The Anunnaki Discovery Who are the Anunnaki? Who Is Lilith?

The Annunaki Discovery Who are the Annunaki? Who is Lilith?
The Annunaki Discovery Who are the Annunaki? Who is Lilith?


Anunnaki Discovery Who Are The Anunnaki?

The  annunaki discovery. Who Are The Anunnaki? Who is Lilith? According to the Sumerian tablets found in the 1920s. Which they kept secret from us for a long time.

Anunnaki were the Sumerian gods. That came from the sky. According to the banned book of Enoch from the bible. Lilith was Adam’s first wife. As I have said before, and I will say it again. The government has been keeping deep hard-core secrets from us for thousands of years.

In this article, you will find out why the government had to keep all this a secret. So that we would not turn against them. There are real mad scientists out there working for the government.

Thus, the Anunnaki are from Nibiru according to The Lost Book of Enki. Whom the Sumerians claim to be their Gods. Said to be from the planet “Nibiru. Also, according to The Book of Enoch from the bible.

Adam had two wives the first one was Lilith. Genesis 1:27 And God made both Male and Female. It was later that God pulled Eve out of Adam’s rib after Lilith left him for Satan. Why?

Remember that in the bible it says that Eve said the serpent beguiled me. However, that was not Eve, that was Lilith. Who had Cain and left Adam thinking he was God. She was the one that said she was beguiled by Satan at first.


Book Of Enoch



When King James had the Bible revised. Moreover, the bible scholars that King James hired to revise it, removed a lot of biblical scriptures. Including other biblical scriptures, they did not want us to know about.

The other was The Book of Tobit. That is in the Catholic bible now. Furthermore, as for the fallen angels, they are the aliens as we know them to look right now.

Since they lost their wings and angelic form. And they had a thousand years lifespan now or more. In fact they chose to live in outer space once they built their first flying machine or space ship, UFO.

To go back to planets they used to visit where they knew there were other resources to help them recreate what they lost. And as we all know. If you are living in space for hundreds of years you will soon start looking like them as well.

Because in space there is no gravity. Thus making you lose muscle mass and look like they look like now. Did that make sense? Sure. They used to look like us and living in space made them look weaker and smaller. But their knowledge is far beyond ours because they were angelic at one time.

And you know now that the Nephilim were part angelic. And that is what made them so much bigger and better than us. Men of renown with great strength, and stature, able to lift tons of rock. Guess who built the pyramids? They did.


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In addition, they were living an eternal life. But their sin against god cursed them too. As the snake had to crawl on its belly. So they were not able to transform themselves back into their angelic form.

Therefore, the watchers were no longer able to turn back into their angelic form. So, they became stuck in the flesh. That was after they mated with the women. And all kinds of animals on Earth. This is how the Giant lizard, T-Rex. Plus, all other dinosaurs.

They all became giants, besides the Nephilim. That is something I studied in a documentary. I researched the Project Blue Book as well. The Annunaki were the Sumerian gods that came from the sky.

Most live to be a thousand years old or more. They were the ones according to the Sumerian tablets were the ones who helped create us in God’s image.

On the other hand, the watchers were the 200 of Satan’s angels who also decided to intermingle with the daughters of men. Thus became cursed by God losing their angelic form.

In the book of Enoch, they are called the watchers because they were the ones who watched over us, to serve and protect. But became jealous also and joined Satan in his revolt against God.

They felt that since they were Angels, why would they be serving us? Instead, they want us to serve them and pray to them. But they can die if killed or by accident. like the dead, they found after the alien crash in 1947. That happened in Roswell New Mexico.


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I’ve seen the autopsy video. One of them getting their organs removed. It might have been fake or real. But it came out on YouTube around 2003. Some say it’s a hoax.

But it was a video that leaked out to the public as proof from a whistle-blower. These aliens have already invaded planet Earth thousands of years ago.

Why are people saying they are waiting for the Anunnaki to come back? Some are mistaking the Nephilim giants for the fallen ones. Correction, The fallen ones are the watchers according to The Book of Enoch.

The Nephilim are the sons of the watchers who according to Genesis 6:4. The watchers were the sons of God according to verse 4, not the Nephilim.


