch of water?
He said it was too strong to escape its grip on him, but he managed to hit it with a rock between those big bulgy popping-out black eyes, they were huge. Like a crab’s, eyes popping out.
That is weird and it doesn’t sound like a normal octopus to me. And living on land? I’m sure there must be a lake or river somewhere nearby.
He said it had 30 feet long tentacles and his head was huge. And I wouldn’t doubt it if that is a true story. The government has been doing these kinds of experiments for years. Take the Chupa Cabra where did it come from? Space? Nah., I don’t think so. It is genetically engineered to suck blood like a vampire. It might be spliced with vampire bat DNA.
Meaning they can survive on land as well. I am talking about experiments. And normally I don’t think octopuses can live on land. But again that’s another red flag. I stay away from deep lakes. Or huge lakes. I like little ponds, a stream or a pier.
I have a warning for the Government. If you ever or already have. And decided to capture a child bigfoot. And try to teach it how to speak and become intelligent like us.
I believe they have far better learning capabilities than we have. Because they are supernatural beings. And they might be capable of learning how to become an enlightened person. What do you think is going to happen?
I’ll tell you what might happen if their experiment goes wrong. Because Bigfoot is an incredibly strong creature. Now. I am not trying to give them any ideas but if they were to teach them the art of war. That could turn against them. If they become more populated than us. Then what?
A real planet of the Apes will be born. It is only my theory, but it is a dam good one because they would be defeating humanity in numbers if they become overpopulated. Because they are also part human remember that.
I truly believe it would be a remarkable experiment if Bigfoot could live comfortably with humanity. But there is still that possibility of their animal instinct kicking in. Just like humans can be dangerous animal killers. It will be so with Bigfoot as well. There is an animal instinct in all of us isn’t there?
Bigfoot is not fully human. Therefore. no one knows how to figure out what their next move will be if they are fully capable of making war with humans or not. What does the elephant do when a zookeeper whips them or doesn’t treat them with respect?
They turn on him and try to crush him. Because elephants have feelings too. All creatures have feelings too. You are safe if a pit bull is taught to be a good dog and not violent.
But when a master trains his pit bull to fight, be angry, and attack. It can turn on him as well when being mistreated.
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The same thing when you train any other animal how to fight or kill. It can and will end up turning on you if you mistreat it. Take a lion trainer. It ate him because he forgot to feed it one day. I am stressing out a point.
So, as far as teaching bigfoot the art of war is out. Nothing that is not human should learn the art of war. Part of humans doesn’t get it.
I wish they would work on a Superman rather than a super creature man. But I bet they have been working on that already. But then again Superman would have to be cambial to carry on with the New World Order plan.
So, all those that are trying to track down Bigfoot to prove its existence is no longer necessary. He is real and people stop trying to track him and leave him alone. They want to be left alone.
Why do you think they keep throwing rocks and tree trunks at us? Just don’t go into their territory if you do not want to get reap apart. You might get lucky and just get kidnapped out of curiosity.
But who wants to go through that? Could you imagine being in a cave all smelly like that “Whew” I heard a story of that happening once and the person finally gave Bigfoot some of his snuff and Bigfoot ate it lol.
He started to cough and gag so badly that gave the man the chance to run out of that cave and escape and live to tell his story.
Wow, could you imagine a soon-to-come planet of bigfoot apes? People I hope you enjoy my little conversation with you. And to all my fans I thank you for your support and your beautiful compliments. I will keep updating this content now and then. To improve its originality.
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Benefits of water filtration systems’. Reverse osmosis has sand and carbon filters that will remove all contaminants, and produce alkaline water.
Purity System gives you good informational news, if not the best information for you to know more about the truth.
So, get ready for the absolute truth in health and wellness progress as well as my other blogs about the Government’s deepest secrets.
And the lies that the government has been telling us. That I have got to reveal that will practically blow your mind. In most cases, Thus, I look for more information, by searching online.
