The Dangers Of Tap Water

The Dangers Of Tap Water

The Dangers Of Tap Water

The Dangers Of Tap Water

How dangerous is tap water? Tap water is known as hard water. And thus, it contains more than a hundred contaminants.

Therefore tap water is not clean. The city water treatment centers use chemicals to clean their water.

This means the water is not as safe as they claim it is. In addition, they add chlorine, alum, and other chemicals to the sewage water. To recycle it and send it back to our pipes to drink. That’s nasty yuk. 

Would you drink water full of chemicals? Well, this is what they add to the sewage water to clean it. Chemicals like alum will whiten the water. Therefore, alum is aluminum. Melted down with sulfuric acid. This would explain most of the aluminum in the water.


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However, you will still be drinking contaminated water. With chlorine, fluoride, and other chemicals. Thus, boiling your water will most likely kill bacteria. Thus, the bacteria will remain dead in the water.

However, those little screw-on filters. Are not good enough to filter out water. Because it does not remove contaminants.

The tiny screen will only get rusty. And get a copper chemical taste that it will leave in the water. In addition, the rest of the metals and chemicals that tap water has.

Thus, you may have heard that there are many benefits of alkaline water. It can regulate your body’s pH. level and prevent chronic diseases like cancer.

Besides its ability to neutralize the acids in your body. And will remove any acidic cells that are housing for cancer cells to grow. Therefore, This is why our body needs to get the proper nourishment. From alkaline water. ‘For better functionality.

However, If you must get a screw-on filter. Get the five-stage reverse osmosis system all in one screw-on filtration system. That has all five filters built into one. And easy to screw onto your faucet.

Therefore, it is much better to own your water purification system. In ‘addition, it will help with your digestive system.

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Bottled Water Is No Longer Safe To Drink

Subsequently, BPA is supposed to be safe, according to the FDA. And the news said that it is not safe to drink bottled water if left in a hot car. Or in a hot storage area. If you research, you can find out which grocery store is the safest.

Thus, they are most likely the ones with air conditioning in the back stocking dep. ‘In addition, they have all the goods and meat come in the back door. ‘You can always google it and find that out as well.


Therefore, If your stomach gets upset from drinking that water. Go to the doctor or emergency if you must. ‘Imagine; how long it takes for these plastic bottles of water to get delivered. From across the country without air-conditioning.

There will be a BPA leakage in the summertime for sure. Be careful what you drink, what you eat, and where you buy your food; ‘Some people care about their health.


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However, some people are blind to the truth. For instance. My father passed away at a young age. He was only 69. And he did not care about taking care of his health. I tried to help him with advice. But he ‘was already set in his ways.

And he would say we all got to die of something someday anyhow.

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But to no avail, my dad ate whatever he wanted to eat. Eating pecan nut ice cream before bedtime. And he had diabetes. Furthermore, he also had high blood pressure. And wanted my mother to add more salt to his eggs.


Moreover, the doctor also said. He died of a heart attack from too much cholesterol. So, what can I say? May he rest in peace. But we all have a ‘choice. To make sure we stay in optimizable good health.

However, there is no reason why” you should not ask Google any questions. What you may want to search for about healthy foods ext.

Make sure you drink at least the proper amount of water a day. And try not to overwork yourself. Overthinking and worrying can bring stress to your mind and body.

Thus, the bottled water will turn yellow because of its acidity; in most cases, all bottled water is acidic. Thus, alkaline water will turn either purple or light blue.



In addition, I have seen bottled water stacked outside a grocery store in the heat. The water is no longer suitable to drink. Because it is most likely ‘contaminated by the overheating conditions. And it will melt the BPA leaks into the water.

BPA was safe by the FDA’s approval. Yet, recent research has found it to be cancerous to your health. Furthermore, it will give you cancer once it leaks into your water. If you keep drinking that kind of water, you will get cancer.  

However, we do not know how long these plastic bottles have been hanging around. Whatever length of time in the heat or a hot storage area. It could turn deadly to the elderly, who are more susceptible because of their age. Their immune systems aren’t as strong as when they were young.


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Bones get fragile, muscles weaken, and your immune systems decrease as you age. But you can still exercise and stand a chance of living a healthier life and having a steady immune system for the rest of your life.


Furthermore, there should be a rule for all grocery stores not to stock water outside in the heat. Or canned foods outside in the heat because of overstocking. Drinking out of these bottles of water is not safe at all.


Reverse Osmosis Water Purifiers

In addition, reverse osmosis water purification systems are outstanding. And will save you money from buying bottled water ever again.

‘Because you deserve the best quality water for you, your family, and your business. Not only is alkaline water suitable for drinking, but it can also be great for washing your vegetables.

Showering it in a bath with alkaline water will leave your skin smooth. Some people use soft water. I use alkaline water for drinking, washing vegetables, cooking, and washing dishes. Life is short; why not live it up and spoil yourself? You owe that much to yourself and your family.