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The Nephilim giants were born from the Watchers.  But in the Lost Book of Enki. Humanity’ was created with clay and the blood of a slain God. The slain God was an alien of course.

And I truly believe it. Because it all makes sense why they could not find the missing link. This is saying we are part alien and human. But where did humans come from? As I have said before. They started experiments with animals, human, and their DNA.

Big Foot was one of them. What better missing link would be better than Big Foot? No other looks like a human in the face except Big Foot. I rest my case. We did not come from monkeys.

Big Foot is another one of their experiments from somewhere else. They brought Big Foot to Earth to protect their territory like soldiers would do for ours.


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Thus, this is why Big Foot is considered a God as well. Because he is part alien and human. The Sumerians considered all aliens as gods. But in the Psalms. It says in Psalms: 82:6. I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are the children of the most high.

That means we are gods in the flesh.  However, they said the Annunaki left the Earth and are waiting for their return. They never left!  They subsequently, made the Earth their home. Because it was impossible to back to their planet. After whatever destruction happened to it.


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and made them work hard labor helping to build the temple of God, carving stones.

These aliens were the ones from Mars. Now we are trying to create an atmosphere for Mars in the future. How about that? Sounds kind of fishy huh? As usual, the government is always making secret space mission plans that we have not even been told about yet.

But thanks to whistle-blowers like me slowly but surely it will all get exposed. According to the Zulu tribe’s history. The moon was placed here by the lizard people.  I have also seen hieroglyphics of lizard people shaking hands with the Mayan Indians as well.

Moreover, this to them was their snake, God. They treated aliens like Gods in those days. And formed their dynasty of cultural deities and some became Kings.

Therefore,  the Anunnaki were the ones who taught the Sumerians. How to farm and become a great civilization. Of course, these angels are the watchers according to the book of Enoch. And the reason they banned the book of Enoch from the bible scriptures.

Was because they did not want us to know the truth. The people worshiped them as gods for their incredible knowledge and technological advances.

There are still those who do not believe because they are spiritually blind. And those who do believe with an open mind. Those who do not believe they should keep their boring opinions to themselves.

The Bible speaks of the wicked. And how you will know them by the fruits of the spirit. Because everything that comes out of their mouth is negative and never positive. 

But that does not matter. Because someone has already blown the whistle on the gov. That they Have real live aliens underground sharing their technologies with us. Or should I say with the Gov. We have been left out in the cold? Without knowing, what else is going on?


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And the government has been creating these chemical attacks on America resulting in this pandemic. And now targeting children with the RVS flu.

Where did that come from? Hmmm. Will soon find out the truth and what else they are concocting for our civilization.

Thus pay attention to the news and the sky. Read between the lines sort of speak. Use your intuition and logic. We have the power to figure things out. The ability is there.

However, all we need to do is open our minds. To the understanding of things and comprehend what they are. But that is what God’s curse did to the fallen ones.

For seducing the women of earth against God’s word and his laws. He warned them not to mingle with mankind. It is like putting out a sign “not to step on the grass”.


The Anunnaki Discovery

Like curious children, they did it anyway, to see what it feels like. That is the case on many occasions with people as well. Henceforth transforming them by the curse into what they are now. Into little puny-looking ant people. But their offspring became giants. Called the Nephilim.

Also, they were no longer able to turn back into their angelic form. ‘Remember also that God told the serpent, From” now ‘on will crawl on its belly. ‘This means that the serpent used to have wings. ‘And flew from tree to tree. 

They became stuck in the flesh. And, this is why aliens are so advanced. Working with magnetic electro-magnetic propulsion. As in flying saucers. ‘This would give them the wings they needed to ‘continue from tree to tree.

Have you ever taken two magnets to let them snap together? ‘If you flip them the opposite way, they push against each other? It is what you call reverse polarity.

Now imagine how simple that sounds and it’s not that complicated. “Imagine a motorized magnetic field. Where there is an up and down switch, button. Or; throttle for velocity, speed, and reverse. 