Oh by the way Columbus never discovered America. The Egyptians had already colonized believe it or not. They have discovered several hieroglyphics inside caves at the Grand Canyon.
Moreover, I have answers that will help with health-related issues. And I am also a philosopher in spiritual matters that will expose the truth about the world. and its secrets.
I love mystery, and discovering the plain truth is my specialty. That is the only way I like to enjoy my reading. I am a seeker of the truth in all matters of life.
Knowledge and wisdom come from God and no other. I always have the zeal to learn and share with others what I know and my experiences. This is my way of reaching out to all the people and the world.
Letting others know the secrets that have been kept from us by the gov. Guest what? We are never too old to learn more each day of our lives. Close-minded people who think they know it all because they went to college.
Will never know reality as it is most of the time because they only learn from books. And believe me, experience is the best teacher.
Having a doctorate or master’s degree does not know the philosophies about life and experience that I learned throughout my life experience now. Experience is the best teacher about life in itself.
And college books don’t teach you about life and the secrets of life in itself. I did research about our history that has been hidden from us. To say it bluntly, I love exposing the truth about it all. I love exposing the government’s secrets.
The flood in Baltimore Caused E. coli contamination throughout the city’s water supply. (9/13/22). Thus, I have mentioned this before.
The city water treatment and sewage treatment centers fail to realize this. That E. coli comes from animal and human waste.
Furthermore, all water treatment centers recycle sewage water. For us to drink? That is why it is always wise to use a reverse osmosis system. Regardless of floods or none. To purify your water from E. coli contamination, amongst other contaminants.
And remember what I said about bottled water. It is no longer safer than tap water. ‘Because I did a chemical test on practically all bottled water. And it turns yellow.
An indication that it is acidic. ‘All bottled water is acidic, and acidic cells are housing for cancer cells to grow and get larger.
How? The BPA is supposed to be heat resistant. And again’ studies proved it to melt right into your water. Once, it overheats at high temperatures.
Thus, giving you cancer. Let me show you a picture I took of hundreds of cases. ‘Stocked outside on the hot pavement in the hot summer sun. It was a bit of a shock to me too.
Those bottles of water have gotten contaminated with BPA now. ‘And this is why I am saying that you do not know for how long they have been in a hot storage area or the hot sun, for that matter.
SNAP! How does one know if it is safe to drink bottled water anymore? Or how do we know if it had not been in a hot storage area waiting for months or weeks to leave the factory?
How long does it take, to deliver bottled water? Without air conditioning in those tractor-trailer trucks? No one knows whether bottled water is safe to drink or not anymore.
Lettuce Recall. A Recent Update On E-Coli Found In Wendy’s Restaurant Lettuce in 4 Northern States (8/21/22).
I did mention on this page that most restaurants and processing companies do not use reverse osmosis systems that produce alkaline water.
They only use tap water. Tap water has E. coli because it comes from recycled sewage water. For those who are skeptics. Put it to the test do some research, and see for yourself.
I also want to send out a message to those who keep wasting their time sending me negative messages about my content. Your little small-minded boring opinions are not being seen by anyone but me. So, stop wasting your time sending me your hateful messages. Because I delete them all the time.
You’re wasting your time thinking you can bust my bubble. But over 3000 great comments prove you are wrong about my content you internet troll lol.
And your indirect nice nasty insults do not affect me. I’ve been there and done that.
And what you say does not move me. There is nothing wrong with my title and I am not about to let some idiot like you who does not make any sense of what they are saying.
To listen to them or make any changes to your website, just because they think, you are gullible enough to pay attention to nonsense and stupidity.
People I am stressing a point to let you know, you can’t listen to people who think they know what they are talking about.
Don’t listen to someone who thinks they are professional and expert trying to give stupid advice. They do that to me, all because they are jealous of me.
And because people love my content. And those who thought I would not make it and underestimated me.
Because any professional or expert like me would never tell you to change your website’s title because of what they feel it should be.
