God’s Chosen You Must Wake Up

God's Chosen You Must Wake Up

God’s Chosen You Must Wake Up

It is time for God’s powerful chosen ones to wake up. What I am about to tell you in this blog might astound you, because it is all true. If you believe in God, this is for you to read.

If you do not believe in God then you do not have to read this page, just move on because this will probably not make any sense to you.

But if you open your mind you can see through the veil, we all were born with like the bible says.

Which speaks literally but has a spiritual meaning on top of that. It is called a spiritual discernment that we all have in us that we need to wake up.

1 Peter 2:5 SaveYe also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ.

Many times, I have come across people who think the same things I do.

Why because we are birds of feathers. We came from the same group of people from the beginning of creation. We are Christ’s offspring. God’s chosen.

So many times, I was thinking about something that someone else was thinking about in the same way. More than one other persons are thinking the same thing I am thinking.

It could also be called birds of a feather that flock together but with good intentions.

You will know when the time comes what you are meant to do. If you are God’s chosen you will know it when you open your eyes to the brim reality of what this world is truly about.

And what it means to God for you to change it for him. Why? Because this is a test. To see if you can wake up your godly powers to serve him. Psalms 82:6 I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.

What is this you may say? Coincidence? No, my friends, it is your inner power of the knowledge of God that is already in you.

Which has you in line with nature itself. And many others think like you do. We are all a group of people that are God’s powerful chosen.

When you wake between the hours of 2 3 and 4 am. You are the most powerful ones on this Earth. That have a deep connection with God even before birth.


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God knew you in another past and age and perhaps you were an angel of God at first. Jeremiah 1:5 Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations. We are born with invisible wings.

I have experienced it and heard about this elsewhere. And believe me, I thought I was the only one that thought this way.

My friends. You are not alone. We are all connected to the spiritual realm of God’s awakening. When you are the most powerful one of God. You were chosen for a special purpose before your birth.

Let me tell you a secret. I have known this since I was a child. I was sick did not eat for a week and fever of a hundred and 5 the doctor said.

He told my mother I was going to die if she did not take me to the hospital, but my mother had no way to take me.

So, I saw her go to her bedroom to pray. I knew she was praying for some reason. I was 5 years old. I knew only about God. My mother did not know Jesus and neither did I.

But guess what my friends? Here is what I thought to myself just now. You don’t have to know Jesus to pray to God. But I do not regret meeting him in the near future either.

Jesus is love and his holy spirit demonstrate that so great it is over whelming sometimes when he comes to you. you can feel his presence no doubt.

But back to the time I almost died. All I could see was me going back into a tunnel and the walls were caving in on me.

And I finally realized I was going to die. So, I started to pray out of the blue I didn’t even know how to pray. But my friends.

You don’t have to know how to pray to talk to God and he will still hear you. And prove to you he is there for you again without a doubt.

I said, God, if you are real and you hear me, save me and I will serve you for the rest of my life. Now how did I know how to say that?

It is the inner power that is in all of us to come out to confront our challenges.

My spirit knew this. And all answers come from the subconscious mind. You can only obtain answers through solitude and deep contemplation in the sprit.

This why most of God’s people and chosen ones are alone. Not because we are antisocial, not because we have nothing to do. But take time to be zealous for God’s guidance to help you face your challenges.


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I fell out or died like the enemy wanted me to. I knew it was an evil spirit or the devil himself coming for me because he had already came for me one night flapping his wings on top of my roof when I was five years old.

This tells me now that he did not want me to live because he knew I was God’s chosen to expose the lies with truth.

But the next morning I woke up out of bed, jumped out of bed smelling bacon eggs, and sat on the table. My mother told me to get back in bed because I was sick. That’s right Mom, I was sick but now I am alright.

My friends, there are more like me out there that are going through similar things like I have been going through. Because they are God’s chosen as well. Waiting to discover their inner most powerful strength that God has given you over death.

God has given me the power of resurrection. This is why I say this. Because I have already died and come back to life during my lifetime 6 times and came back from the dead.