When; they found the alien spacecraft. They reverse-engineered them. ‘Thus, creating their flying saucers. And when I say them, I mean the Government. Now they have done reverse engineering and figured out how to build flying saucers.

‘But, not quite the same. We, do not have a cloaking device, and ours has sound to it. ‘I have seen a video of one already. They have the jet sound to them. But the real alien spacecraft are silent, with no sound. And have the cloak of invisibility.

Then why not build a self-excite magnetic field flying saucer? ‘Of course, the generators would need a little jump start like a battery. Remember how they used to jump-start cars in the 20s? ‘With a tool cranking device, you turned to make the motor jump start.

Even now, to ‘start’ a ‘moto, you need a battery. ‘If you remove the terminal connections from the battery. The car will still keep on running. Would be like pulling the rope on a lawnmower to start it.

Because the alternator generates electricity by itself once started. Even airplanes got jumped started as well.


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By swinging the wings to turn them fast enough to self-start. ‘It will continue to run, like a car ‘running’ without the terminals connected to the battery.

The Annunaki Discovery Who Are The Annunaki? Who Is Lilith? The Annunaki were the Sumerian gods that came from the sky. Thus, It keeps running because of the generator until you run out of gas or turn it off.  However, some of us do not know that you can also run free energy with a car generator and DC motor to self-excite.

All you need is a rope to wrap around the rod and pull to turn the rod fast. And Walla. ‘That is what reverse magnetic propulsion is. ‘Imagine, the Earth is already one big giant magnet.

Another giant magnet on the bottom of a spacecraft would keep it floating. ‘Using the reverse side of its polarity. ‘They’ even invented the flying car in 2006 at a Paris car show. Until they ‘were all finally discontinued. Because of a few accidents. Subsequently, It was not ‘perfected yet. ‘But I bet It cost a pretty penny.


The bottom of the car was one giant magnet platform bed from front to back. ‘With supercharged rocket propulsion. That’s why it sounded like a jet engine when it took off. ‘But at a slow speed because the demonstration was in a showroom.

This is at a fast speed. ‘And’ I will ‘say’ this again. Why? is our government keeping so many secrets from us? This is why. They are all involved in the Illuminati’s secret society to control conquer and confuse like the pyramid on the back of the dollar bill.

It is a talisman that is in the book of King Solomon’s magical seals. As for the Annunaki. They were the angelic army of Satan and because of God’s curse upon them, they were no longer able to return to their angelic form with wings.

This is why they created spaceships. And now you why they look the way they do. Have an open mind before you knock on what I am revealing here. ‘Read on and you will soon get the truth ‘out of it all.


The Book Of Enoch & Giants
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They call them Annunaki. In addition, the aliens were also called the watchers. Described in the Book of Enoch. That was also banned from the bible.

The watchers were the ones who were the sons of God who took human form to mate with men’s daughters. Genesis 6:4. There were giants on the earth in those days. And also, afterward when the sons of God came into the daughters of men.

And bare children to them. Those were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown. Who became pregnant and their children became giants. Called the Nephilim. Someone said that the sons of Anak were from the Nephilim.

Numbers 13:33 There we saw the huge giants (the descendants of Anak that came from the giants), and we were like grasshoppers in our sight, and so we were in their sight.”. The King James version of the bible is that it is a revised version of the original scriptures. And misinterpreted in some parts.

So the descendants of Anak were the Nephilim, not the other way around. Anak is short for Anunnaki. Some people take the bible literary. And cannot see the spiritual interpretation of it.

And the Nephilim were their offspring. So he got it twisted and turned it around. Anak did not come from Nephilim. Anak is short for Annunaki. They misinterpreted the bible because they have no spiritual edification. In other words, they are spiritually blind.

They were the Annunaki. The first Nephilim was from Satan himself. His name was Cain. Abel’s brother. Remember that it says in the bible that Eve said to Adam that God gave her a man-child.

But once again according to the book of Enoch. The one who got pregnant by Satan was Adam’s first wife Lilith. Abel was Eve’s son.


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If Lilith only had a baby, why not say God gave me a baby instead of a man-child? Genesis 1:27 So, God created man in his image. In the image of God created he him male and female created he them.