My website began as a water purification website and it will stay that way no matter what anyone thinks or says.
For a person to tell you to change the title of your site. Indicates that they are not an expert because anyone should know that changing your site title to your website.
Would automatically take you off the index, and you would have to re-direct your website’s title all over again, and would take a month or so.
That being said. Don’t listen to idiots who think they know what kind of advice to give you. And it’s all so that you mess yourself up. Beware of haters who insult you indirectly or make nice nasty sort of speak comments.
I detest those kinds of people that they have nothing better to do. That to try and mess with someone else’s mind.
Perhaps that was the way they were treated when they were kids. So, as they say, kids always mimic their parents and they are fully responsible for their kid’s actions.
So, if a kid ends up being a narcissist, it’s because they got treated that way themselves when they were young. This is why the world keeps repeating itself over and over and over again.
You would think that there would be no more prejudice left but there is. It has gotten worse since this after the pandemic happened.
Great peace has they which keep thy commandments and nothing shall offend them. So, whenever they bully you around they waste their time trying to bust your bubble.
They are just making a fool out of themselves in front of everybody. And for those who leave negative comments on my page I have to approve them for others to read. Again, they are wasting their time.
So that was a waste of time. No one saw what you wrote see? Is that how you have been wasting your time all your life? I am talking to the narccissit now lol.
Because you must not know what precious time is. But you are wasting my preciouses time. So, there you have it lol.
You might want to throw up because I am getting well-known by hundreds of subscribers and readers but that’s the way the ball bounces.
Are You the type of guy who still believes he can fool someone by thinking the hand is quicker than the eye when you stick your fingers in a lion’s mouth.
Like some dude, I saw in a video clapping his hands at a lion sticking his fingers through the fence playing with and touching the lion’s teeth. While the lion was roaring warning him to watch out I am gonna get you to watch. And caught his middle finger ouch when it came off.
He thought he was a lion tamer I guess. But that’s what happens to kids or grownups when they show off in front of 2 girls who were filming the whole thing.
And it was graphic when I heard the fingers getting broken. Then the lion pulled a couple of fingers off. Ouch!
The lion was opening his mouth roaring and trying to warn him but to no avail, the lion caught his finger and pulled till it tore it completely off. It was graphic.
So that got debunked! What is learned from this fact? Is that the hand is not quicker than the eye after all? Not for a lion in this case.
Try being happy instead of being miserable. Only narcissists are miserable all the time, are you a narcissist? Only narcissists waste their time trying to spoil everybody else’s fun because they do not know how to have fun.
Sorry folks, I had to add this to my post to make something clear to those who think they can play with my mind and yours with small-minded insults. Bullies need to be taught a lesson in wits. Since they think they know it all.
But that’s what internet trolls do. They are not happy and they want to take those who are happy down with them. Internet bully trolls are not welcome on my website.
So, for those who keep insulting my website or my content, take your little Crusty-hating behind elsewhere. And learn how to spell. Homey don’t play that! Where’s my sock and iron ball? Meanwhile back at the ranch!
Why is groundwater contaminated?
Groundwater gets contaminated through environmental waste. And industrial waste plants. I know because I used to work a chemical waste plant in my younger days.
A while back, they were burying chemical waste in barrels. And now they are burning it.
They are using a technological system with hazardous waste incinerators. And guess what? That’s even worse. Now they are polluting the air, releasing all these toxic gases in our atmosphere.
No wonder; Now we know how acid rain developed. So, will we turn into the Night of the Living Dead?
I am joking; of course not. But the pandemic is already doing an excellent job on the down-low. What’s next? They might still be burying waste in some places.
You’ll never know till someone blows the whistle. Thus, not only is the groundwater contaminated. The crops are also contaminated by herbicides and pesticides.
and Pesticides to kill bugs and weeds. But when it comes to E-coli it is a deadly disease found in tap water as well.