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I blog about water purification and the dangers of drinking tap water. I also blog about the gov. lying to us about our past history. Columbus did not discover America. And Adam had 2 wives. Read more.

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    thee internet without my permission. Do yoou know
    any techniques to help reduce content from being ripped
    off? I’d genunely appreciate it.

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  59. No, I do not run into any plagiarism because I know how to generalize what I hear and read. It is best to use your own words to avoid copyright lawsuits and getting banned from social media. You must be creative. Google wants to see originality if you are aiming for Google Adsense ads on your page as I have on some of my other websites like this one>> I do my best not to use even my own very words that would be considered duplicates. When you write just pretend you are writing an essay and go back to see if you made any mistakes in spelling and grammar. It requires a lot of practice but if you are not one that gives up easily you can make it happen. Be proud of your own content and no one else because you created it originally. When you say others had copied your content they won’t feel good about themselves.
    They are cheating themselves because it won’t get indexed by google and they will not be making any money from it either. But there is one thing you can do is get a copyright lawyer to file a copyright lawsuit. It’s your original content and no one else content. That is what being a super affiliate marketer is all about. This is for everyone else. Revise what you read, and create your own beautiful content. Most people don’t realize they have the brain power to do this they are just not trying hard enough. I hope I explained this well enough for everybody to know that it is extremely important to be a master at writing content. Master it as much as you can. Practice, practice, and practice. It’s like Bruce lee for instance.
    He practiced every day til he because a super fast master of martial arts. And we can be masters of writings as well. Practice and re-read your content to always make it better looking and readable to attract your audience’s attention. Blog about your experiences too. There is nothing wrong with creating your own book on a website about your life experiences. If you have so much to talk about putting it in writing. If you have a complaint about global warming put it in writing. If you went through a hard time in life and finally survived the worst part of it. Put it in writing. But as far as others copying your content and sharing it. It is obvious they will not make it far because google will not index them for copyright.

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  66. The only way to reduce such content stealing is if you find a copyright lawyer and sue them for copyright and they will either stop or get a lawsuit that will result in thousands of dollars.

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    usually wasfed just trying tto figure out how to begin. Any recommendations or hints?

  69. Well to tell you the truth I started off the same way. Having to think about what you are going to write can be challenging if you have nothing to write about. Sure it going to take time to figure out what you want to write about. But that is part of what writing is all about. Take your Write about a challenge you had in the past and now you have conquered or recovered from it. Try to write about yourself, and what you do. What you know. Or topics people like to hear or talk about. You can add both topics and your experiences. It’s like writing an essay or magazine. There is always something to write about. Sometimes I’m watching a show on the tv. And a wonderful thought pops into my mind. Certain topics bring other certain memories and stuff you read about in your past or gone through. Or pick a subject and do some research on it without copying anyone else’s content. Revising what you read or hear in general is the best way. Do what is called a brainstorm. Hope that was a little helpful for you

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  77. I tried clearing my mind and it did not work. What worked for me was thinking of brainstorming topics that people have not heard about or like to hear or read. And it helps to add your experience of things in there as well according to what the topic is. Try even blogging about your life experience. Overcoming a sickness or an infection or corona is one of them. Good luck.

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  139. Hi, Mary, nice to meet you. Like I was telling someone else who asked the same question. You have to relax and let it come to you. I have learned when you keep stressing for answers or ways to write something. You are doing just that. You are worrying too much and stressing yourself too much. I have learned to relax and take my time with what I am going to write about. It’s like a light bulb. Once it turns on you got it. It will come to you naturally like it was meant for you to write about. Remember that haste makes waste. As far as the theme is concerned it came with my hosting provider and WordPress made it easy at Wealthy Affiliate. I took advantage of the free 7-day video lessons on how to build your website. And the offer still stands.

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  441. The theme I use is from WordPress. There are all kinds of unique themes in there that can look like mine as well and even better if you know where to look. Good luck.

  442. As long as you don’t copy my content and clam it to be yours no problem. I had others ask me the same thing. One thought they could copy and paste my content on their website to steal traffic from me and get index and it had to be taken down by the DMCA. So be careful and use your own words please. It is okay to put out my website anywhere you want though. You can share my links anywhere. Or add them to your website if you want. Good luck.

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    My advice for first bloggers is to start by blogging about your experiences. Like witting a book or magazine. Do research and find more things to write about. Many people wright about global warming and what is actaully causing it. I say it was the nuclear bombs testing’s all over the world once every body got their hands on it. And that is what busted a hole into the ozone layer and blaming it on green house gasses. Another thing after you write up your first page don’t worry about any mistakes till you come back and read it again. And correct your mistakes. Keep coming back to see what you can add or forgot to add to your posts. I hope this helped a little. One more thing first time bloggers. Never copy and paste any one’s content because it is plagarism. As in copyright and your website can be taken down by the DMCA. Good luck.

  463. I guess you realize it was not written by him. You are right it is my content. All he did was copy and paste it on his site. Which is not a very nice thing to do. He needs to use his own words or the DMCA will take his site down.

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