This means the baby was born and grew at an accelerated rate. And by a few hours or so he became a grown man. The reason why is because he was part angelic and human. He was the first Nephilim. Afterwards in

Genesis 6:1-2 And it came to pass, when the men began to multiply on the face of the Earth, and daughters of were born unto them. That the sons of God saw the daughters of men, that they were fair: and they took them wives of all which they chose.

Genesis 6:4 There were giants in the Earth in those days; and also after that. When the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men. And they bare children to them. The same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.

That is the only explanation for God giving me a man-child. use your logic it’s simple to recognize the difference and know between a baby to a man.

Here is a story I love to read over and over again. That was also banned from the bible. And it is because it contains magical instructions. From the book of Tobit found in the Catholic Bible. The gull of the fish he pulled out of the water that grabbed his leg was to cure his father’s blindness.

And the liver burned as incense to drive the demon out of the bride’s chamber. For Raphael, the archangel to capture the demon and imprison him. The Annunaki Discovery Who Are The Annunaki? Who Is Lilith? The Annunaki were the Sumerian gods that came from the sky.

Here is proof. That we were taught wrong. When they said that magic is evil. But they lied to keep us under control with magic. No, it is the person who gives it a bad name that makes it evil. The same as the love of money is the root of all evil. Not the money itself.

Now you have to remember that around that time the bible was being re-written. it was the time when they were burning witches at the stake. Healers, philosophers, and inventors to them were witches in those days. Subsequently, that is why these scriptures were witchcraft to them. 

Since it was a magical potion. Created for an evil demon. So, he could get caught by the archangel Raphael. Posing as a guide to lead Tobit to his destiny.

The book of Tobit is only in the Catholic bible. Thought I would share that little bit of info with you. About the book of Tobit in the Catholic bible. Okay, let me tell you at least part of the story of Tobit. As I can remember. In those days they would marry within families like cousins and so on.


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And Tobit had a female cousin who had a demon that was possessive over here. And would not let any man have sex with her after marriage. They would fall dead once they entered the bridal chamber.

This was happening to a few other men in her life as well. So, God sent Raphael to protect Tobit from this demon. ‘Because his father sent him to his uncle’s house to marry the damsel in distress. Raphael makes the trip to Media with Tobit.

When Tobit dangled his feet over the river bank. He got attacked by a large fish. Raphael orders him to seize it and remove its gall, heart, and liver. The liver was to be burned as incense. And the gall for his father to receive his eyesight.

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the veiled truths about our ancient history, fallen angels, and Nephilim

Thus, Tobit marries Sarah and uses the fish’s gall to rub into his father’s eyes. To cure his blindness. And the heart and liver to drive Asmodeus out of the bridal chamber. Returning to Nineveh with his wife and his father’s money,

Tobit rubs the fish’s gall into his father’s eyes and cures him. Finally, Raphael reveals his true identity and returns to heaven. Tobit then utters his beautiful hymn of praise.

But, let me let you in on a little secret. I figured out what that fish was that grabbed Tobit by the feet. His legs were dangling in the water by the banks.

When this giant fish grabbed his leg and tried to pull him down. Now if you think about what kind of large fish live around the bottom of the side banks of a river.

It would be a large catfish protecting her eggs of course. They grab children and drown them. There you have it. I speak of the demon Asmodeus in one of my other posts. King Solomon’s Testament. You can read about all 72 demons from the book.


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Thus, I have read the Bible’ almost twice. The second time I stopped on the last book of the Old Testament “Malachi. In the last chapter: ‘4:1. It says. 1. The day of judgment is certain to come.

And it will be like a red-hot furnace, with flames that burn up proud and sinful people as though they were straw. Not a branch or root will be left. I, the lord’ have spoken.

This to me, sounds like a nuclear war. Or getting hit by a comet or asteroid. However, it says in Mathew: That’ all Jesus’s followers came to him and ask when is this going to come to pass. But for those who are ‘God’s’ precious chosen. It will not affect us. ‘We will be ‘protected by God. 

Moreover, Jesus quoted that as it were in the days of Noah. So, will it be before his second coming? The Sumerians tell their story of Noah. Here is one of my videos on YouTube of The First Tablets.