E. coli is animal and human waste and it stays in the water even though the city sewage water treatment centers say they cleaned it with chlorine and fluoride.
Well, that does not kill disease. It can only be removed by reversed osmosis water filtration systems.
This is the reason that leads me to believe why there have been so many deaths from E. coli. Hard water, also known as tap water, has over a hundred contaminants. Groundwater is also contaminated by pesticides and herbicides. From farming agriculture.
Alkaline water purification systems will also remove harmful metals and chemicals. Chlorine, alum, and fluoride are some of them. Springwater was safe to drink back a few decades ago. But now, the water needs testing because of chemical contamination.
Thus, this is the reason why underground water is not drinkable until it gets tested. Suppose you live out of the country.
You’ll find suitable groundwater, but testing your water is better to be safe than sorry. You can try it with a chemical test.
Toxic waste buried in the ground turns into methane gas. Pesticides pollute the air and discharge these gases.
Nitrous, carbon dioxide, and methane. Everyone should know this because it’s a piece of vital information.
I have learned so much essential information that could make you stick around for more input.
Soon I will make another update on a blog about Bigfoot and alien technology. But back to what is dangerous to our health.
Let’s talk about carbon dioxide. I have read that some medications that come in the plastic pill form “are made” with carbon dioxide.
You can google any ‘kind of medication that comes in a plastic coating. And find out the ingredients it contains.
You will see the information about the plastic coating ‘made with carbon dioxide. What made me laugh, was that people were complaining about pet food.
That contained carbon dioxide. But they are selling it to us as well on the down-low. Our processed foods have it too. Before taking any medication, food, drinks, etc., you should look up information.
I also looked up magnesium stearate which is in a medication called tramadol. And most medication contains magnesium stearate. Including antihistamines. I stopped taking those too. That was what was messing me up.
Here is what I read about it. “And there is concern that magnesium stearate. Will stop the body from absorbing the nutrients it should.
Another study found that tablets with magnesium stearate take longer to dissolve. And processing food companies, also add it to their processed foods.
Foods that contain carbon dioxide. Are beef, pork, chicken, shrimp, chocolate, farmed shrimp. Palm oil, cheese, and any other drinks that are processed.
They all contain magnesium stearate and carbon dioxide. Also, known as footprint foods. Why they call it that I don’t know. We can also blame climate change and greenhouse gases including methane gas, for most of the climate pollution.
It’s used for cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals are adding magnesium stearate to their products. Here is a mind-blower. Magnesium stearate is also added to vitamin supplements and as well. Soda, chocolate, ice cream, candy, syrup, mayo, milk, cheese, and poultry.
These are some of them that contain magnesium stearate. The magnesium stearate I am talking about is not the natural magnesium in foods. It is a chemical they add to it which is a different magnesium stearate and not the natural healthy kind.
Magnesium stearate is in just about everything, and that is a shame that they know about it and won’t ban it because it is not safe to take too much of it. A friend of mine said oh but not donuts. One donut ingredient that she is overlooking. None fat milk. All milk has magnesium stearate added to it.
And how would one know how much to take to be on the safe side? If you must take something to help you sleep drink lemon balm. And Cat’s Claw is something I ran into by accident. And it does have many major healing properties in it. It also heals cancer and viral infections.
(Like herpes, human papillomavirus, and HIV. Alzheimer’s disease. Arthritis, diverticulitis, colitis, gastritis, peptic ulcers parasites hemorrhoids, and leaky bowel syndrome.
It takes 6 weeks to see the results. No need for me to go to the doctor for no more colonoscopies.
One more thing, “SUGAR” can and will damage your liver as alcohol can, even if you are not overweight. Not only will sugar cause damage it is a substance that cancer cells thrive on the most. Where they can live and grow.
Not, they say that magnesium stearate is generally safe to consume. But too much of it can give you diarrhea and irritate and eat away at the mucus lining of your stomach and intestines. And this might give you constipation as it did me.