Even from visiting my uncle in his grave and he told me it’s time to go back God is not ready for me, so I came back. See God gave me this gift and the gift of healing. Including power over the devil himself. This is why he tells me I owe him my power because it belongs to him through a mediums voice. I told him sorry dude but NOT!

Your power belongs to God and you used it for all the wrong reasons. But I used mine for the right reasons and that is why you are jealous of it. Because it is greater then yours because of the right reasons.

 Have you ever seen a place and thought Hmmm. I saw this place before. When did I see this place? My friends, you were in another body at another time in the past. It could have also been a vision or a dream. But most likely you I mean all of us have lived in another past life and we just keep coming back. Why?

We are God’s warriors and there is no dying for us. We have eternal life believe it we are protect from death it’s self. once I spoke to the grim reaper in my dreams.

And I said sorry dude you are at the wrong door lol and woke up. For real I have had many weird dreams in my past life and visions of the future that came true 6 months later. Like the world trade centers. I have a post on that one too.

My friends, we are God’s chosen even from another past life. He knew you before you and chose you before you were born. Like God’s chosen in the past like sages, prophets, healers and magical mastery of the arts to control demons and fold time.

My brothers and sisters in Christ. You are chosen to follow the path to make a difference in this world. To help and uplift others and show them they can make it if they keep trying and never give up.

You are meant to fight back the evil forces of the darkness of this world. And to expose secrets untold to keep us in confusion.


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Here is another experience I had recently this past July. And this is the reason it took me so long to come back to write to you. 8 months. First, it was osteoarthritis that started in January.

And in July I was crossing the street on my bicycle with 2 gallons of gas for my generator on each side of the handlebars.

When all of a sudden out of the corner of my eye was a truck’s grill looking at me. I said oh no!

And bam. A red truck hit me, running, the red light. My handlebar’s brake was mashed into my right hand as it and my hand and arm went into the grill while the bumper hit me on the right leg. I then just that quickly bounced up into the air.

The bike was dangling into my knees, legs, and ankles in the air as it was doing a double flip. And finally, I did a Kungfu fall I was taught at a young age. Thank God I knew how to fall sideways.

And I knew how to do quick thinking like knowing I could maneuver the bike into a full and a half gainer. Like I learned how to when I was young. You never forget what you learn when you was young. I was flying in the air like I just dove a high diving board and I did quick thinking I mean quick.

I stretched my hand out while my left before the other brake mashed my left hand, I took it out stretching it to protect my head by slapping the street for brakes, and skidded 5 more feet on the street. I was 40 feet away from the intersection where I was hit at. I am supposed to be dead.

My friends The truck ran into me doing 40 to 45 miles per hour, running the red light.  I Flew 30 feet into the air and slammed hard on the street.

Damaging all of my joints from shoulder hips knees, angles feet hands wrists, ribs, and my back was twisting in the air I bent my sit downwards to the right. Yes my body was thrown up in the air with that much force. I got banged up by the E-bike like a rag doll. It’s made out of hard steel.

But I held on solid tightly to the bike. I knew the bike would also break my fall a little. Oh, the sit of the bike did turn to the right and facing down where my body was twisting on impact. Doing a two and a half full gainer in the air.

After hitting the street I still skidded 5 feet more after a complete stop. Deep scratches on hand, elbows both hips and purple bruises on my knees, ankles and the left hand that hit the street first. 

The second flip was where my body hit the street. My head missed the street on that second flip. It was a 2 and a half gainer in the air my friends.

I remember I use to do that diving off the diving board when I was young. I use to be a flying fish. I loved going to the pool. All that experience kicked in to break my fall.

After I stopped skidding, I gently pulled myself out from underneath the bike and stood right back up trying to lift my bike out of the road in shock the gas made my feet slip to fall when someone else helped me by holding me up.

My friends I was so messed up I could not move too much from bed except to go to the door to pick up a pizza delivery for 2 weeks. The doctor would give me any pain medicine just a pain shot. But I managed by taking my supplements. Golden Revive.


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