Thus, In the beginning, there was a watery mist in the air that’ was ‘blocking the sun’s rays. There was no summer or winter at that time. Because the Earth had no moon at the time.

And without the moon, we would not have the 4 seasons we have now. It was all a steady cool climate all year round, which I would not mind myself. And there were no animals or humans yet until life began after the moon was placed.

They called it the ‘Earth’s upper atmosphere, the firmament of the sky. Genesis: 1:2. And God said, “Let there be a vault between the waters to separate the water from water. Afterward, the moon was placed in a perfect orbit. To give the night light. Genesis: 1:9.


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The ultraviolet rays from the ‘sun’ in those days would make everything grow bigger. That is why Adam was a very big man around 16 feet tall.

Because the heavy clouds were blocking the sun’s radioactive rays. When everything was created.

They even mingled with the animals and created giant lizards, birds, and reptiles known as dinosaurs, including creatures from the ocean. All these creatures were created by the watchers. Humans were here first. Don’t let them tell you that lie that we came from monkeys either.

Don’t believe that story that dinosaurs were here first then humans. It all happened all at once. After Adam’s creation with Cain being Satan’s son instead of Eve’s. According to the book of Enoch Adam two wives the first one named Lilith.

Lilith was the one who said to Adam. That God gave her a man-child. Why would she say a man-child? Because he grew at an exhilarated speed he grew into a man within hours.

Now you know who created those dinosaurs. The aliens are also known as the watchers. The Grigori angels of Satan. And they were the 200 fallen angels. They joined and revolted against God. And his creation. To replace them with Satan’s race of giants. They were, called the Nephilim.


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It says it in the standard version bible. Genesis: 4:6. The watchers are the sons of God. We are, ‘God’s creation as the sons and daughters of men. The sons of God came down unto the daughters of men. And they seduced the daughters of men.

To take wives for themselves. And God said, “Let the water under the sky will I gathered to one place, and let the dry ground appear. And so it was. God called the dry ground “land”. And the gathered waters seas.

And God saw that it was good. ‘This’ means before the moon and sun were ‘created. The Earth; was void of light. It makes sense. If there is no moon, or if there was a moon at first, there would not be a reflection of the sun.

Since the earth at the time was void of light. Do you know what crossed my mind? What if the moon was not put in place with the Earth at the same time?

It seems that the moon got p; placed at the right spot where the moon cast a perfect eclipse in front of the Sun. I spoke about this in one of my other posts. The moon is hollow. Nasa kept it a secret from us for a long time. 

This is how they found out. They let shuttles of space debris crash into the moon. And they heard a giant bell sound like a giant bong for hours. Thus, declaring it an unnatural satellite, not natural and not solid.

Thus, it would not have rung’ like a bell. And, anything is possible for those who try connecting with the universe as well. There is a thing called being one in all. And all in one. We are capable; of doing that because we are the magi of this Earth.


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We too have gifts and special powers that we do not know of yet. But I do. We ‘are conditioned to not believe in the supernatural. But we also have an inner third eye, that people do not know about it yet.

We have also been told that magic is evil. I have news for you. King Solomon was a great magical wizard of God. You see it is not magic that is evil. It’s the same as the love of money. Magic belongs to God.

All the power we and Satan have belongs to God. So it is the way you use magic. This is why they hid the book of Tobit from you as well. It is in the galactic bible. Not magic itself. I hope you understand what I am talking about.

Just to let you know. In the book of Tobit the archangel Raphael told him to burn the liver of a fish. For Raphael to catch the demon and imprison him. The gallbladder is used to heal his father’s blindness.

Now that is magic most positively. For fighting fire with fire and healing. Read the book of Tobit and you will see that magic was used in the bible as well.

And I will clarify it differently. Let’s say this. If you are a wicked person, you will use it for your gain and destruction because of jealousy and greed.

And this is exactly the reason why King Solomon told his son Roboam, to hide his secrets in his tomb when he passes. Unless you are a good person you would use it for healing purposes and your protection. Ahh. that’s it.