And it was more painful to push while doing the toilet thing. Tramadol will also give you significant munchies. Eating meat at night makes constipation worse. I also ate like a horse. I was always hungry.
And finally figured it out. This was the cause of it all along. And I am glad I looked that up because now I have gotten rid of those pills.
Besides, this is why my medication gave me bleeding peptic ulcers. It was because of the carbon dioxide, plus the magnesium stearate made with the pill.
Let’s hope that BPA is not one of those ingredients too. My theory of what is happening in the world today.
Are we being targeted‘ as an overpopulated world? How did this pandemic happen? All over the world all at once?
So, now we have monkey-pox. How ironic that this next pandemic happened. This time they did not wait another 10 years.
They want to give us the double whammy. Did you know that this sort of plot has been going on for thousands of years with the Illuminati?
Could this be one of Mason’s secrets that have been discovered? That they are involved with the Illuminati. And another secret they thought
they could keep, of them claiming to be the offspring of Jesus Christ? And getting Leonardo Da Vinci himself to make geometrical paintings for them.
But it won’t be on my list to take the monkey pox vaccine to get my DNA transformed into what they want it to be.
I am not going to allow myself to fall into that trap. Too many people died from the first vaccine from Johnson & Johnson remember that one? I think I mentioned this on my other website.
But a professor placed a video about what the vaccine is going to do to us if we take it. He said that it would take 35% of your life away from you.
I went back the next day and before you knew it his video was taken down by YouTube. I am glad I caught that before they took it down.
Yes, I am inclined to believe all this is planned. The coronavirus must have done the work they had expected it to do.
They want to bring the world’s population down more because they are not satisfied. As far as they are concerned the world is still overpopulated.
I would not be surprised if they released another one real soon. It’s all in the air the atmosphere.
This is one of the reasons I keep at home a lot more with an Air Purifier on. I value my life so there is no need to be cheap on myself I buy nothing but the best for my health reasons.
You only live once. Live it up the best way you can. I always say treat yourself before you trick yourself out of your good health.
A thought just crossed my mind and this might sound hilarious to you. But it’s a notion and why I thought about that. It must be because I saw this movie a long time ago. About the body-snatcher aliens. Remember that movie?
They’re coming They’re here” lol. Well, just crossed my mind that maybe that has already happened and the aliens are in control of the government and their officials.
Making them experiment with human DNA again. Using us as Ginny pigs on the down low. All these pandemics have happened.
Were for a reason and one is for you to take their vaccines. And it will shorten your life span. Everybody who wants to take the monkeypox vaccine raises their hands.
As For me “Hell to the No”. This is their plot. I just cracked their code. It doesn’t take me long to figure things out. The way things are falling into place, it’s logical enough to raise a red flag.
Now I have heard Elon Musk tell Russia on Twitter, that if he continues. He would send his smart drones to drop a deadly virus on his country. That confirms what I said before when this pandemic happened.
This is coming from the air above us. Use your logic. Why did we have to wear masks? So that we would not breathe in that virus that is airborne.
Some people tell on themselves, don’t they? They are so smart that they are stupid smart. Let the cat out of the bag. But back to the medication.
I am an example of my experience with this medication. So, if I needed to take any medication, it would no longer be in plastic form.
I have back problems, and medication is the last thing I want to take unless I have severe pain.
Instead, I decided to keep exercising. And eat the right foods and fruits to give my body the boost and nutrients it needs. That is so far working for me.
I sit all day monetizing and creating content daily. So getting up, doing the walkabout, and exercising is essential.
It’s almost like bottled water. You don’t know which one’s contaminated. ‘Because bottled water has been everywhere in a truck or hot storage areas.
Not all factories have air conditioning. And not all groceries have those huge walk-in ice boxes to keep their food merchandise cold and fresh.
I will no longer buy hot sodas either, especially those in plastic containers. Also, food that is on open cooler shelves is not my favorite store to go to. And in most cases, the food can still go wrong for so many days in the open shelf cooler without a glass door.