They do not want us to know how to protect ourselves. Because they want to be the only ones using King Solomon’s magical seals. To overpower and control us.

The way they are controlling us is through their geometrical symbols. That they created on the back of the dollar bill. Again I said this in one of my other posts.

The pyramid is a representation of one of King Solomon’s magical seals to confuse and control according to the book of King Solomon’s Key and Magical Seals.

How I know this is because I had the book already for over 40 years. It is a precious piece of writing from King Solomon who gave specific orders to his son Roboam. To hide, his secret key and seals with him when he passes away.


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You see God gave us the power to protect ourselves. But we don’t know about it because all we were taught was math and English. And a bunch of malarkey lies about our history. There is a verse that says God helps those who help themselves.

Arm yourself with the whole armor of God. You have to fight fire with fire when people do these psychic attacks upon you. It is out there,  witches truly exist in the worst way.

There are many wicked people out there using magic for their evil desires. We have to learn how to protect ourselves with prayer and fire. We have to know how to do the good and the bad to protect ourselves. Not to do destruction.

The Bible says to light your candle. That one I will take literally because that is what it meant. They changed the meaning to confuse us. Light a white candle and pray. Nothing wrong with that.

Those who are wicked never live a long life though.  Another verse says give and you shall receive. Take and it shall be taken from you 7 times greater. Wow. It’s like Karma you know. Whatever you do will come back to you. Whether good or evil.

Tell me where do dreams come from? Were we reborn into this world from another past life we had? Given another chance to prove ourselves worthy of God’s acceptance?

You see I know we can’t make it to heaven if we don’t prove ourselves to God. The next level would be the Godhead level. That is something I believe is possible.

There is a verse in the bible that says. In Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ which strengthened me. And Matthew 5:48 Be thou perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect. Only through him can you be perfect. But back to the moon.


The Annunaki Discovery 

It is not a natural satellite, it is an artificial satellite. There are still those that say it is part of the earth. But they found alloy material and minerals there that do not grow on Earth.

So this could not be part of the Earth. This was NASA explaining the minerals and metals and moon dust that they collected.

It is also said that the moon got steered in place by some intelligence. Then there was light at night beside the seasonal climate. It is an artificially made or alien-made structure?

I also heard in a documentary that the moon was placed in perfect orbit between us and the sun. To create the perfect eclipse.

The Zulu people’s history says that they were guided here by the reptilian people. However, I am still studying that topic deeper to gather more information on it.

That’s right I said it. The moon is an artificial satellite. It does not say that in the bible. But later on, discovered by NASA’s second-stage rocket that they let fall onto the surface of the moon.

During the Apollo 12 and 13 mission. And they said it sounded like a large king-size bong or bell. That kept ringing, reverberating for hours. Scientists concluded that the moon is hollow. And the astronauts brought back samples of metal and iron scrapings. From the ground.

The moon dust on their suits had a sulfur smell like gunpowder they said. to them. And was deteriorating the boots like a sandblaster. And their boots were wearing out slowly but surely. They also claimed to have seen UFOs parked nearby. And some flying around before they landed.



In one of my other posts, I did say I wanted to talk about bigfoot and I decided to squeeze it in here somewhere. Here is my point about the missing link. Well, they have been talking about the missing link for years now.

Whoever thought that Bigfoot would be the missing link? Only I would think that. But there might be some out there who think like me.

Let me tell you how I know that Bigfoot is the missing link. I have been searching around for that kind of information. For years trying to learn about the life of bigfoot and where they came from. The females have hair all over their faces, but the males do not have hairy faces. As far as I have seen with my own eyes.

The one I saw in a documentary had a jet-black face, with a certain innocent curious look in his eyes. This is why some people did not shoot at him. Because his face looked so much like a human face, not an ape face.

To me, he looked like an incredible hawk with a majestic look on his entire face. Like looking at some kind of alien angel. But it is part angelic that I am sure of. How else would he disappear out of sight in a blink of an eye? There are some cryptids out there that do the same.

My theory is that there is no other ape that looks more human from the face than Bigfoot”. This is how I know. I saw a documentary video called Discovering Bigfoot.

And it is on YouTube right now if you want to watch it. Let me tell you something. I had never seen his face till I saw the video of him in a close-up shot.

He was like 30 yards from him with a 35 mm. camera zooming right into his face behind the bushes. He was very hard to spot because he was jet-black.

But you can see him through some branches blinking his eyes with curiosity. Thus, the cameraman was laying down camouflage well. Bigfoot was trying to figure out who or what he was while peaking at him through the bushes.

His face was majestic looking. I swear I was looking at a face that looked like “the incredible hawk”.  Even his face was jet black I could see his features and eyes blinking and the large eyebrow and lips. All human-like features.


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To say that we came from chimps or gorillas is an insult to us and them. Bigfoot is a whole lot smarter than Gorillas and has incredible strength and powers. And can vanish without a trace fast. Let me tell you why.

They are alien DNA hybrids. Like Nephilim but with five fingers, not six. This is why we have been blessed with a spiritual awakening. Along with clairvoyant readers, philosophers, prophets, healers esp., etc. Need I say more?

Here is another secret I figured out on my own. Bigfoots were’ placed here by aliens. As guards to protect their territory from intruders. This is why they are so strong.

So I would not doubt it one bit that bigfoot DNA with us resulted in how we look now. Not hairy but partially’ hairy. This was way back at the beginning of the creation when bigfoot existed before humans did.

We must be part alien and bigfoot. Sounds chaotic but to me, that is the only explanation of who the real missing link is.

Adam & Lilith

Back to our story about the beginning. After the creation of man and woman. There is something else we were not told about Adam and his first wife Lilith. Oh, yes, I went there. I have to. It is the truth. 

Also in Genesis: 1:27. So God created man in his image. In the image of God, he created them both: male and female he created them.

He did not yet say. He pulled Eve out of Adam’s rib. That was his second wife. Because Lilith was the one deceived by Satan at first.


Adam’s first  Wife Lilith

To my knowledge. And according to how the bible has been rewritten. The apple sort of thing about the tree of the knowledge of good and evil is false. It was not an apple tree.

Lilith had to have ‘been’ drugged to seduce her. Because it may have been the only way to get her to believe that Satan was God. Because he transformed himself to look like God.

But the drug most likely made him look more beautiful. So that is why she mistook Satan for God. But later it was too late because she became his and like him, evil.

She got infected by God’s curse and became a cannibalistic child eater. Have you ever seen the movie Jeepers Creepers 2? Well, imagine that being her. Snatching kids and people from the ground.

And this is why she told Adam that God gave her a man-child. So it seems like Satan told her he was God. Impersonating God.

When Cain left that morning after he was born he went straight to get the plant she ate. And brought it back to her. With the cocaine leaves on it of course.

So they named him Cain. Again this is my theory but it makes more sense and is more convincing’ to me’ than the apple, story. That means only Satan could have told him about the plant.

Thus, he would be the one to tell him to take it to her as a gift. Now all this is about Lilith being’ written In the Book Of Enoch if you want to read it for yourselves.


The Book Of Enoch

Now you know why Cain killed his brother. Because of Satan’s influence as his father. And of course, Evil was already in his blood. Jealousy, envy, and hate are all part of that evil. The plan to kill off God’s chosen started right there.

However, they revised the bible remember to make it seem like it was Eve. To hide the truth from the people. So remember when it said that Adam was alone? That was after Lilith left him for Satan.

Satan must have had a powerful love spell on her or he gave her the right kind of stuff she kept craving for more. Cocaine! Let me prove why I figured it was cocaine. 

Let’s start at the beginning of the bible about why God told them they would surely die if they ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

Now let’s do some research as to what drug plant can kill you if you eat it. My research goes back a few years to the 70s. When I saw a documentary of the gov. experimenting with monkeys and cocaine.

They put a plate of food on one side of his cage and a plate of cocaine on the other plate. And guess which one he kept going to till he died? Cocaine of course that is the answer I said.

Cocaine will kill you if you do not eat. You would be starving to death without knowing it because it would numb your hunger pains get it? And it being a controlled substance, it is a powerful addictive drug a lot of people have died from already. Need I say more?