And it is not my kind of place to shop for groceries. It takes 2 hours for food to spoil. Meats will go bad fast if it is above 40 F. So we do not know what is good or bad till we find out after we eat it.
But no one wants to find out by getting a foodborne illness. That’s why so many thousands have died from foodborne illnesses, because of this kind of error.
Now we have to worry about how and where viruses can rub off on, us because of the corona. The first thing I do after bringing home groceries.
I, wash all plastic food packages to ensure I do not catch anything. And the meat has to be washed before cooking?
Don’t wash it with soap, okay? Pure alkaline water will do. Because if you wash it with soap, you will contaminate the meat. And get sick to your stomach.
I have a food handlers certificate and a license to sell tobacco and Alcohol. That helps to know the proper way of doing your job right. Because it is vital to our health to ensure that we eat the right foods
This is to my experience and research about sugar. It is to me the no. one killer because, like a drug, it is addicting. I found out that sugar retains water like 13 pounds of it in your body. It also retains fat cells. So, if you burn any calories you will only be burning the sugar fat cells, not your, body fat. Thus, increase your weight by eating sugar every day til you get obese.
I used to weigh 200 pounds. And since I quit eating table sugar and carbohydrates, I lost 50 pounds in 6 weeks. But you have to cut eating sugar cold turkey. I know it is hard because I was a sugar-soda-drinking freak myself. Donuts, ice cream, and chocolate were my favorite. Anything sweet like candy cookies and so on that was processed foods.
I slowed down and then proceeded to quit cold turkey. Now and then I get tempted I might pop a mambo in my mouth to feel the sugar high lol. But that is what you call regulating as in don’t overdo it. But you don’t need to get on a diet. Just stop eating table sugar. Sugar can also attract cancer cells and will grow.
That is how you do it. Because it is hard to stop eating sweets once you are so used to them all these years since a kid.
Tell you what I did to replace sugar since I had to have something sweet. I used honey. which is a natural sugar not processed.
In the face, it also has healing properties that work as an antibiotic. Do me a favor, please stay away from table sugar and use honey instead. Good luck.
What does too much soda do to you?
This is what happened to me when I drank too much soda. I went to the doctor like 3 times already with kidney stones. And my friend that is so painful. It will make you bow down and cramp up all the way to the hospital.
I did not know at the time that sugar will also cause you to have bleeding ulcers. And will also cause kidney failure and stop working.
And you can die if you don’t get it taken care of. I still have not stopped drinking it every once in a while but it sure did make me stop drinking it every day.
I learned to regulate it because of the sugar addiction that I went through. But finally stopped after a while of going cold turkey. I’ll just stick to cranberry juice and apple juice and if I drink tea it will be with honey.
When I drink coffee I use honey now. One spoon will do it. But I do not drink coffee every day either. Remember what I said in my other posts. That too much of anything can and will hurt you.
How Good Is Bottled Water?
Chemical tests will show bottled water to turn yellow because they are acidic. And everyone should know by now that acidic cells are housing for cancer cells to grow. But, alkaline water will turn blue and sometimes purple.
When you drink alkaline water, it is not only good and nutritious for you. But will also help flush out your entire system. You can count on getting better health results, as I have.
When I used to work for Westinghouse, their four filtration systems went for twenty-five hundred, financed. Whew! I knew that was a big rip-off because I promoted five reverse osmosis stages for as little as a hundred.
But recently, I have upgraded a single screw-on faucet type of 5 stages. I also am an affiliate for eBay, where you can get them cheaper through eBay, amongst other items.
Purity System Provides Important Update Information.
Become more involved with searching for new information about the contamination in your area. Many exceed guidelines that are over the limit. And water is getting more contaminated every year.
There is an email wireless weather alert that gives you food recall alerts. It lets you know when there are food recalls, fish, crackers, fruits, and processed food.
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