Lilith left him to join Satan as her husband. This was her first love and Satan had a powerful spell on her already.

Since that was the first child she had from him. Later she had more I am sure. And of course, he had that kind of power over her at the time before God took his angelic form away from him as well.

Why would she call a baby a man-child and not a baby? Use your logic. It’s simple. The baby was born and grew at such an accelerated speed that by morning he was already a full-grown man.

And came back home with the branch to give to Lilith. Thus this makes him the first Nephilim born from Satan. This is why the rest of the 200 of his fallen angels wanted to do the same thing. Genesis: 6:4. But why was he named Cain?

Think why they named him Caine. Since that is how the bible ‘was revised and translated. Why not cocaine? Use your mind. She had to have eaten from the cocaine plant.


The Annunaki Discovery 

The leaves can ‘be eaten. And will give you the same feelings of irresistible sexual pleasure. I did my research on it of course. So why could not that be the tree of good and evil? Cocaine does kill. Sounds more convincing to me than the freaking apple.

I mean what can an apple do for you besides keeping the doctor away by eating an apple a day? Who made up that one lol. But that is my theory. You do not have to believe it. God works in mysterious ways.

The Knights Templar went underground to defeat their enemies and they succeeded. Not only did they get Leonardo Da Vinci to make up secret geometrical paintings.

Of them being the offspring of Jesus. But also helped in revising the bible for King James. They were the ones who discovered King Solomon’s secret Key and Seals. Including his treasure.

Thus, the Masons used to be the knight Templar. And the Knights Templar claimed to be Jesus’ descendants. Jesus said in Mathew: 24:23-27. Then if any man will say unto you, Lo here is Christ, or there: believe it not.

For there will arise false Christ and false prophets. And will show great signs and wonders. Insomuch that, if it were possible, they would deceive the very elect. 

Behold, I have told you before. Wherefore if they will say unto you. Behold he is in the desert: go not forth: behold, he is in secret chambers: believe it not. For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shinned even unto the west: So, will the coming of the son of man be.

There are two kinds of people everywhere no matter what race they are. Good and evil. The evil is Cain’s descendants. The good is from Abel’s descendants.

That means we are part Anunnaki and Cain’s descendants are part Grigori, the watchers. As for Christ’s descendants that I spoke about, that is another story. Which I am going to get into in the new future in another post.

However, that ‘being said. We must keep an open spiritual eye for things to come and signs of the end. Open your third eye sort of speak. Be not closed-minded. But open-minded to clarify your mind and the false things that we have ‘been taught about history.


The Anunnaki

Moreover in Genesis: 4:1-4. And it came to pass when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them. 2. That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair.

They took them for wives of all which they chose. Verse 4. There were giants on the earth in those days: “Cain’s descendants”. And also, after that. When the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bore children to them.

The same became mighty men who were of old, men of renown. Thus, these are the people who were born with elongated skulls. These giants grew up to 300 cubits. If you check your cubic record. It means that they were around 150 tall.

In addition, these giants ‘were worshiped as Gods and became kings. People also learned their angelic skills to create and build masonic buildings.

The pyramids and so on. Now you know who carried those 90-ton square bricks miles apart from their mountains. They carved those stones. Built magnificent caves and ecosystems. Etc.

The Anunnaki are today’s aliens. , their wings ‘were taken away. Or be able to turn anymore into their angelic form. They ‘are trapped in sin like we are now.

They decided that they would revolt and create their race to get rid of God’s population. And they were also eating people. They had a thirst for human blood. I remember the storybook of Jack and the beans stock. Fee-Fi-Fo-Fum, I smell the blood of an English man.

So that much is true I see. Seems like the myths and so-called stories of the Titans are true. There were also giant Cyclops skeletons found in India.

Moreover, my whole point in this is to wake up spiritually blind people. Get them out of confusion and into the reality of the truth.

They cannot keep this a secret any longer.

The truth will leak out eventually. And, will be getting exposed. The truth will be revealed saith the lord. And in due time his chosen will receive spiritual dreams and visions and revelations to come. In turn, God will make them prophets as well.

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